Last Longer plz. Not sure why BUT hey ho even a blind squirrel etc.
Q for guests, WHO would you prefer playing HU cash against..... Orford or Tikay?
P.S. Mrs. wants to know was Stu Rutter not available!! ;-) & why I was watching as there were no ladies on the sofa and I don't play cash! I know I've NO idea how she knew I don't play cash!!
hi guys great show so far very interesting. just a quick thank you to rich for my free entery into tonights main event. it was a nice surprise when i went to register for it and i was already registered
o and while im on the subject of the main event last longer please
when did you go pro, and what made you decide to go pro? did you give up a job? and what sort of BR did you start out your pro career with? what levels were you playing?
related to that, how did you get involved in other poker related work (tv, magazines, websites etc)
Could part of the reason that Ashton called with queen high be that he knew he was losing, but wanted the information, and he was willing to pay to find out? He wouldn't necessarily find out what hand he was losing to had he folded, and that information could stand him in good stead in future hands.
Afternoon all, Got a good 'un for you tonight. Something a little bit different. And if you've been enjoying our live Cash Game series, you're going to love this. THE CASH GAME: RELOADED If you remember, at the end of Season 2 I hosted a show which was dedicated to looking back at the highlights of that series with two of the players who took part in it: Redmond Lee and Neil Channing. It made for one of our most popular shows ever with, for the first time ever, a unique opportunity to get the thoughts of each of the players involved in a hand as it plays out. There is nowhere else you can see this. It's kind of like the director's commentary on the DVD extras of a film. All the commentary from the actual show will be removed and we'll take live commentary from the boys in the studio. Well, tonight- we do it again! This time with THREE of the players! On the couch with me will be Ross Jarvis, Sam Grafton and Simon Hemsworth . They'll be looking back at the Cash Game Season 3 which has just finished airing on Sky Sports. And you can see it here . We'd love you to take part in this show as well. So please post your... QUESTIONS FOR THE LADS! Any Cash Game questions? Any general questions ? The best one s will get a seat into next Tuesday's Turbo Open. We might take some Mastercash hands tonight as well, depending on time, so feel free to send your requests in. But don't worry, we're still going to run our... TURBO TUESDAY LAST LONGER COMPETITION! So post your interest in that below- the winner will get a free seat into Thursday's Sky Sports Bou nty H unter. See you at 7! :-) Posted by RICHORFORD
hi rich hi guys loving the cash table, I love cash tables played the £2.20 deepstack had aces smashed by k 8 whats the best way 2 play aces speak soon
Question for Ross. I,m also a subsciber of his magazine and was wondering if there were any plans for the PP tour coming to the North West in the coming season
In Response to Tonight's live show special: THE CASH GAME RELOADED with Rich, Ross and guests Sam Grafton and Simon Hemsworth (PLUS TURBO TUESDAY LAST LONGER COMP-POST YOUR ENTRY INSIDE) : hi rich hi guys loving the cash table, I love cash tables played the £2.20 deepstack had aces smashed by k 8 whats the best way 2 play aces speak soon Posted by QueenKiz
would ov loved a seat into 2nights tourney or thurs lol
just a quick thank you to rich for my free entery into tonights main event. it was a nice surprise when i went to register for it and i was already registered
o and while im on the subject of the main event last longer please
to call makes it even weird why would u wanna call when ya on tv and its going to be a talking point just fold
Enjoying the show
Question for Ross. I,m also a subsciber of his magazine and was wondering if there were any plans for the PP tour coming to the North West in the coming season