In Response to Re: THURS NIGHT LIVE SHOW WITH JEN MASON AND FOWLER 7PM CH861 ****OFFICIAL SHOW THREAD****: if it's quantity that you are after AIPF by A nna I ’m a P resenter F owler TPTK by T he P lo8 T yrant K endall ROTFL by R ichard O rford T he F ish L eader Just Saying by J ules S owa Cash Slayer by S arah C hampion ATC by A nna, T ikay & C hampion The SPT by Ryan SP i T tles Heads-Up by James H artigan & Stu U ngar Check / Call the Opening Pair by C arlos C itrone with the O range P eel SPR by S tuart “ P ” R utter I folded Jacks in the Main event by J en M ason Posted by GELDY
Debating football, DYMs and becoming a parent with Jac35
and yes Anna, that is safe to read out, even if it doesn't make sense to anyone other than myself & Jac (and Jen of course, although she won't know the context unless she is a more avid reader of the forum than she should be, being such a busy person)
Sl**wat*r: How to fold your way to Heads Up Gazza12:How to put it all on Red and Win Craigcu, Beware of limper isolation! Me: How to lose an MTT 1 hand at a time Jac35, Who's the Daddy TK, Concrete and stations For the Win scotty77, Pearly Whites, How to shine at poker Posted by LARSON7
In Response to Re: THURS NIGHT LIVE SHOW WITH JEN MASON AND FOWLER 7PM CH861 ****OFFICIAL SHOW THREAD**** : Oh mate, you really know how to play this game don't you? Posted by YOYOY
AIPF by Anna I’m a Presenter Fowler
TPTK by The Plo8 Tyrant Kendall
ROTFL by Richard Orford The Fish Leader
Just Saying by Jules Sowa
Cash Slayer by Sarah Champion
ATC by Anna, Tikay & Champion
The SPT by Ryan SPiTtles
Heads-Up by James Hartigan & Stu Ungar
Check / Call the Opening Pair by Carlos Citrone with the Orange Peel
SPR by Stuart “P” Rutter
I folded Jacks in the Main event by Jen Mason
Lipstick, Stilettos & Short Skirts: Girl Power on the Felt
Written by Sarah Champion, Anna Fowler, and Jen Mason
if it's quantity that you are after AIPF by A nna I ’m a P resenter F owler TPTK by T he P lo8 T yrant K endall ROTFL by R ichard O rford T he F ish L eader Just Saying by J ules S owa Cash Slayer by S arah C hampion ATC by A nna, T ikay & C hampion The SPT by Ryan SP i T tles Heads-Up by James H artigan & Stu U ngar Check / Call the Opening Pair by C arlos C itrone with the O range P eel SPR by S tuart “ P ” R utter I folded Jacks in the Main event by J en M ason
Posted by GELDY
Folding Through the Generations (now with black and white pictures!)
Written by Tikay Kendall
This Gazza12 looks like a pure gambler to me!
Lucky im nothing like him.
How to Offend the World Without Even Trying
Written by Joe Stapleton
Stalking Slipwater
Written by Liv Boeree
More fool you. lol
Less of that.
'If in doubt, move all in.'
My One Hundred and Sixty Buy-in Downswing - Hand by Hand
Written by Lambert180
Look Pet, No Tan Lines!
Written by Carlo Citrone
By Slipwater.
I ain't done you!
Great show. I think a good name for a book on poker would be " 4 card straight" by Richard Orford.
From Sue
How many people looking for a poker book would find my literary brilliance at the top of their google search list?