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    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed : Hey, Tbh i'm very happy with the team as is atm. We are all getting on great and i don't feel we Need to grow more just yet so its closed doors. Plus.... you just played DTD for Hitsquad on Monday didn't u?.... Gotta be a no
    Posted by TASHAL

    No problem, totallty understand.  Yeah I was HitSquad. Indy now.

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    edited June 2014
    in tashal we trust x
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    edited June 2014

    Dam.....I was just about to put my transfer request in to join the outcasts...

    Joking apart.....good luck all outlaws. Watch out for them cowboys though!

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    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    Dam.....I was just about to put my transfer request in to join the outcasts... ☺ Joking apart.....good luck all outlaws. Watch out for them cowboys though!
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Thanks Maxally, maybe in the future it could be possible. You're obviously a great player. Also thankyou for the gl. I don't even mind you continuing the outcast jokes you know, all friendly banter eh....


    All joking aside, if we ever do meet i am gonna be sorely tempted to waste beer.... ;)
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    edited June 2014
    It's Back Super6 for the world cup ;')
    If you played last season I've re-opened the league so you should be in there automatically, for the rest of you use the link below. It's free to enter use your sky bet/poker account to log in with the added bonus of at least £50 worth of sky poker seats to be won will confirm prizes before the wc
    Good luck all
    Hi, I've created a private league at Soccer Saturday Super 6 for the new football season. Do you fancy your chances against me? Join the league now:
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    edited June 2014
    not been on a great deal recently due to work, but been hearing about the new team outlaws, you's have awesome group of players and I wish you all the success in your ventures
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    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    not been on a great deal recently due to work, but been hearing about the new team outlaws, you's have awesome group of players and I wish you all the success in your ventures
    Posted by scwuffy54
    Cheers mate
    We've also got hhyftrftdr in the team. Which is nice
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    edited June 2014
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    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    Funny guy eh.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
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    edited June 2014
    World Cup Super6 
    I am now in a position to let everyone know the prize format for the comp. Thanks to Tikay the prize pool is £66 worth of seats which will be awarded as follows
    1st Player who scores most points £33 Thursday Main Seat
    2nd Player who's 2nd in points £11 Turbo Tuesday main seat
    3rd Player who's 3rd in points £11 mini roller seat
    4th & 5th you get the picture, dtd seats or if they don't play a mini seat upto the vaule of £5.50

    I was going to do top score in a round, most correct scores or most correct results but as the world cup is a short run thing the likelyhood of a tie seems very high with over a 100 runners so I have decide on a Top 5 pay out

    Best of luck 

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    edited June 2014
    Right Guys last day to get in my World Cup Super 6 comp with some great Sky Poker seats up for grabs wouldn't want anyone to miss out ;')
    Join the league now:

    Good luck 
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    edited June 2014
    Congratulations on the new team.

    Just a quick question, is the team in any way related to the Outlaws biker gang? If so then I respectfully confirm that you are the best team ever, I will never attempt to join another team and will always support the Outlaws in any way I can whilst recognising that I will never, ever, be worthy of even being considered for membership.

    I value my kneecaps and life far too much.

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    edited June 2014

    Told you i had 88 :-))
    tomgoodun Small blind   150.00 150.00 6410.00
    Sir-Gary Big blind   300.00 450.00 7990.00
      Your hole cards
    • 8
    • 8
    Matt237 Fold        
    TASHAL Raise   600.00 1050.00 7690.00
    toffee111 Fold        
    VespaPX Raise   1200.00 2250.00 4080.00
    tomgoodun Fold        
    Sir-Gary Fold        
    TASHAL Call   600.00 2850.00 7090.00
    • Q
    • K
    • 2
    TASHAL Check        
    VespaPX Bet   1425.00 4275.00 2655.00
    TASHAL Fold        
    VespaPX Muck        
    VespaPX Win   2850.00   5505.00
    VespaPX Return   1425.00 0.00 6930.00
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    edited July 2014
    Official Team List 09/07/14

    Natasha Cooper (Capt)  -  TASHAL
    Lisa Reynolds (Vice Capt)  -  lisar83
    Andy Hollingswowrth (Admin)  -  lcfcfan14
    Samantha Bottomley  -  samantha25
    Doh Dohhh  -  DOHHHHHHH
    Paul Jackson  -  Jac35
    Jonathon Barnett  -  hhyfrtftdr
    Nicholas Cleaton  -  xtortion8
    Dan Williams  -  danwill701
    Sylvia Hewitt  -  stormxlola
    Paul Rigby  -  TENTENTEN
    David Glover  -  DARK4NIGHT
    Pati Gallacher  -  mrs_balti
    Jon Greetham - jondabar
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    edited July 2014
    welcome outlaw jules

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    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    welcome outlaw jules
    Posted by TENTENTEN
     cheers Paul, good to be part of a small but perfectly formed team :-)
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    edited August 2014
    Hi all

    Hope to be a central part of the team.

    Who supplies the beer?

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    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    Hi all Hope to be a central part of the team. Who supplies the beer? Paul
    Posted by MrWh1te
    Welcome paul!

    Happy to have ya on board :)
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    edited August 2014
    welcome outlaw mr white
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    edited August 2014

    TEAM LIST 30/07/14


    Natasha Cooper (Capt)                 -           TASHAL                    

    Lisa Reynolds (Vice Capt)           -           lisar83                      

    Andy Hollingsworth (Admin)       -           lcfcfan14                 

    Samantha Bottomley                    -           samantha25                       

    Doh Dohh                                         -           DOHHHHHHH                  

    Paul Jackson                                  -           Jac35                                   

    Jonathon Barnett                           -           hhyftrftdr                

    Nicholas Cleaton                            -           xtortion8                  

    Dan Williams                                    -           danwill701               

    Sylvia Hewitt                                    -           stormxlola               

    Paul Rigby                                       -           TENTENTEN          

    David Glover                                    -           DARK4NIGHT         

    Pati Gallacher                                  -           mrs_balti                  

    Jon Greetham                                 -           jondabar                 

    Jacob Waller                                    -           jnwaller                     

    Paul White                                        -           MrWh1te                 

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    edited August 2014
    Super 6 comp please all join ;')
    Hi guys I'm running a comp for the new season for which sky are knindly donating some prizes, well I say some more like 50ish
    There are weekly, monthly and end of season prizes to be won from dtd seats to the super roller!!
    All you need to enter  are your sky poker login details and this link

    Best of luck and please do share ;')
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    edited August 2014
    It's finally here, the footy season starts tomorrow ;') You have until 3pm today to reg for this weeks seat comp in the super 6, Good luck all and thanks for playing.

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    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    Congratulations on the new team. Just a quick question, is the team in any way related to the Outlaws biker gang? If so then I respectfully confirm that you are the best team ever, I will never attempt to join another team and will always support the Outlaws in any way I can whilst recognising that I will never, ever, be worthy of even being considered for membership. I value my kneecaps and life far too much.  
    Posted by Enut
    Hi Enut :)

    Apologies for the late response. No, we are not related to any biker gangs unfortunately :(


    If you did ever want to join we'd be happy to have ya x
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    edited August 2014
    Sod that, let's all get bikes, that would be way cool.

    The most successful team member could buy them all.

    Do we have anyone like that, maybe someone who won 2 out of 2 or something?
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    edited August 2014
    great dtd night for team outlaws wd guys & glas x
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    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed : Hi Enut :) Apologies for the late response. No, we are not related to any biker gangs unfortunately :(.  Still... If you did ever want to join we'd be happy to have ya x
    Posted by TASHAL
    I don't know whether I would be much of an asset to be honest, I certainly can't put in the volume of some players and can rarely commit to playing certain days (such as regular Mondays when the DTD plays) due to work and other commitments. However if you are happy to have me with those provisos then please feel free to add me and I will happily be an Outlaw. 



    Paul Tune AKA Enut
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    edited August 2014

    TEAM LIST 12/08/14


    Natasha Cooper (Capt)                 -           TASHAL                    

    Lisa Reynolds (Vice Capt)           -           lisar83                      

    Andy Hollingsworth (Admin)       -           lcfcfan14                 

    Sam Bottomley (Vice Capt)          -           samantha25                       

    Doh Dohh                                         -           DOHHHHHHH                  

    Paul Jackson                                  -           Jac35                                   

    Jonathon Barnett                           -           hhyftrftdr                

    Nicholas Cleaton                            -           xtortion8

    Sylvia Hewitt                                    -           stormxlola               

    Paul Rigby                                       -           TENTENTEN          

    David Glover                                    -           DARK4NIGHT         

    Pati Gallacher                                  -           mrs_balti                  

    Jon Greetham                                 -           jondabar                 

    Jacob Waller                                    -           jnwaller                     

    Paul White                                        -           MrWh1te
    Michael Hinde                                  -          Shakinaces
    Paul Tune                                         -           Enut
    Dan Williams                                   -           danwill701
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    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed : I don't know whether I would be much of an asset to be honest, I certainly can't put in the volume of some players and can rarely commit to playing certain days (such as regular Mondays when the DTD plays) due to work and other commitments. However if you are happy to have me with those provisos then please feel free to add me and I will happily be an Outlaw.  Cheers Paul Paul Tune AKA Enut
    Posted by Enut
    In that case a Huge welcome to Outlaws! Shall pm ya and we'll sort :)
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    edited August 2014

    hiya natasha, just thought id give skypoker ago and looking to be part of the team.
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    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    hiya natasha, just thought id give skypoker ago and looking to be part of the team.
    Posted by PHILIVEY01

    Check your PMS dude.

    Tasha x
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