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    edited August 2014

                                        inboxed you
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    edited August 2014
    looks like we have a real pro in our team yo go team outlaws lol
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    edited August 2014
    well done on a couple of cashes last night TEN, was too tired to stay up and rail, but I checke dthis morning......:-)
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    edited August 2014
    ty neil shame we couldn't sign you up in time but all the best with TPT take care run well mate
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    edited September 2014
    I'm STILL interested...............
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    edited September 2014


    TEAM LIST 12/08/14


    Natasha Cooper (Capt)                 -           TASHAL                    

    Lisa Reynolds (Vice Capt)           -           lisar83                      

    Andy Hollingsworth (Admin)       -           lcfcfan14                 

    Sam Bottomley (Vice Capt)          -           samantha25                       

    Doh Dohh                                         -           DOHHHHHHH                  

    Paul Jackson                                  -           Jac35                                   

    Jonathon Barnett                           -           hhyftrftdr                

    Nicholas Cleaton                            -           xtortion8

    Sylvia Hewitt                                    -           stormxlola               

    Paul Rigby                                       -           TENTENTEN          

    David Glover                                    -           DARK4NIGHT         

    Donna Hardy                                    -          Still Anybodys guess                 

    Jon Greetham                                 -           jondabar                 

    Jacob Waller                                    -           jnwaller                     

    Paul White                                        -           MrWh1te
    Michael Hinde                                  -          Shakinaces
    Paul Tune                                         -           Enut
    Dan Williams                                   -           danwill701
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    edited September 2014
    poor old glenelg
    left hanging at the altar
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    edited October 2014
    Wp hhyftrftdr. My chips went too good use the.

    Well u did say u where going too win im sure i read somewhere :)
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    edited October 2014
    Ty Chris.

    Not like me to say I'm gonna win, you must be mistaken ;)
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    edited October 2014
    Not in here thanks Dave.
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    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    Not in here thanks Dave.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    ok, noted
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    edited October 2014
    welcome jordz16 & lelly01
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    edited October 2014
    onward and upward outlaws
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    edited November 2014

    Natasha Cooper (Capt)                 -           TASHAL                   

    Lisa Reynolds (Vice Capt)           -           lisar83                       

    Andy Hollingsworth (Admin)       -           lcfcfan14                   

    Sam Bottomley (Vice Capt)         -           samantha25            

    Paul Jackson                                  -           Jac35                         

    Jonathon Barnett                           -           hhyftrftdr                  

    Nicholas Cleaton                            -           xtortion8                  

    Paul Rigby                                       -           TENTENTEN          

    David Glover                                    -           DARK4NIGHT          

    Jon Greetham                                 -           jondabar                   

    Paul White                                        -           MrWh1te                  

    Michael J Hinde                              -           Shakinaces             

    Paul Tune                                         -           enut                            

    Lesley Markland                             -           lelly01                        

    Joshua Scott                                   -           BeesHoney             

    Jordan Sayward-Jones                -           jordz16                      

    Paul Chivers                                    -           SilentChiv 
    Alan Markland                                 -           chico1740


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    edited November 2014
    That, my friends, is a damn fine team. Small but perfectly formed.
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    edited November 2014
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    edited November 2014
    WElcOme OuTLaw Chiv!!!!

    CoMMon sEnsE PReVaIlS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    That, my friends, is a damn fine team. Small but perfectly formed.
    Posted by Enut
    It would be, if we could give Harry the slip! His random use of capitals tilts me :)
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    edited November 2014
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    edited December 2014

    Are you still recruiting?

    I may have worse eyesight than The Schofield Kid but i have been known to win a hand or two and I would be honoured to join your gang of desperados

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    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    OUTLAWS Are you still recruiting? I may have worse eyesight than The Schofield Kid but i have been known to win a hand or two and I would be honoured to join your gang of desperados memfno
    Posted by memfno
    Hello :)

    We don't 'recruit' really, but your post made me laugh and i have a feeling you may be a good addition. So welcome to Outlaws! :)
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    edited December 2014
    Welcome to the team Andy Darwood, aka EvilPingu.

    Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, team just gets better! :)
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    edited December 2014
    Thank you kindly Tashal, 

    I will do my best to take down all the bank.......rolls I can manage!

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    edited December 2014
    welcome outlaws

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    edited December 2014
    merry Christmas to the outlaws xxx
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    edited December 2014
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    edited December 2014
    Happy New Year to you all...
    May 2015 bring us all a run of luck never seen before....
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    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    Happy New Year to you all... May 2015 bring us all a run of luck never seen before.... OUTLAWS RULE
    Posted by xtortion8
    +1 A HaPPy and ProsPerous New Year to you Nic and all OuTLaws. It's been EMotional.

    (random use of capitals thrown in to keep Harry happy)
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    edited December 2014

    Dear Outlaws

    When someone makes a post explaining why they are leaving the team (because you act like children, swearing to try and look cool, and just abusing other teams) and saying that they will leave in the morning, before wishing you luck, it is probably good manners not to remove  them straight away and then delete their posts.

    I am not the only one talking about this, several of us are unhappy and you will end up with just 4 very sad and lonely members if you aren't careful.

    Like I said before, good luck.

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    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: OUTLAWS.. New Team Formed:
    Dear Outlaws When someone makes a post explaining why they are leaving the team (because you act like children, swearing to try and look cool, and just abusing other teams) and saying that they will leave in the morning, before wishing you luck, it is probably good manners not to remove  them straight away and then delete their posts. I am not the only one talking about this, several of us are unhappy and you will end up with just 4 very sad and lonely members if you aren't careful. Like I said before, good luck.
    Posted by MrWh1te

    As I said... FYP! 

    Not sure what yr beef is to be fair, I wished you luck MrW....

    Yes, some of us are childlike and some of us swear... show me any team that isn't/doesn't! It's called banter and I am sorry you didn't fit in... no need for a public rant just because Tash removed you when you said you were leaving :) 

    As for these "few" that agree with you, I'm sure I speak for all in saying - they know where the door is :)
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