Sir, if I put you in the pilot's seat of a plane at 30,000 feet and you didn't understand how to fly that plane, would you assume that the plane must be broken in some way? Might it simply be that you've never learned to fly?
Could it be that you don't actually understand poker as well as you think you do?
I am a winning player. I have friends that are winning players. Some of the things we all have in common are:
1) We were all losing players for quite a long time.
2) We all have spent thousands of hours playing, discussing and studying the game.
3) We have all heard this sort of thing from players hundreds of times before.
The games aren't rigged against you. The games aren't rigged in our favour. We all sometimes lose when we're favourites to win and we all sometimes win when we're favourites to lose.
Winning players win in the long term because of the effort they've gone to to educate and improve themselves. Losing players lose in the long-term because they haven't yet gone to the effort to educate and improve themselves.
i never even said any thing about your game i no im getting set up to lose i dont always play so weak Posted by dazz00730
Implying a site is rigged affects everyone. What you are saying is that there is no point in learning cause winning a hand/tournament is already predetermined by a rigged system.
Don't understand why people think they are entilted to win at poker. Perhaps its this spoon-fed generation where if something isn't as easy as clicking your fingers its someone elses issue, not yours. People work really hard to get good at poker... much like anything else in life.
If you do the right thing long term in poker you'l win money. Its that simple. You will not, no matter how good you are, win every hand or every tournament you enter... so expect your Aces to be cracked once in a while and be happy you got it in good, cause long term it'l work out.
But as said before you have a tonne of leaks that need sorted. And if you can't any accept that then poker isn't for you.
For you to come on here and to basically tell me that the last 2 years spent learning the game from scratch... been on mega upswings and downswings (currently on one)... put time and effort into something to get decent results is based purely on the fact that sky kinda like me is insulting.
Sky do not rig the games. Go away and learn a word called 'variance' and dont come back until youve built and busted a few bank rolls to be in a position to question something as big as rigging online poker.
keep watching i have more i will make someone notice the right people your all living in lala land lol its rigged against me been set up all night Posted by dazz00730
I watched them all.
I've spotted about 5 mega leaks just skipping through them. Take a look at your own game before pointing the finger.
tonne of leaks you read my notes and you come up with that conclusion i was playing like that becuase i knew i was being done over so the limping with good hands was on purpose i no poker been playing on and off for 4 years now aint played in a year i have more concentration now Posted by dazz00730
Hi dazza,
You say you know poker, but 3 days ago you Posted this.,....
"...what hands do i call in cash games lol i am so bad in cash games..."
You were given some excellent advice in that thread.
If you were to do a little work on your game, you'd be fine, but blaming the software is not going to help you.
Normally I'm all for helping anyone in any way, but look at his three threads on page#1 in the clinic (together with this one), and then consider if it's worth the effort...
Go easy on the "choose your next action" buttons. But yeah i think you need to re-evaluate your own game and address some of the poor play in their before you claim sites are rigged. Stick one of those videos in the clinic and you'll get excellent feedback. Posted by jdsallstar
you would say that as you are one of the main beneficeries at sky
tonne of leaks you read my notes and you come up with that conclusion i was playing like that because i knew i was being done over so the limping with good hands was on purpose i no poker been playing on and off for 4 years now aint played in a year i have more concentration now Posted by dazz00730
we all have bad times at poker and you will get through if you have the patience. when I started on here I had a major rant that I was getting constant bad beats but the Forum on here can be very constructive if you let it. After my waaayy too much caffiene rant I took the time to take on board the comments and advice that were given and it has been nothing but beneficial.
I - and everyone else on here - still get bad beats, I had a corker two days ago when my oppo got turn and river aces to hit trips, but I have also had hands 99% against and won, and so will you.
The best advice I can offer is ask the Forum as they will always give you good advice and ultimately improve your game.
Although, it is interesting that a group of statisticians and a Univeristy professor of I.T have been studying SKY Poker for some time. And they are nearly at the end of their recent study into SKY Poker's claim that their RNG ( Randomn Number Generator) is completely fair and their site is licensed by the Aldernay gaming Board.
Intersesting also that this site was inspected some years ago by said gaming borad and not in recent years.
Although the findings are some weeks away from publish, it appears that there is more than a small margin of doubt over the fairness of this site.
The odds of the numbers of bad beats, delayed river card delivery and almost impossible suck outs is spurious to say the le ast.
There is also curious coralation between the time of Withdrawing a certain amount of money against what you have bought in for, and the number of times that bad beats seem to occur in short succession after said withdrawals.
As for SKY favourites as it were, lets just say it is believed by many thatthis practice goes on, SKY need a core of players that are successful on here to uphold their name and be their fanfare as it were.
Think about it, if there werent the usual heroes that hit all the time on 92% of the tables that thye play at , even multitable players ( you know who you are), then where would SKY find their CHOIRBOYS ready to defend the site on the forums?
Interesting...........SKY......i await with interest to see the response when this study group publish their findings.....
Let's just say...VARIANCE.....just isn't gonna fly!
it would explain a lot i'm a forum reg so i expect and get my fair share of luck just last night i shoved my TT over KK, T on the flop, K on the turn & dedededah T on the river but whenever i'm playing the presenters, Anna on cash & Tikay in DYMs, i lose money to them having a manipulated RNG would explain that but so would variance! which to believe - time to invoke Occam's razor * here - variance - simples * Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem Posted by GELDY
Oooh, not sure I've ever seen mention of "Occam's Razor" on here before.
Last time I saw mention of it, it was on the Aircraft Forum, PPRuNe, when they were discussing all the different possible solutions for the disappearance of MH370.
My favourite is "Judgement of Solomon", where they talk of cutting the baby in half to settle an argument. Not sure the Health & Safety people would approve of that sort of thing these days.
In Response to Re: rigged : Oooh, not sure I've ever seen mention of "Occam's Razor" on here before. Last time I saw mention of it, it was on the Aircraft Forum, PPRuNe, when they were discussing all the different possible solutions for the disappearance of MH370.'s_razor My favourite is " Judgement of Solomon ", where they talk of cutting the baby in half to settle an argument. Not sure the Health & Safety people would approve of that sort of thing these days. Posted by Tikay10
It would be fine as long as you were wearing PPE !
your all living in lala land
lol its rigged against me
been set up all night
i no im getting set up to lose i dont always play so weak
Don't understand why people think they are entilted to win at poker. Perhaps its this spoon-fed generation where if something isn't as easy as clicking your fingers its someone elses issue, not yours. People work really hard to get good at poker... much like anything else in life.
If you do the right thing long term in poker you'l win money. Its that simple. You will not, no matter how good you are, win every hand or every tournament you enter... so expect your Aces to be cracked once in a while and be happy you got it in good, cause long term it'l work out.
But as said before you have a tonne of leaks that need sorted. And if you can't any accept that then poker isn't for you.
I'm done in this thread.
Sky do not rig the games. Go away and learn a word called 'variance' and dont come back until youve built and busted a few bank rolls to be in a position to question something as big as rigging online poker.
A note you take
'Change your style all the time because the software will use it against you'
I'll let that fester in the forum light.
Nice limping btw.
I've spotted about 5 mega leaks just skipping through them. Take a look at your own game before pointing the finger.
Not watched your videos yet mate.
But keep up the good work.
gl gl
i was playing like that becuase i knew i was being done over so the limping with good hands was on purpose
i no poker been playing on and off for 4 years now aint played in a year i have more concentration now
You say you know poker, but 3 days ago you Posted this.,....
"...what hands do i call in cash games lol
i am so bad in cash games..."
You were given some excellent advice in that thread.
If you were to do a little work on your game, you'd be fine, but blaming the software is not going to help you.
Good luck.
dry or wet?
we all have bad times at poker and you will get through if you have the patience.
when I started on here I had a major rant that I was getting constant bad beats but the Forum on here can be very constructive if you let it. After my waaayy too much caffiene rant I took the time to take on board the comments and advice that were given and it has been nothing but beneficial.
I - and everyone else on here - still get bad beats, I had a corker two days ago when my oppo got turn and river aces to hit trips, but I have also had hands 99% against and won, and so will you.
The best advice I can offer is ask the Forum as they will always give you good advice and ultimately improve your game.
Can't wait to read more of the thoughts behind this little gem.....
It was expained as "so the software can find the right card".
Some sites actually deliberately programme a slight pause before the river card to heighten the dramatic effect, actually.
Last time I saw mention of it, it was on the Aircraft Forum, PPRuNe, when they were discussing all the different possible solutions for the disappearance of MH370.'s_razor
My favourite is "Judgement of Solomon", where they talk of cutting the baby in half to settle an argument. Not sure the Health & Safety people would approve of that sort of thing these days.
It would be fine as long as you were wearing PPE !