Slipwater you terrible bluffer you! Hey Anna and Jen, Just wondering Anna if you'll be playing cash tonight, try and get some of the money you took of me the last time:) Very nice hand. And a big shout out to Maxally for organising the Sam Trickett sit and go. Very nice work sir! Posted by LARSON7
Security look on intently protecting the great poker King, sitting on his mighty throne, he surveys his poker kingdom and adoring subjects ready for a rousing rendition of "It's all hard work and sacrifice living in a poker paradise..."
the issue was i'm sitting out of position and if he was a good player i see him folding weaker hands and only calling nut flush draws.
having seen the out come of my hand request and also the fact i went out when Qj got lucky runner runner full house and beat my set hit on flop, i end up a very annoyed and tilted a great chip stack into loosing my mini.
I play poker (obviously lol) i learnt from my Dad and uncle. When i got with my partner i taught her. Sounds perfect lol. However my partners family frown upon it. Curious as to if they have any kind of advice as this causes alot of problems.
Also ty for the seat. Always knew Jen liked me lol
hi Jamie did you start with your own bankroll and run up the stakes or did your dad bankroll you at first so you could jump to more profitable stakes.
every player runs risk of ruin have you been closed and had your dad to help or vice versa and if not knowing your dad is there to help you out and understand if you go bust is that a massive advantage of having a poker playing farther?
whereas every time I lose a pound my girlfriend and mum and dad tell me the number to gamblers anonymous lol Thanks DrRunGood
I actually know Jamie through a friend of mine Kev Allen. I think Jamie & Ben come across excellently. My question is what is the most invaluable piece of Information Ben gave Jamie in poker as he was growing up? And also do you think calm thinking under pressure seperates the good players from the elite players?
Chap says to Tikay, come on grandad your getting tired its time to take you home for your mug of hot chocolate. You can watch the repeat on sky poker tv.
people say the older you get the higher you wear your trousers. As you can see in tikays case hes so old his trousers have to be so high his chair has to be lifted
hi anna great show and great master cash session. you are such a great person to have on my master cash especially if that borin loner is to my right. maybe you could teach rich some of them tricks as i seem to have a nightmare against them two on tuesdays Posted by craigcu12
Unneccesary rubs, mate. ;-)
Worse things have happened. I might rethink playing every hand, though. Wiping out my monthly profits on Anna's tables is not going to be in my long-term interests. lol
Caption contest: Security look on intently protecting the great poker King, sitting on his mighty throne, he surveys his poker kingdom and adoring subjects ready for a rousing rendition of "It's all hard work and sacrifice living in a poker paradise..." Posted by LARSON7
In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm CH861 with Fowler, Jen Mason, Ben and Jamie Roberts ****official show thread**** : BUMMMMP Posted by LARSON7
In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm CH861 with Fowler, Jen Mason, Ben and Jamie Roberts ****official show thread**** : As always - so close, yet so far... Posted by Slipwater
He believed I had the house.
Caption contest:
Security look on intently protecting the great poker King, sitting on his mighty throne, he surveys his poker kingdom and adoring subjects ready for a rousing rendition of "It's all hard work and sacrifice living in a poker paradise..."
i've decided to change my mind and would like you thoughts on this hand from tonights main event.on the flop there is very little to be scared of, the only fear really is the flush draw which is the very hand that i see come on the turn.
the issue i have is the fact i'm out of position.
Q do i get too aggrssive o the flop.
also when the flush has came on the turn is it better to Ch/C rather than adding more chipst
hand from the main tonight, thoughts on the flop? if you need some hands!
Hand History #809423509 (20:52 21/08/2014)
having seen the out come of my hand request and also the fact i went out when Qj got lucky runner runner full house and beat my set hit on flop, i end up a very annoyed and tilted a great chip stack into loosing my mini.
hi Jamie did you start with your own bankroll and run up the stakes or did your dad bankroll you at first so you could jump to more profitable stakes.
every player runs risk of ruin have you been closed and had your dad to help or vice versa and if not knowing your dad is there to help you out and understand if you go bust is that a massive advantage of having a poker playing farther?
whereas every time I lose a pound my girlfriend and mum and dad tell me the number to gamblers anonymous lol
Thanks DrRunGood
you are such a great person to have on my master cash especially if that borin loner is to my right.
maybe you could teach rich some of them tricks as i seem to have a nightmare against them two on tuesdays
people say the older you get the higher you wear your trousers. As you can see in tikays case hes so old his trousers have to be so high his chair has to be lifted
Slip's was ok
Last was defo best imo:)
ahhhh thanks slip