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What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?
Happened to me last night. A really really bad one. Now i was fuming. Extremely annoyed. But that's what they want. So i took a deep breath, laughed and said "is that how we play round here?"
Couple of people at the table were mad, even though they weren't in the hand. One guy said to the slow roller "I'd have ripped your head off!" He called the floor and they warned him.
Just made me think, what are peoples experiences?
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On the net, I had a funny one yesterday. I timed out (the sky tables don't pop to front like other sites and I was on several sites) in a DYM and came back to see aces. As I clicked 'back', the sb raised my BB trying to steal for free. I shoved.
He folded and went mad, calling me a p***k etc and was generally nasty, saying I did it on purpose.
I did nothing wrong, I don't see I should stay afk just so he can steal my blind.
I got slowrolled by a local at one of the SPTs, think it was Aspers maybe or Luton, can't remember the action pre but I had AA ... obv
This is an angle shoot and any angle shoot IMO is low and unjustified.
Not surprising.
Some people have standards some don't.
A nitroll is when they have, say, AK on a A high board, get set in by someone, & give it some (genuine) thought before calling, as they fear they may be facing better, perhaps a set, or 2 pair. In fact, the bettor has "no hand" & is bluffing, so they get a little uppity when AK man takes a while to call.
"What took you so long to call?" they whine before flouncing off in high dudgeon.
Instead, try & imagine what sort of person they must be like away from the tables.
schadenfreude is a dreadful mindset, but very common these days.
Supportive, as always.
I just feel, personally, that before we call folks out, we ought to have some proof. You don't have any proof, just a suspicion.
I'm not defending the guy, if he did slowroll you, well he deserves a metaphorical slap round the chops, but it happens, we just need to rise above it, & be the bigger man.
Wp sir. Just wp.
They tend to have a very small vocabulary, and use the " your mama " type of abuse.
I JUST IGNORE THEM its far easier
I have also had a 'ha ha ha' printed in the chatbox before the villian flipped aces in that case I felt I could be fairly sure he did it on purpose...:-).
You wore protection, right?
The hand that made me start this thread was from a weds night live tourney. I had AK suited, raised pre and got 1 caller from the bb. Flop came Q55. BB checks, i half pot it, call. So im thinking hes either caught the flop or could have pp or maybe strong ace. He checks the turn, i half pot leaving myself a pot size shove for the river. He calls turn. He checks river. Board is very dry. Now it a re entry, so i shove, around pot size, for most nearly all his stack. He tanks for ages......................................... and ages.....................................and ages. So im thinking he is going to fold. Then he holds his chips and his faking putting them over the line, obv trying to get a read. Then he calls. Now he has to show first, but i am a nice guy, i says nice call and tables my AK, He slowly turns a jack over, then waits about 5 seconds and turns over the 5!!!
He's a reg at the casino, so he knew what he was doing. Now i know its a move to put you on tilt, so don't give them the satisfaction, but if you are non threatening to the player, i actual think giving him/her some verbal is justified. Not that i would lower myself personally.
It's a re-buy and he's got you on tilt.
Obviously i wasn't there but i can gurantee it wasn't a 5 second wait between him flipping the cards, exaggeration for the win. Plus he could have easily meant to flip the 5 first. Hard to remember which card is which.
WP him.