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Technical Hints and Tips for Community

Hey Guys,

It's more frequent that we hear poker related technical issues but from time to time you may get the odd error message or things may not work exactly as you'd expected here in the community. i thought i'd give you a few hints and tips to help get you past any unexpected obstacles that may come your way.

the first important thing to note is that the Community (as with Sky Poker) is only officially supported with IE (internet explorer) and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

things may work perfectly well in others but you may just encounter the odd unexpected error. personally i'd recommend Firefox but things do work perfectly well in IE too.

another important thing to remember is to regularly clear your cache. from time to time temporary internet files can get saved on your computer causing things to display or function incorrectly (for help clearing your cache click here)

another little tip when navigating around the community (e.g. from the forum to your profile area and back) is to wait for all pages to be 100% loaded before executing an action button.  look for the little 'done' in the bottom left of your browser window (just above 'start'). clicking say 'add new post' before you see this 'done' may result in you receiving an error.

other errors that you may experience are various messages saying you need to log in to make this post, or access your profile etc. if this happens just hit control +f5 on your keyboard to hard refresh your page. if things still aren't working just try navigating back somewhere else in the community and trying again. as a final resort logging out, then back in and trying again should do the trick.

Using control + f5 is also useful for displaying the most recent post in a thread or seeing an uploaded image after it has been approved.

another little tip i can give you is to copy long posts before you hit the submit button. if your post is REALLY long and has taken a while to write, or you have left your computer and come back to finish things off, it's always a good idea to copy the text so it can be pasted back later if needed.

i will add more to this thread shortly.




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    edited January 2010

    Thank you for this thread Rich. Will that control + f5 work when the table 'freezes' after not completing the loading process?. I get this problem about half a dozen times in a week and need to ctl+alt+esc    to get out of the screen to log in again.
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    edited January 2010
    i'm afraid not. this thread is entirely for technical issues when in the community/ forum and not the tables.

    sorry about that.

    if you're having trouble on the tables start a new thread and i'll get one of the tech team to help you out.

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    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community:
    Thank you for this thread Rich. Will that control + f5 work when the table 'freezes' after not completing the loading process?. I get this problem about half a dozen times in a week and need to ctl+alt+esc    to get out of the screen to log in again.
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Hi Max,

    If a table has frozen when loading, then just hitting 'F5' will cause the flash client to reload, so yes this is worth trying out in these cases.

    Please let me know if this helps or not

    Best Wishes



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    edited February 2010
    fayealex how do you get a password to play freerolls
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    edited February 2010
    hey there,

    which freeroll are you referring to? let me know and i'll see if we can help you out.

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    edited February 2010

    rich have you tried to copy your text before posting? it wont let me do it
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    edited February 2010
    hey there,

    yeah you should have no problem doing that. which browser are you using?

    a quick point - copy and pasting images from other sites into your posts will not work - you have to use the image uploader.
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    edited February 2010
    hi just got e-mail from skypoker telling me about the tko winners freeroll,why was late sending it the freeroll was yesterday i checked my e-mail about 1pm today it was not there checked again just minutes ago it was there the point im making is why was it late just too add the date on the e-mail was yesterdays date is skypoker late or my e-mails??????
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    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community:
    hey there, yeah you should have no problem doing that. which browser are you using? a quick point - copy and pasting images from other sites into your posts will not work - you have to use the image uploader.
    Posted by Sky_Rich

    thanks for the reply i write down my post on the "your post" section then want to copy it to word or e mail but wont let me I can however write in another word software, word,e mail,even from the net and can copy and past into "your post" section fine just cant lift it from the post
  • Options
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community:
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community : thanks for the reply i write down my post on the "your post" section then want to copy it to word or e mail but wont let me I can however write in another word software, word,e mail,even from the net and can copy and past into "your post" section fine just cant lift it from the post
    Posted by JONONZIE

    which browser are you using?
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    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community:
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community : which browser are you using?
    Posted by Sky_Rich
    sorry ment to say i use firefox but have also used internet explorer (8) with the same result,  
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    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community:
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community : sorry ment to say i use firefox but have also used internet explorer (8) with the same result,  
    Posted by JONONZIE
      just a quick one to say once it has been posted i can cut and past but whilst writing  i cant
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    edited February 2010
    hmm that is very strange. i have tested this using both IE and firefox and have no problems at all. has this always happened or has it been a sudden change?
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    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community:
    hmm that is very strange. i have tested this using both IE and firefox and have no problems at all. has this always happened or has it been a sudden change?
    Posted by Sky_Rich
    It has always happened just tried it whilst writing this i can highlight it (black) then right click but there is no copy on the dropdown menue  but if I move out of the "your post" box i.e. highlight "reply to post" or anything outside the "your post" box i can copy and paste 
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    edited February 2010
    this is a strange one.

    i have tried to reproduce your error but it works every time for me.

    this may have something to do with your browser set up?

    i say 'may' as i haven't come across this issue before.

    let me go away and try and find out what could be the route/cause.

    all the best,

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    edited February 2010

       just out of interest i tried to do the same on my home computer (base unit) and low it works fine just my laptop that does not want to so it must be me i will play around with it next time i get a minute
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    edited February 2010
    Ok great stuff. thanks for letting me know.
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    edited March 2010
    how do i get a newsletter still awaiting reply rich
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    edited March 2010
    hi guys just wondering if u can help on my home pc when i open a new game it comes up with the sky poker loading screen gets to about 94.5% then stops and the time remaining goes back up but nothing else happens now it just goes straight to that same screen everytime any ideas?? n i tried on my laptop and it loads fine but theres a rotate ur seat box right in middle of screen where cards r how do i remove this?? hope u can somehow help or give me ideas
    cheers neil
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    edited March 2010
    new here, when i go to the tables i get a message saying a script error may cause movie to run slow,witch it does and i get timed out most times before i get to bet. downloaded new adobe flashplayer and still continues,computer is only 3 years old,and im on skybroadband can you help ?
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community:
    new here, when i go to the tables i get a message saying a script error may cause movie to run slow,witch it does and i get timed out most times before i get to bet. downloaded new adobe flashplayer and still continues,computer is only 3 years old,and im on skybroadband can you help ?
    Posted by gizzer

    Hey Gizzer,

    I'm sorry to hear about your problems. take a look at this thread here. About half way down i deal with a situation that may be similar to yours. take a look and see if that helps at all.
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    edited April 2010
    can any one help me i have just see that my table name has just chage and i dont know how or who has done it and every sins this happed i have yet to win much and all was lose when i see the river card can any one help me and tell me why this has happend
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    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community:
       just out of interest i tried to do the same on my home computer (base unit) and low it works fine just my laptop that does not want to so it must be me i will play around with it next time i get a minute cheers
    Posted by JONONZIE
    Hi I wonder have you tried highlighting text then pressing 'ctrl and c' to copy and then use 'ctrl and v' to paste??

    Good Luck
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    edited August 2010
    Hi Rich,

    I think  I have a 'sound' problem - when playing cash or tounies should there be 'sound effects' i.e when dealing cards and betting,
    On other sites I play on there is but not when I play on sky unless I turn my volume up to max and then I can hear a very faint noise.


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    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community:
    Hi Rich, I think  I have a 'sound' problem - when playing cash or tounies should there be 'sound effects' i.e when dealing cards and betting, On other sites I play on there is but not when I play on sky unless I turn my volume up to max and then I can hear a very faint noise. Cheers Nigel 
    Posted by PokerParty
    Hi Nigel

    If you open up a table and click on "Options" and then "Volume Control".  This should bring up a slide bar to enable you to increase or decrease the table volume. I'm guessing yours is set all the way to the left which is why your sounds are so quiet.

     Hope this helps.

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    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community:
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community : Hi Nigel If you open up a table and click on "Options" and then "Volume Control".  This should bring up a slide bar to enable you to increase or decrease the table volume. I'm guessing yours is set all the way to the left which is why your sounds are so quiet.  Hope this helps. Steve
    Posted by Kiwini4u
    Thanks Steve,

    I'll give this a go tonight

    Cheers Nigel

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    edited August 2010

    how do I get a full screen on my pc when I play Sky poker? Make it simple, I am 72. The table difficult to see even on max. It is too small to be clear to enjoy the game.

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    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community:
    how do I get a full screen on my pc when I play Sky poker? Make it simple, I am 72. The table difficult to see even on max. It is too small to be clear to enjoy the game.
    Posted by mikmash
    The best you can do is standard view and then zoom in on your own computer. There is no way I am aware of to make it full screen.

    If you are running a PC (Windows) operating system then you could use a magnifier to make things appear bigger, if I remember correctly you used to get one as a standard with windows (go to ->start-> control pannel -> ease of access center) or you can download one from here,

    GL at the tables. :-)

  • Options
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community:
    In Response to Re: Technical Hints and Tips for Community : The best you can do is standard view and then zoom in on your own computer. There is no way I am aware of to make it full screen. If you are running a PC (Windows) operating system then you could use a magnifier to make things appear bigger, if I remember correctly you used to get one as a standard with windows (go to - />start-> control pannel -> ease of access center) or you can download one from here, GL at the tables. :-) Beaneh.
    Posted by beaneh
    I tried to magnify the screen, and got nowhere. My son had a look at the problem and changed the resolution, which I will have to do when I play Sky poker, and I must change it back to original setting when I have finished playing. The method he used was....right click on wallpaper screen, graphic property, display settings, open screen resolution, change to new resolution, press apply. The table is much bigger, but not a full screen. I am happy with the new size. Thank you Beaneh for your tips and hints.
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    edited August 2010
    hehe that's it get the youngsters in to fix the problems! Always the way in my house too. 

    GL at the tables.

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