As this is the NICE thread, can someone help out Strawman24 who has started a thread saying he has accidentally deregistered from tonights TKO and need help in getting back into the game. Posted by Kiwini4u
TK is it true you are the head honcho of a 'clique' that goes around beating up old women and being nasty to people on the forums that are not in your 'clique'? so so badass... just the word on the streets
TK is it true you are the head honcho of a 'clique' that goes around beating up old women and being nasty to people on the forums that are not in your 'clique'? so so badass... just the word on the streets Posted by BlackFish3
Tikay, as lisa used to efficiently get knocked out of tko 1 early so she could barrack the opposition have you got sarah champion or somebody else to fill that role for team tikay?
In Response to Re: The OFFICIAL BE NICE THREAD. : ..and lollipops and icecream.. and sweet sweet music Tikay.. A Clique is 'exclusive' Team LML is 'INCLUSIVE'. TOLD. Posted by LML
Can I join your team please Lisa I really wanna give these Ugs a hammering.
Tikay, as lisa used to efficiently get knocked out of tko 1 early so she could barrack the opposition have you got sarah champion or somebody else to fill that role for team tikay? Posted by Any2Suited
Sadly not. My Team all go deep. There are 1,400 runners, & I don't expect to lose any Tikayers until there are about 700 left. Then it's blue on blue.
Ahhh the old problem of friendly fire knockouts. Good luck everyone before battle commences really looking forward it again.Hopefully the banter and atmosphere will be as good as last battle....Up team tikay!
Henceforth, you shall forever be called Lisa.
That nice enough?
(rather be a sharon though)
just the word on the streets
get your burgundy jumpers out for the lads
Another hammering that is.
Bottler glad you lost
i was on tikays side as hes my hero lol