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BarryGuns, Sky Poker to Main Event Winner! (The Journey)

edited June 2016 in Poker Chat

  Hello, I am Barry and this is my blog.


  First a little about myself.. I am 48 years old and the former CEO of a pickle jar manufacturer which unfortunately went into liquidation after packaging design reformation backfired rendering the company with an unsustainable deficit, but hey that's a story for another day haha. :)

  Poker has been my passion for many years now ever since Chris Moneymaker won the World Series of Poker main event back in 2003 I have always aspired to match this achievement. This blog will follow me through my journey to hopefully earn a buyin to play the WSOP Main Event, my dream for almost 12 years now.

  After paying off my various debts I have left myself with a reasonable £976.54 as my starting deposit with my end goal being £6412.50 ($10,000), the entry to this year’s WSOP Main Event! Giving myself a few weeks to achieve this goal I have confidence in my ability and can't wait to get started!

  I have previously played on this site but with little success at the cheaper games, (people don't know how to play and just go all in with nothing >:(.. this time around I will face a more competent opposition) I will begin my online journey playing cash game poker with £100 sitdown and if all goes well (hopefully!) I will quickly move towards the larger sit down tables and play with the best, haha :)

When I finally achieve my dream (haha!) I will never forget my humble Sky Poker beginnings and hopefully all the support that allowed me to get there!


Shuffle up and deal :p



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    edited May 2015

    Good luck Barry.

    Pickle jar manufacturing - incred!
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    edited May 2015
    Good luck Barry. This has the potential to be some story!
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    edited May 2015
    Best of luck, how often will you play? Guessing 7 days a week for next two to have a shot. 

    Gl gl
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    edited May 2015
    Ooh good luck, this is going to be interesting!
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    edited May 2015

    Good luck sir hope it goes well.

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    edited May 2015
    Bold Ambitions.

    Good Luck Sir!
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    edited May 2015
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    edited May 2015
    That's going to be some spin up in such a short timescale!

    Epic journey if you make it to Vegas though - ATB!!
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    edited May 2015
    Good luck pal, that's a pretty hefty target in such a short space of time, hope you run well! 
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    edited May 2015
    Hello everyone, thank you all so much for your support it really has been overwhelming.

      Unfortunately it has been a fairly rocky start, I decided to jump in at a £400 sit down game today and it did not got very well, at first I made a nice healthy profit of £60 but things quickly went sour as I found myself with a loss of £567.87 for the day.

       I am not usually an aggressive man but I got sucked out on with top pair and in a fit of rage I accidently stood on my pet cat called Muffin. As a result I had to take him to the vet which cost me another £60 for the day adding onto my poker losses. All is well though, Muffin forgives me and the vet said he may recover fully within a few days.

      My poker money now stands at £348.67 after withdrawing Muffins veterinary expenses.

      Hopefully tomorrow I can turn around my profit, see you all at the tables! :)
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    edited May 2015
    Sigh, meant to post last night but was tired so went to bed. I actually think it's a shame that so many people have wished you good luck rather than being brutally honest about your goals.

    Firstly, your lack of success at small stakes on this site does not bode well for playing higher stakes. People going all in with nothing is exactly what you want when playing poker and is how the winners on this site are able to make money. If you can't even beat the game against these players then you have no chance against better players.

    Secondly, your bank roll management plan for this challenge is very poor. Sitting down with £100 (much less £400) means you only have ten BI for the level you are playing at and with a poor run of luck (in addition to maybe not being used to how tough the games are) and you can lose a good portion of that in a small amount of time - as you found out today. If you are more than happy to lose the £976 and could afford to reload should that happen, then you can definitely use aggressive BRM but even then we should be looking to have at least 20 BI at the level you are playing at - so 50nl would have been a better place to start. If, however the £976 is all you currently have (and by the looks from your post, it may be?) then even 20BI is way too small and we should look to 40BI minimum - so maybe playing 20nl mixed in with some 30nl.

    Thirdly, even if you were to succeed in your challenge, there are probably better ways to spend the winnings than risking it all on a main event seat. Continuing to play poker with strict BRM for example would be a better idea. Or if you really wanted to play in a big(gish) event, then there are some smaller tournaments with very good prize-pools that could be worth entering instead.

    After today's disaster the best thing I can suggest is to drop down to 20nl and see how it goes from there. Good luck.
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    edited May 2015

    I'll echo Ivanovic's thoughts. Variance in poker is high, much higher than what you would have been used to in the pickle jar industry I'll tell you that for free! I've seen way too many good men succumb to the temptation of becoming poker millionaires, only to have their hearts wrenched out by the cruel mistress that is variance. My two cents, for what they're worth, is to invest your remaining money into poker books, get about 15, and get studying. Work a bar job on the side. Then after a few years hit the tables again, with fresh knowledge and confidence.

    Good luck
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    edited May 2015
    I think you guys are missing the point.

    This is either a wind up and a bit of a laugh. So no need to give the " you must have 100 buyins" lecture.
    He is having a big gamble at trying to get the WSOP main event with a bit of comedy thrown in. So no need to give the " you must have 100 buyins" lecture.

    Either way its a fun thread and no need to be down on it.

    He has not once asked for BRM advice.
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    edited May 2015

    Is a pickling jar any different to a jam jar?

    Good luck with the spin up.
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    edited May 2015
    Good luck with your dream.

    Start off in middle cash tournies to get a feel for the players. Don't TILT! If you lose your hand then shake it off sit out, go for a walk round the lounge or where ever. DONT STEP ON YOUR PETS! lol, go make a cup of tea or something, then come back to it. Being short tempered on a poker table is not good. As soon as you start tilting that's when things go wrong. Stay calm, keep your head and pick your spots wisely. Wish you success in what you are aiming to achieve in such a short time.
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    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: BarryGuns, Sky Poker to Main Event Winner! (The Journey):
    Hello everyone, thank you all so much for your support it really has been overwhelming.   Unfortunately it has been a fairly rocky start, I decided to jump in at a £400 sit down game today and it did not got very well, at first I made a nice healthy profit of £60 but things quickly went sour as I found myself with a loss of £567.87 for the day.    I am not usually an aggressive man but I got sucked out on with top pair and in a fit of rage I accidently stood on my pet cat called Muffin. As a result I had to take him to the vet which cost me another £60 for the day adding onto my poker losses. All is well though, Muffin forgives me and the vet said he may recover fully within a few days.   My poker money now stands at £348.67 after withdrawing Muffins veterinary expenses.   Hopefully tomorrow I can turn around my profit, see you all at the tables! :)
    Posted by BarryGuns
    Your BRM is almost as aggressive as mine! lol :)
    Not sure if this is all a joke or not?! But either way it's fun and exciting (to read at least!) If it's real, please don't risk that money if you will miss it, but if you won't miss it and fancy a punt go for it and best wishes!!
    If it's all just a wind up I'm enjoying it too ;)
    GL whatever happens and whatever you do/are doing!
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    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: BarryGuns, Sky Poker to Main Event Winner! (The Journey):
    I think you guys are missing the point. This is either a wind up and a bit of a laugh. So no need to give the " you must have 100 buyins" lecture. or He is having a big gamble at trying to get the WSOP main event with a bit of comedy thrown in. So no need to give the " you must have 100 buyins" lecture. He has not once asked for BRM advice.
    Posted by jonjo75

    jonjo I appreciate the support however I am little offended that you find my initial bad beat funny. I wont let you bring down my hopes however and am preparing my office for a full day of playing tomorrow, bring it on!!

    Regarding the jar question, there are two key differences, for one a jam jar is shorter than a pickle jar (pickles are notoriously tall). Secondly a jam jar has a shatter resistance tolerance of around half that of a pickle jar. I am happy to take any further pickle related questions however I would like to keep this thread focused on my journey to fame.

    Thank you to others who have commented with their support, I will have more time tomorrow to reply and will be posting hopefully an encouraging update.
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    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: BarryGuns, Sky Poker to Main Event Winner! (The Journey):
    In Response to Re: BarryGuns, Sky Poker to Main Event Winner! (The Journey) : jonjo I appreciate the support however I am little offended that you find my initial bad beat funny. I wont let you bring down my hopes however and am preparing my office for a full day of playing tomorrow, bring it on!! Regarding the jar question, there are two key differences, for one a jam jar is shorter than a pickle jar (pickles are notoriously tall). Secondly a jam jar has a shatter resistance tolerance of around half that of a pickle jar. I am happy to take any further pickle related questions however I would like to keep this thread focused on my journey to fame. Thank you to others who have commented with their support, I will have more time tomorrow to reply and will be posting hopefully an encouraging update.
    Posted by BarryGuns

    I at no point laughed at your bad beat but did at the stepping on your pet. Not sure which is worse for you but just wanted to clarify that.
    I like the thread and wish you all the best.
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    edited May 2015

    Hi Barry

    When negative posters, leave you feeling blue
    You can count on me, I will be there for you
    When it seems, all your hopes and dreams
    Are a million miles away, I will re-assure you
    We've got to all stick together
    Good friends, there for each other
    Never ever forget that
    I've got you and you've got me, so
    Reach for the stars Barry
    Step over Muffin higher
    Reach for the stars
    Follow your Diamonds, Spades, Clubs or Hearts desire
    Reach for the stars Barry
    And when that rainbow's shining over you
    That's when your dreams will all come true
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    edited May 2015
    This just sounds a little far fetched to me (maybe im wrong ) just looks like someone is taking the urine..
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    edited May 2015
    Poor guy, if he wants to have a go why should people be negative? 

    Just jealousy. Barry said was a dream of his... He says paid of his debts..... So leave the guy alone and let him have a shot. Who is anyone here to question his earnings bla bla bla. I have a small roll of £700 - to me is exactly that - a role to play with. If goes up great if down then got entertainment for that money.

    Hope you do it! Got to chase them dreams.
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    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: BarryGuns, Sky Poker to Main Event Winner! (The Journey):
    Poor guy, if he wants to have a go why should people be negative?  Just jealousy. Barry said was a dream of his... He says paid of his debts..... So leave the guy alone and let him have a shot. Who is anyone here to question his earnings bla bla bla. I have a small roll of £700 - to me is exactly that - a role to play with. If goes up great if down then got entertainment for that money. Hope you do it! Got to chase them dreams.
    Posted by Nuggy962
    Spot on
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    edited May 2015
    Welcome to the forum.........I'm afraid you need a thick skin on here at times as you are already finding out. Try and ignore any negative comments.
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    edited May 2015
    In Response to BarryGuns, Sky Poker to Main Event Winner! (The Journey):
      Hello, I am Barry and this is my blog.     First a little about myself.. I am 48 years old and the former CEO of a pickle jar manufacturer which unfortunately went into liquidation after packaging design reformation backfired rendering the company with an unsustainable deficit, but hey that's a story for another day haha. :)   Poker has been my passion for many years now ever since Chris Moneymaker won the World Series of Poker main event back in 2003 I have always aspired to match this achievement. This blog will follow me through my journey to hopefully earn a buyin to play the WSOP Main Event, my dream for almost 12 years now.   After paying off my various debts I have left myself with a reasonable £976.54 as my starting deposit with my end goal being £6412.50 ($10,000), the entry to this year’s WSOP Main Event! Giving myself a few weeks to achieve this goal I have confidence in my ability and can't wait to get started!   I have previously played on this site but with little success at the cheaper games, (people don't know how to play and just go all in with nothi ng >:(.. this time around I will face a more competent opposition) I will begin my online journey playing cash game poker with £100 sitdown and if all goes well (hopefully!) I will quickly move towards the larger sit down tables and play with the best, haha :) When I finally achieve my dream (haha!) I will never forget my humble Sky Poker beginnings and hopefully all the support that allowed me to get there! --- Shuffle up and deal :p
    Posted by BarryGuns
    Good luck Mr Guns...I presume you have plans to stow away on a plane/boat/train to actually get there in the first place?
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    edited May 2015
    Why is your cat called after a mule?
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    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: BarryGuns, Sky Poker to Main Event Winner! (The Journey):
    Poor guy, if he wants to have a go why should people be negative?  Just jealousy. Barry said was a dream of his... He says paid of his debts..... So leave the guy alone and let him have a shot. Who is anyone here to question his earnings bla bla bla. I have a small roll of £700 - to me is exactly that - a role to play with. If goes up great if down then got entertainment for that money. Hope you do it! Got to chase them dreams.
    Posted by Nuggy962

    So giving someone advice that might save them from doing something stupid is being negative now? If I had only played a small amount of poker before at small stakes and was struggling to win at them and then posted on this forum explaining that I was going to try and turn a grand into X by starting with NL100 I would want someone to inform me about BRM. Of course I wouldn't mention BRM myself in the opening post - I'm not even going to know about it unless I'm told/read about it! Or lets take a more extreme example - suppose I was going to play NL1000 with my grand? Would people on this forum just wish me luck without letting me know I might want to rethink my decision?

    OP only said he'd paid off his debts but he said he lost his business without mentioning having a new job or anything. If he's got a good job and is wanting to spin up £1k into a main event seat and isn't bothered about losing it then as I said in my previous post at the end - GL to him. The fact he got angry at losing over half his roll suggests he's bothered about losing the entire amount - in which case, my BRM advice is going to be useful for him to consider.

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    edited May 2015
    "I am not usually an aggressive man but I got sucked out on with top pair and in a fit of rage I accidently stood on my pet cat called Muffin"

    Lol come on.
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    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: BarryGuns, Sky Poker to Main Event Winner! (The Journey):
    I am not usually an aggressive man but I got sucked out on with top pair and in a fit of rage I accidently stood on my pet cat called Muffin. As a result I had to take him to the vet which cost me another £60 for the day adding onto my poker losses. All is well though, Muffin forgives me and the vet said he may recover fully within a few days.
    Posted by BarryGuns
    Brilliant. I wonder if as many cats as mice fall victim to poker-rage?

    ps glad hope Muffin does actually recover!

    pps Would BRM ever really apply to trying to get in to the WSOP ME?  I mean, you need what, 100x BI for MTTs with a decent BRM strategy?  So by that logic only $ millionaires should ever be taking their seat in the tourni (or taking cash alternative if they satellite in)?  That said, fair play, I'd imagine playing £900-odd quid of sats is a better option than spinning up at NL400 cash!!
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    edited May 2015

    The pickle jar business is a tough one, no doubt about it. And you certainly don't become CEO in the cut-throat world of pickle-jar manufacturing by playing it safe. 
    Ignore those timid souls who would have you grind away at low stakes. Trust your instincts as they are what got you to where you are today (broke, with a poorly Muffin). 

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    edited May 2015
    Hi all, again thanks for the support I really would like to reply to everyone but I just don't have the time. It is unfortunate that not everyone is as supportive as others but I will not take it to heart and have no far been able to not let it affect my mood.

    Unfortunately I will be unable to play at all today as I have received some sad news, hopefully I can post further updates some time this week.
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