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This Question will Not just go away?
cash for points means at the end of the month you cash them in... read the Ts and Cs or get crushed by the sky legal machine lol.
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Now I could be missing something or not able to find the relative part in "My Account" ?
But the advert that comes up on 865 has the lady definitely saying ,
"You can cash in your "PLAYER POINTS" OR use them to enter free-rolls" !!
Now, I can see the tournaments that come up for the relative 'free rolls' !
But as this question has never been answered by the 'suite's' or 'Sky DES' ..I can only presume they don't want to offer Cash for Points ?
OR they don't realise their advert is misleading, and could possible fall under the
"Trades Description Act" ?
So could someone at Sky's account dept or management , please answer this thread, and give a clear definition of what the advert says and how these points can be cashed, or how they can be used to enter cash tournament's like other site's do..
(the advert will appear again in the break on tonight's live TV show !) "" probably""
My feeling is, this question keeps coming up and some how gets swept under the carpet or left to fade away .. and I can see that if we were allowed to use ,
example: 500 pts to enter a 5 pound tournament the site would not get much revenue for a month as players would use their stock of points to play but other site's do just that, 'cash or points to enter" !
We the players deserve better than being ignored on this question !!
I know I dont have as many points as most regulars here but if your advert says,
"Cash for Points" ! You should, as a player be able to use them to enter tournaments !
Than you in anticipation of your reply ! Barry (bennydip2)
It's time the suites stopped thinking and doing something about it ..
I blame the messengers for not getting the point over to the bosses ...
Like I said something like 500 for a 5 pound tournament entry .. there was a time if I remember when a player who won the open entered the tournament with his player points,
he was a phone in guest on A Players Journey , maybe 18 months ago ?
...So how do you do it ? ... or is this false advertising ? ... or can cashing them in be done ?
Your missing the point, what is said in the advert is "You can redeem your points for cash" .. ?
So we all have points we cant get access to !!! What I want to know is how to redeem those points to either enter tournaments as a substitute for cash or are we supposed to write them off ..
The advert is clear in the wording and in effect misleading !!
Maybe Des will make a statement on Monday as to how we can get the points into use ?
Even he has to admit, it's an error and could be deemed as an 'X File, ' the sort that shouldn't come to the public notice !!
The Truth Is Out There !!
Thank you for your response.
We will relay your message to the marketing and management team for review.
Sky Mod
the main freerolls we have is the primo for 100 points i think which top 15 get in not bad for 700 + runners
but the best 1 is 12k bh top 5 go in and again 700 + runners but for just 25 points wow lol
i totaly agree with u benny but in reguards to the advert it is not false, it does say you can cash your points in or use them to play in freerolls which is true you can now i know you cant cash all the points in but it does not say you can they do need a better system in place for the points but with the fact that this has been a problem since the start i cant see it changing
i have just said goodnight to my points as to me there are in a state of suspended sleep lol
if sky do think of changing it but have to start fresh with the points how about a toury players start with the points as chips and play for a nice little pot ( that sky put in place for these points ) it would not cost nowhere near what they are worth but its beeter than nothing say a 5k game
What I would like to say to everyone is LISTEN to the advert, the wording of it IS wrong and misleading!
However i'm fully aware that although MOD2 will pass on the message, the powers that be will find away to get around the advert and avoid as much consultation about the subject of redeeming this mountain of points that we the players have in our accounts ..
What I don't want is a private PM to myself from SkyRICH, I want a public message on this forum as to what will be the outcome of these points for us all to see.
As you all now realise, I may be looking for the none existence of a small golden chalice that will probably never be found, and the final result will end in me getting a forum and chat ban.
However I will not let this subject go away, it has now become my own crusade to get these points back to you the players, that we the players have earned in our loyalty to SkyPoker over the years..
There is more I could say but it's only fair that we allow 'The Management' to make a clear statement to us all as to what will be the outcome of these forgotten points, that have helped SkyPoker and not the players !!
click link below
There are many things happening here on Skypoker some good, some not so good.... from a players view forgetting about these points and the way the management have dealt with this subject is definitely NOT SO GOOD
To all of you good luck ... (bennydip2)
I take it that any further points you are currently collecting are being converted to cash each month?
there must be a few millions points between all of us players on skypoker,
and growing because it not being dealt with proper,
the problem will only keep growing and get worse the more its ignored,
hence a lot of growing unhappy costumers.
ps. come on sky suits heads out of the sand plzzz on this one .
Other sites do many different things, however all sites that I know of, dont hold back points that cant be used they all give back in the form of points for tournament entry, or some have a shop to redeem points ...
Now you could argue that Skypoker have 25pt freerolls but I reiterate what the point of the thread is ...
The Advert says "You can cash in your points, or use them to play freerolls" !!!
So well see on Monday how we can use our points or maybe we cant ?
"Who Can Ya Turn To " ?