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hi peps not sure how this is going to go never wrote a diary before. To put bluntly im dyslexic yes got a certificate and everything and struggle with this sort of thing. first thing 1st lets tell u a bit about myself my name is chirs cunliffe live in Salford just outside Manchester and yes we are a separate city lol. im 26 and been playing poker since I was 18. My diary wont be just results based will be about experience I hd in the game. also mental game the swings etc. And any questions u have please post below and will try to answer them all. I will try to update at least twice a week. and think with ukops coming up could be gd time to start.
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Nice one Chris, look forward to this.
If possible, try & give the Diary good balance. Reams & reams of Hand Histories interest very few, as do continual moans & groans, but "real life" stuff is generally appreciated.
Sorry to hear about the dyslexia, but don't worry about it on here, several others have the same problem.
You playing all the UKPC biggies?
Do you play off your own roll, or are you staked?
Do you have a job, if so, what sort of job?
Favourite football team?
Favourite food?
Favourite type of concrete?
No need to delete, Rob, but yeah, I meant UKOPS, not UKPC.
Very kind of you to offer to delete though, thank you.
hi chris,
looking forward to reading your thread.
ps. i don't claim to be dyslexic but think i might recognise some things. i have a thought that everyone is dyslexic to some degree but it's just a fledgling theory. how do you do at countdown and the conundrum at the end?.
I am looking forward to your diary, have watched you play many times, and am always impressed.
All the best.
ukops I will be playing all the events over 20 pound and probably a lot of smaller ones the 11 pound ones are tremendous
im not staked but do sell action for comps manly of sky like the big Sunday ones etc.
job - Im a dog trainer and love my job tbh I don't do as much now because I take poker as my main source of income.
football team- man utd but big rugby fan Salford reds are my true love
fav food - hmmmm so much choice but have to me mums Sunday roast.
fav film - independence day
yes aussie dyslexia I learnt to live with basically in simple terms it is if one expect of learning is not up with the other. and for me its spelling grammar etc so this diary ting it a bit scary :=). but also helps me in other things for example numbers I always get the numbers right on countdown will be some team.
ps any advice or what u like to see in diary just lets us know
Just do as TK says really and take a break during bad times before your diary gets too many consecutive groaning posts.
best of luck
If you had given me 1,000 guesses, I'd never have got that.
How did you come to get involved in Dog Training?
Do you "sell" lessons?
To individuals, or groups of owners/dogs? Like a sort of mini Barbara Woodhouse, or more like Caesar Milan?
Barbara Woodhouse famously talked about her technique of blowing up a dog's nose. i recall Harvey Smith being asked whether he might train horses by using the same technique. Harvey responded, "you might as well just blow up its a***."
GL with this and at the tables!
6pm 22
7pm 22
8pm main
8.30 mini
9pm 55
9.30 11
10.15 22
10.30 55
Hand History #960309045 (22:25 25/10/2015)
If he were on the button and you've got a note about him attemting to steal it might be worthwile calling but when UTG your equity will already be extremely small when taking into account his range and to make things worse the straight draw that uses both your cards has got to see an 8.
As played the reason you'll be making a check call on the flop is because he might holding two picture cards therefore the turn card itself will be now putting even more of his range ahead of you. So whilst it might get rid of the 88-1010 these themselves won't be enough in comparison to those that will still call you or weren't ahead of you to begin.
The river card itself might sometimes work against any over pairs still in but it was really you only option, long run these will be bricks as far as over cards are concerned and really only an A or J would be of much help at all because from what it seems your trying to rep an AJ.
Also something I should do and dont
Also looking at Darsum, what value hands does he beat of RSPCA's when he takes this line?, cause it looks to me that all he beats is bluffs or hands that have been turned into a bluff, and the only way its good is if RSPCA is overbluffing.