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There must be some way to do it.....
Skybet are taking the proverbial on the river with me continually over these past few months.
Would happily debate with a skybet rep...... please look over past hands and try to state otherwise.....
Have some people an ability to manipulate the system or is it corrupt.
Should have won 80- 90% of hands before river and lost them alll
Something stinks
0 ·
Three persons loss is three person gain. Sit & Go
Fifty players loss is Three players win. Tourny
Five Hundred players loss is one players £10 Freeroll
For every bad beat theres a good one. The winner.
Never said it was fair ............ but it is fun.?
Hand # seat1 seat2 seat3 seat4 seat5 seat6 Board
123456 AsAc 9d3d 9d8h Qd4d Kh2h Kd7h Ah Qc 3h 3s 3c
123457 KsKh QhQc AcAd JcJd ThTs 9s9c 9h Tc Jh Qd Kc
There are multiple ways to program a poker game, another is to have 52 cards and deal using a random number between 1 and 52
Have cards 1-52 and shuffle these and deal from top of pile...
all are random really... its up to players to decide how much to bet and how to play their hands.
I've folded 22 because of a big raise and re raise etc and flop has been 22A
I've seen other threads that say the big stack win more... well yes they do... because they see more flops!!
What format are you playing and at what stakes?
If you're playing small stakes MTTs or SnGs you will be called by loose hands cos the players in this field don't care about a a couple of quid if they have outs,no matter how strained they are!
Without you showing the hands in question its hard to make a more detailed response.I'm afraid suck-outs are common and we all love to hit them,we just don't like to be on the wrong end of them.It can often seem that the game is rigged but why would a multi-million betting syndicate pick on you solely?
Hope you run better mate,
There are many BOT programs that can be deployed by people who know computer stuff and they simply play the percentages.T
hey even have BOT tourny's where universities play their programs against each other.
The way I play I believe that if you read someone and they push all in and you call with a hand that covered them. You have made a good pre flop call.
Fish pushes Ace rag and you call with AK-AJ to see you called it right and he has A8 or something similar.
My question is, in all my years of playing live and on various websites, why is it that on sky, the underdog will win far more often than they should. In these situations there is only 3 cards in the entire deck that can save them, while you have options that would kill them off, and also with the chance that no one hits and your kicker cleans up. It is around 25% chance they will beat you and I respect that. That does not mean that one in four times you will lose. That means each time the player has a 25% chance which does not improve with each hand he gets dominated on.
What I simply mean is a coin is 50/50 for tails or heads. It means each time you flip each side has a 50% chance of winning. It does not mean that over the course of 10 hands, there will be 5 tails and 5 heads.
However, on sky it seems that underdogs have a much more higher percentage and that is poor. The RNG needs improving in my opinion because it is no good enough in trying to replicate the random cards of a real deal. It almost works against.
Im not the type of player that likes pre flop allins, unless with AA really, but when I do read a player and I do make the right call, I am punished more than I am rewarded. And this mainly happens on sky over ALL other places I have played on.
Any thoughts or advise on why that is?
First n last post on this forum. I make most of my money live anyway. Why do I even care.
Happy Holidays.
If you think a huge corporation like Sky would fix hands then who are they fixing them to? Why would Sky risk such a thing to benefit one player over another? If you play enough games you will see most sequences and results of hands. Play the players not the cards, look at the way your playing and if you're not getting the results then change something or get some tuition, many people on here will help you if you post some hands (maybe not me as I'm only average).
Good luck on the tables for the future
2. I never said the hands were fixed. If I felt that to be true I would get my evidence and take it down a legal route than discuss it here.
3. Every algorithm for any poker sites have their downfalls no matter how much the site works to minize it. If there was a site that could actually produce random hands then everyone would be playing there. So no site is perfect.
4. Why comment if you have nothing good to say? Firstly, thank you Steve (kalooki8) for your perspective. I probably do see a lot more looser players and play the variance a lot more with less reward for it playing SNG. But like you notice its hard for me to find 3-4 hours for a tournament. Secondly, if players come here frustrated at the site, dont' you think it would be better to show them something that would help them instead of just defending your precious sky poker like it was God sent. Well I hate to break the news to you...but there are better sites and worser sites than aint the holy grail.
5. I enjoy sky poker and I am not a losing player and I have never seen a negative balance. I guess I was just frustrated over the Christmas that when I thought I might have time to play a little more poker I got swamped with family and found myself with less time. So maybe I was rushing my game a little when I was playing and got to see a little more hands than usual and got the worst end of the variance on that occasion.
- But its nice to know if ever I have any issues there is a bag of jokers on the forums to discuss them with. So thank you for a quick lesson learnt not to bother again with this forum. And I hope the next frustrated player that comes along, you sad people will have something better to say than your sly jokes for your sad little giggles.
Gamer Out!!
As I have said before in this thread only live dealt cards can be truly called random. Because they are not Computer generated. ? my op.