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Should John Terry remain England captain?

edited March 2010 in The Shed

I dont know exactly whats gone off here, hes been knockin 1 into Wayne Bridge's "EX" missus apparently?

But anyway thats not why Ive started this discussion.

Just watched JK and this morning came on. And sat there, debating weather or not John Terry should remain the England football captain, are Phillip Schofield, Holly Willoughby, and some woman who clearly has huge issues, has obviously been cheated on hundreds of times by men, and who is clearly on the show, to vent her own personal frustration.

When asked the question about John Terry she answered "Absoluttttely NO!" - I mean come on, does she even know what football is? So sik three nobodies like this discussing the future of the England football team?

So what John Terrys been at it, Wayne Bridge struggles to get in the England squad, nevermind the team, so theres gonna be no problems there. If ur gona take his captaincy, surely u must drop him altogether?

Its ridiculous, its the World Cup, not sunday league football!

God I hate Phillip Schofield.

Anyway, opinions? 



  • edited February 2010
    Total agreement dohhhhhh!! Whether or not JT has been dipping one under the bar with someone other than his wife doesn't mean he should lose his job.

    If you were to take this attitude with public figures in general then where would Prince Charles be? Do these same self rightious dorks believe that he should no longer be heir to the throne because of his alleged dalliances with Camilla? I bet they don't.

    I too hate Philip Schofield!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited February 2010
    I hate Philip Schofield as well, wow we have a lot in common lol

    However on the matter of Terry i can imagine his wife wil give him all the punishment required so that should be that. If i go dipping my wick elsewhere and get collored off the mrs then my boss wouldn't suddenly fire me so why should his less that faithful approach to marrige impact on his job????

    Don't get it but knowing the British public they will call for his head and then complain when we are knocked out of the World Cup Due to a shoddy defence

    Did i mention i hate Philip Schofield?

  • edited February 2010
    List of some regular England captains in the last 50 years.

    Make your own mind up which one is the proper Ned, (Fighting in Boozers etc) and/or Morally Retarded.


    A few of these chaps may of enjoyed a pint, and a minor scrape, But generally set a good example on AND off the pitch.

    Ok, so it is said that JT dipped his stick when the lass was single......WHAT ABOUT HIS MISSUS????
    Hope she takes him to the cleaners.

    The man is not fit to Captain his Country, and would be no great loss to the team. There are centre -halves better than JT who can step in.......

    He is vastly overated (imo) and England do not have a prayer of winning the WC with him in defence.
    Before anyone slates me though, keep this post aside until summer, (lets say he does play) it is guaranteed he will be found out by the worlds best strikers.

    Will be interesting to see if him and Wayne Bridge ever play in the same team as well......
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Should John Terry remain England captain?:
    List of some regular England captains in the last 50 years. Make your own mind up which one is the proper Ned, (Fighting in Boozers etc) and/or Morally Retarded. JOHNNY HAYNES JIMMY ARMFIELD BOBBY MOORE EMLYN HUGHES ALAN BALL GERRY FRANCIS KEVIN KEEGAN MICK MILLS BRYAN ROBSON GARY LINEKER STUART PEARCE DAVID PLATT TONY ADAMS ALAN SHEARER DAVID BECKHAM JOHN TERRY A few of these chaps may of enjoyed a pint, and a minor scrape, But generally set a good example on AND off the pitch. Ok, so it is said that JT dipped his stick when the lass was single......WHAT ABOUT HIS MISSUS???? Hope she takes him to the cleaners. The man is not fit to Captain his Country, and would be no great loss to the team. There are centre -halves better than JT who can step in....... He is vastly overated (imo) and England do not have a prayer of winning the WC with him in defence. Before anyone slates me though, keep this post aside until summer, (lets say he does play) it is guaranteed he will be found out by the worlds best strikers. Will be interesting to see if him and Wayne Bridge ever play in the same team as well......
    Posted by emilyegg
    Did we forget about Rebecca Loos? - And Adams didn't just like a drink he smashed his high power cosworth up while drink driving and could have killed soneone? some of the guys on there are OK but i don't think these 2 do you r case any favours lol
  • edited February 2010

    Have to disagree with you there emilyegg:

    Terry was voted best defender in the UEFA Champions League in both 2005 and 2008, the PFA Players' Player of the Year in 2005, and was included in the FIFPro World XI for four consecutive seasons, from 2005 to 2008.  He was also named in the all-star squad for the 2006 FIFA World Cup, the only English player to make the team.

    There's no better central defenders around. Ferdinand has been playing below par this season. Ledley King has got dodgy knees. Gary Cahill looks promising but lacks experience for a World Cup. Jonny Woodgate lacks fitness. Sol Campbell is getting on and probably won't see enough first team action for Arsenal. Carragher's retired but i don't think he was international class anyway due to his distribution. So all that's left is Lescott, Wes Brown, Upson and Michael Dawson. I know who i'd rather have leading the back line.

    I'm not really bothered what John Terry gets up to in his private life. Lets face it, if he put in some world class displays and scored the goal that won us the World Cup then the media would probably retract the story and kiss his derriere and every bloke in England would probably let him dip his wick in their missus because he'd be such a legend.

    None of the current players in the England team are captain material if you look at their private lives.  Rooney nailed a 110 year old prossie. Gerrard was involved in a fracas. Ashley Cole is always getting done for speeding and he did the dirty on Cheryl. Beckham wore a sarong. I could go on and on.

    Let's just presume that Terry will lose the captaincy(the media will make sure that happens), i'd say give it to Frank Lampard. Great professional, respected by the other England players, not been involved in any major mishaps off the field as far as i'm aware and having the captain's armband might get an extra 20% out of him which isn't a bad thing.

  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Should John Terry remain England captain?:
    In Response to Re: Should John Terry remain England captain? : Did we forget about Rebecca Loos? - And Adams didn't just like a drink he smashed his high power cosworth up while drink driving and could have killed soneone? some of the guys on there are OK but i don't think these 2 do you r case any favours lol
    Posted by ACESOVER8s
    Try reading my post fully m8.....
  • edited February 2010
    Like I say, all about opinions. I`d even say Jamie Carragher is no worse than JT. Certainly not much slower than him!!
  • edited February 2010

    The answer is simple! If there was a like for like replacement, who could do the same job, just as well, if not better, give him the job. 

    ...But there isn't....or Terry would never have been given the job in the first place.

    Its ridiculous! - World cup final V Spain. 0-0 after full time. First half of extra time, we have 2 men sent off. It remains 0-0. Wayne Bridge has to come on to replace Rooney, to cover in defence....

    Whats the gaffer gonna say? - Sorry John u nailed his Wife, ur gonna have to sit this one out?

    Cmon! Its the biggest sporting occasion in the World, some wud say superbowl, but as Englishmen and women, this is as big as it gets. We need the best men for the job, on the job!

    If Wayne Bridge cant face it, he should tell the manager, and be left out. Coz Terry is a magnificant player, leader, and captain! 

    Toughen up guys, Its a mans game!

  • edited February 2010
    LOL Whats ridiculous is a World Cup Final......and I think GERRARD or ROONEY would be a better captain.

    Great thread though, sure to raise some debate.
  • edited February 2010
    I think he should go and join Tiger in that s e x addiction clinic, good god i bet 90% of the male population wishes they could all have this 'problem' given half the chance lol. On a moral point i think its getting caught thats out of order the daft idiot lol.
  • edited February 2010
    JT is the king pin of Englands defence, where he's been dipping his wick has nothing to do with football.Havent MPs been a lot worse, all those deliberate and fraudulant expences claims, not only should they all have been sacked,they should have been prosecuted (oh no you only get prosecuted for benefit fraud) theyre allowed to get away with it.
    Anyway if Wayne Bridge changed his mind and said he does still want to play for England, thats the managers dilemma. But if that happens, JT will have screwed Wayne Bridge as well as his Mrs. lol
  • edited February 2010

    Who else could be the next England captain though if not Terry?

  • edited February 2010
    The gags have already been doing the rounds.........

    Wayne Bridge bought a Cadburys Chocolate mould of his Tadger for his (ex) Mrs.

    She said she preferred Terrys.

  • edited February 2010
    lol I love this term "dipping his wick" Fantastic.

    Personally Id love to see Stevie G or Rooney be made England captain, as a Yorkshireman that hurts, but this should only be the case if its for footballing reasons. 

    Less of the candle talk, what a chance we have in South Africa, AGAIN!!!! - gotta happen sometime, 23 now, beginning to wonder if Im ever gonna see football come home!!!

  • edited February 2010
    He slept with another lass Wooooopdy dooo.

    I think people should care less to be honest, if it wasnt for the media we wouldn't give 2 hoots.

    We all love JT!
    He's by far the best defender in england.
    One of the top 3 in the world.
    a BLOOODY GOOD leader!

    i say, GOOD LAD! Make him the manager whilst were at it!

    And also, he could sleep with every lass in the world for me, as long as he gets his filthy hands on that world cup!

  • edited February 2010
    Its him getting behind the Birds that has been the problem, and on top, under, straddled, etc......
  • edited February 2010
    Personally, I would go with Stevie G. The lad carries an entire club on his own shoulders. Torres is chipping in nowadays, but Gerrard got them so far pretty much single handedly. The guy is pretty much one of only two talismanic English football players who are still in their prime, the other being Rooney. I do think Rooney should be captain one day, but he's still young and has occasional lapses in temperament. A lot better now than he was a couple of years back, and he'll be a great captain in a few years time, imo.

    Terry is a quality defender, but do you think he genuinely imposes his will on that England side? I'm not sure myself. Mind you, I thought Capello should have given it to Gerrard in the first place...

    Disclaimer: Yes, I am a a Liverpool fan....

  • edited February 2010
    Whoever is going to be captain at least we know that the wags wont be going to the world

    Stevie G should have been captain from the start but he is'nt exactly squeaky clean.
    The captain thing is about being respected by your fellow team mates and I cant see Terry getting that.
    The biggest question is who will cover for Ashley Cole at left back? I cant see Bridge wanting to play.
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Should John Terry remain England captain?:
    Whoever is going to be captain at least we know that the wags wont be going to the world Stevie G should have been captain from the start but he is'nt exactly squeaky clean. The captain thing is about being respected by your fellow team mates and I cant see Terry getting that. The biggest question is who will cover for Ashley Cole at left back? I cant see Bridge wanting to play.
    Posted by COCASIRF
    Keiran Gibbs. Phil Neville. Leighton Baines. Adam Johnson because he's obviously wasted crossing the ball. We're well covered in that position, obviously.

    OK, so there goes the World Cup.
  • edited February 2010
    Gerrard doesnt look bothered for England though, I am a Liverpool fan so obviously love Gerrard but he never really cares for England the same as Beckham and Terry did. And there is always the "slight strain" injuries he gets when England friendlies come along.

    and Baines would be an excellent choice for cover, he has been a long favourate of mine while he was at Wigan.
  • edited February 2010
     Leave the poor chap alone.
      It takes two to tango.
       He`s a far better captain and more usefull player than
    Steven Gerrard will ever be.
  • edited February 2010

    Can't really compare terry and gerrard, thats like trying to compare a dump truck with a Helicopter.... Both forms or transport but used for very different purposes. Rooney needs to keep his mind on getting goals and doesn't need the added preasure of Captains band to interfere with that. Terry should stay captain in my opinion but if not then people are missing Ferdinand out of the captaincy equation. It's good to have that captain marshalling the defensive line

  • edited February 2010
    I am a Fulham Fan, so I can hardly be called biased!

    The fact is John Terry is prob. the best England centre half in modern times, and the best to have played in the Premiership! When I have watched him live [ALOT] or on box, and in interviews, his behavior has always been exemplary. Having played at high standard myself, I reckon him being captain or not, would not change in any way his perf. or pitch leadership qualities! His problem will be what the F.A {Usless}, or Capello, decide to do if they feel they have to pander to the media and public opinion, due to every A-Z lister and Idiot having a view on how he should be punished!
    Loads of footballers have been in court & prison! ffs!! Normally because in general they ARE Stupid, and in modern times with the extravegant wages, devoloped bad habits & ego's
    Where Terry will struggle, will be with the cumulative effect of media stories surrounding him
    The fight with bouncers, the 10K envelope for tour of ground, the mother on shoplifting, the father getting drawn on the drugs by a journo, worse tho seems to be the failed Injunction which has wound up elements of the press, who will not let him off the hook! We have all had the jokes & texts, i have laughed, but that will always happen!!

    I know he can get thru this, and hope he leads us to a World Cup win, captain or not
    I hope his family can get thru this in one piece, and
    I promise when some Fulham fans, like all others start singing 'songs', in this case I will not be joining in!!

    hope he has a stinker next time he plays us!!!

    Dave 'Hitman' Harvey
    Fulham till I die!! COYW's
  • edited February 2010
    Blimey!! Fulham v Portsmouth, last night, not one JT song!! Shocked...well done lads
  • edited February 2010
    John Terry has done nothing wrong!! As any decent coach will tell you, if the full back leaves a hole, the centre back has to fill it !!!

    Please dont delete this one !!!
  • edited February 2010

    I think Fabio should strip John of his captainshipness, and let Wayne be captain of the England football club.....all square! ;)

  • edited February 2010
    Looks like Fabio agreed with you beginluck. Still to be confirmed 100%, but stories like this tend not to be wrong.

    John Terry dropped as England captain.

    So, who do we reckon is the next captain? Like I said, I think it's got to be Stevie G, but Rio Ferdinand might be the value bet here:

    EDIT: Obviously someone agreed with me re: Rio. Was 6/1, now 1/4 and dropping all the time...
  • edited February 2010

    I'd personally go for Lampard or any other if I was betting.

  • edited February 2010
    Rio Ferdinand has been named new England captain. Not happy with this. He's been on shocking form this season, just been banned for 4 games for swinging an elbow at Craig Fagan and he's hardly a great role model(8-month worldwide ban for missing a drugs test). Stevie G or Lampard should have got the armband.
  • edited February 2010
    Capello has phoned Wayne Bridge and told him John Terry has lost the captain's armband!!!

    He's asked him if he can check under the bed !!!!
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