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Bots on Sky Poker

edited May 2017 in Priority

I emailed support about this issue but haven't had a reply and I think this is relevant for other cash game players. Some frequent cash game players (myself included) have strong suspicions that a number of bots exist in these games and have existed for quite a while. I do not wish to mention specific screennames here because it seems unfair to accuse individuals in public given there is a chance my read is wrong and there is only circumstancial evidence (but I have included them in my email). 

These potential bots seem to have similar characteristics:

  • They literally never use the chat box

  • They occasionally bug out - e.g. they will sit me at an empty table, play one hand, leave, then come back and sit out, leave again, come back, etc. This will happen 3 or 4 times in a row. 

  • They will always sit directly to your left to start a table heads up.

  • They always leave after they double up, no matter how good the table.

  • They seem to play an indiscriminate minimum defence frequency even against very tight players or with a much weaker range. This leads to some strange call downs against passive players.

  • They have absolutely no timing tells - in fact their timing is very consistent. They never make any decision quickly. They always act with between 1/4 and 3/4 of their timebank being expired. 

Of course, some (maybe all) of these characteristics could reasonably be from a genuine player but when you put them together and combine the fact there is more than one user with these same characteristics, it seems quite suspicious.

Without any tracking software, no conclusive evidence can be gathered and so Sky is particularly vulnerable to bots on their site. I also think this obliges Sky to ensure that the games they run are fair given players have no way to prove bots exist and no database to spot bots' predictable patterns and exploit them. 

I want to ask Sky what they are doing to combat potential bots on their site? This is a problem that is going to get more and more critical in online poker as artificial intelligence in NLHE becomes increasingly sophisticated. I think this is a great site but Sky need to step up their game on tackling potential bots that have effectively cheated the site out of (in my opinion) tens of thousands of pounds. 



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    edited March 2016
    I've also emailed support about this in the past, mentioning EXACTLY the same characteristics. I have also spoken to other regular players and they have agreed and also in some cases reported the behaviour. Just to repeat what coopah said:

    -They ALWAYS sit in the same seat heads-up when you start a table (directly to your left).

    -When they "bug out" they will sit out for a period, then leave, then rejoin but keep on failing to buy in. In the lobby you can see the table says 2/6 players, but they never successfully buy in again. They keep this up for 20+ minutes at a time. NO HUMAN WOULD DO THIS. They literally join table, select the SAME seat, then fail to buy in. Repeat. For 20 minutes.

    -Obviously they NEVER chat, and won't respond to any questions etc.

    -There are several accounts, some play £0.25/£0.50, and some play £0.50/£1. They play in exactly the same manner and do the same game joining bug.

    -They always perform actions after a set amount of time, but that time seems to have 2 or 3 variations (they are obviously programmed to do one of the options each time they act). I've literally played hundreds of thousands of hands with these guys at the tables and not once have they snap called or snap folded.

    I realise many of these points in isolation are not conclusive. But taken together, and with the supporting claims of MANY regulars on the site, surely something has to be up with these accounts?

    It's a shame that nothing has been done on the basis of player reports, since now the botters have an opportunity to read this post and adapt their software.

    But what else can we do?
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    edited March 2016

    Hi guys,

    Am busy right now, but will respond fully later, bear with me please.

    In the interim, I have sent the thread up to the Head of Poker. 
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    edited March 2016

    I don't think there is bots on Sky.

    The only thing slightly odd at 50nl regarding 2 specific players - I always assumed it to be the same person as they play the same style.

    They would always join a table play HU, if the table filled they generally left. It was only occasionally they would stay playing at a 6 max game.

    Outside of these 2 players, I cant really see anything suspicious about any other players at 50nl

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    edited March 2016
    I was going to email sky about 3 players that are from same location and play pretty much identical and do the same thing leave after double up dont chat etc. Also have spoken to a few regs at my levels think there is something fishy defo going on.
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    edited March 2016


    If you have reported the aliases, please be assured it will be investigated, & the necessary action taken.
    Sky Poker's rules as to Bots are here, under "Bots & Other Automation",148
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Bots on Sky Poker:
    Hi, I emailed support about this issue but haven't had a reply and I think this is relevant for other cash game players. Some frequent cash game players (myself included) have strong suspicions that a number of bots exist in these games and have existed for quite a while. I do not wish to mention specific screennames here because it seems unfair to accuse individuals in public given there is a chance my read is wrong and there is only circumstancial evidence (but I have included them in my email).  These potential bots seem to have similar characteristics: They literally never use the chat box They occasionally bug out - e.g. they will sit me at an empty table, play one hand, leave, then come back and sit out, leave again, come back, etc. This will happen 3 or 4 times in a row.  They will always sit directly to your left to start a table heads up. They always leave after they double up, no matter how good the table. They seem to play an indiscriminate minimum defence frequency even against very tight players or with a much weaker range. This leads to some strange call downs against passive players. They have absolutely no timing tells - in fact their timing is very consistent. They never make any decision quickly. They always act with between 1/4 and 3/4 of their timebank being expired.  Of course, some (maybe all) of these characteristics could reasonably be from a genuine player but when you put them together and combine the fact there is more than one user with these same characteristics, it seems quite suspicious. Without any tracking software, no conclusive evidence can be gathered and so Sky is particularly vulnerable to bots on their site. I also think this obliges Sky to ensure that the games they run are fair given players have no way to prove bots exist and no database to spot bots' predictable patterns and exploit them.  I want to ask Sky what they are doing to combat potential bots on their site? This is a problem that is going to get more and more critical in online poker as artificial intelligence in NLHE becomes increasingly sophisticated. I think this is a great site but Sky need to step up their game on tackling potential bots that have effectively cheated the site out of (in my opinion) tens of thousands of pounds. 
    Posted by coopah
    They will not divulge these measures, for obvious reasons.
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    edited March 2016
    I have sent a fairly similar email to support a few weeks ago detailing the same buggy players in joining tables and timing always being the same in betting or folding (Never snap folding over 10,000 hands ive played them, really?). I don't like the idea that with a promo coming up such as Vegas Leagues where volume is massive, a bot could potentially win it. Though I highly doubt their volume would win thought it would be good for sky to sort these accounts out before such a great promo was exploited by a non-human account.
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    edited March 2016
    I am watching this discussion with eager anticipation. If bots are found to of been active for whatever period of time, what will sky do to the funds obtained for the players most affected?

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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Bots on Sky Poker:
    Without any tracking software, no conclusive evidence can be gathered and so Sky is particularly vulnerable to bots on their site. I also think this obliges Sky to ensure that the games they run are fair given players have no way to prove bots exist and no database to spot bots' predictable patterns and exploit them.  I want to ask Sky what they are doing to combat potential bots on their site? 
    Posted by coopah
    I posted about this in a debate about HUDs a while back, but had an interesting response that I couldn't refute at the time; that whilst it's true it's going to be hard without a HUD to spot a bot, it also surely makes it harder for a bot to exist since they need stats to determine their decision making. Although now I'm thinking about it, surely if someone could create a bot, they could easily datamine hands and create a HUD of their own for the bot to use?
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    edited March 2016
    Why was this moved to the Priority forum? Surely it affects everyone, not just Priority members..
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Bots on Sky Poker:
    Why was this moved to the Priority forum? Surely it affects everyone, not just Priority members..
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
    It was not moved to the Priority Board - the OP chose to post it here. I have no idea which players are, or are not, in Prio, but I readily assumed he was a Prio player so it was correct to leave it here.  
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Bots on Sky Poker:
    I have sent a fairly similar email to support a few weeks ago detailing the same buggy players in joining tables and timing always being the same in betting or folding (Never snap folding over 10,000 hands ive played them, really?). I don't like the idea that with a promo coming up such as Vegas Leagues where volume is massive, a bot could potentially win it. Though I highly doubt their volume would win thought it would be good for sky to sort these accounts out before such a great promo was exploited by a non-human account. Thanks
    Posted by Hexapus
    Please be assured a bot could not win a Viva Las Vegas promo, even assuming there are any here. Obstacles are in place that would prevent that happening. 

    As with the Gent who wanted to know what Sky Poker were doing to combat this, Sky Poker won't be explaining what those measures are, for obvious reasons.  
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Bots on Sky Poker:
    I am watching this discussion with eager anticipation. If bots are found to of been active for whatever period of time, what will sky do to the funds obtained for the players most affected?
    Posted by BarrattG1
    A fair question, but I think it's a little premature, first it has to be established that bots have been active here. If that were or is the case, I'm not sure anyone can readily assume that they could operate profitably.
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Bots on Sky Poker:
    In Response to Bots on Sky Poker : I posted about this in a debate about HUDs a while back, but had an interesting response that I couldn't refute at the time; that whilst it's true it's going to be hard without a HUD to spot a bot, it also surely makes it harder for a bot to exist since they need stats to determine their decision making. Although now I'm thinking about it, surely if someone could create a bot, they could easily datamine hands and create a HUD of their own for the bot to use?
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
    Sky Poker's software has a cap on how many hand histories can be viewed in a given period of time.
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    edited March 2016

    Please be assured that these matters are taken very seriously. If you have any concerns or suspicions, please send an e-Mail with screen-names to Customer Care, & this information will be considered & investigated promptly.
    I did discuss the issue via e-Mail with the Head of Poker last night, & he is fully appraised.
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    edited March 2016
    Fascinating thread I didn't know this was even possible what a dinosaur lol
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    edited March 2016
    I think this is largely Monsters under the bed syndrome. 

    I've seen players at the table chatting about it. I've been a long time grinder on stars for 10 years so have good experience playing against AI and scripts.

    *Firstly the guys suspected of being bots show no multitabling proficency ( 1 or 2 tablers) I'd be more worried if they made tons of snapfolds/calls 12 tabling than playing slow 1 or 2 tabling. (Hard to actually play slow on sky in the first place)

    *Said players almost certainly use some sort of seating script as they always take the seat to my right when starting a table but never move when i take the seat to their immediate right. That said this could be seen as bot like behaviour.

    *Thirdly these players bet-sizing and frequencies are deviating largely from GTO so at worst I'm going to assume they are purely novice/beginners in the botting game.

    I guess theres a small chance they are bots but they are a long long long way from the Eastern European bot rings which have taken chunks out of the game.
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    edited March 2016
    Also classic bot behaviour has them sitting almost 24/7 which IME these guys ain't.

    On a side note how do some of you guys know how many hands you have played with said suspected bots? Can sky email you all your HH's?

    Sorry to pull you up Hexapus and i could be wrong as you might play other stakes aswell but I've never seen you more than 2/3 tabling so suggesting you've played 10k hands with a 1 or 2 tabling bot is overblown to me....

    Also funny how they sit to my right, but you guys left haha. Must think your fish...
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    edited March 2016
    Well this is all a bit stupid since we don't know if we're actually talking about the same accounts. I know some regulars suspect a number of players but for me there are currently only two that stand out as being bots beyond my own reasonable doubt. One of them plays NL40 or NL50, while the other only seems to play NL100/NL200. They both often play more than 4 tables AFAIK. If the player sits to your right then I highly suspect you are talking about some other players who may or may not exhibit similar behaviour.

    As I said above, and will say again:

    These two accounts will join, play a hand of HU, then sit out, then leave, then try to buy in again (which you can see in the lobby). They keep failing to join the game for upward of 20 minutes.

    It is possible that this is a seating script and that all other observations are incidental (i.e. timing/bet sizing, etc.), but it is certain that they are using third-party software of some kind since no human would exhibit this behaviour, and hence violating TOS.

    The problem is that the behaviour is only really noticable if you start 6max tables regularly during the day when times are slow, and there are only several people that do this (I am one of which, coop is another (at NL50)).

    When I said I have played hundreds of thousands of hands or whatever, I just mean that I've played with them at the table (since they are on pretty much every day). Obviously we don't have HH, but after you play HU/shorthanded/6max with the same guy every day for 6 months you get a feeling for how "automated" his actions appear to be.

    Edit: BTW AFAIK Hex plays anywhere between NL100 and NL1k so often has 6+ tables np.
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    edited March 2016
    Thats true we could be talking about different players feel free to PM me the names and I'll clarify if we are thinking the same guys. FWIW when i saw regs chatting about their suspicions it was about the player I had in mind.

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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Bots on Sky Poker:
    I've also emailed support about this in the past, mentioning EXACTLY the same characteristics. I have also spoken to other regular players and they have agreed and also in some cases reported the behaviour. Just to repeat what coopah said: -They ALWAYS sit in the same seat heads-up when you start a table (directly to your left). -When they "bug out" they will sit out for a period, then leave, then rejoin but keep on failing to buy in. In the lobby you can see the table says 2/6 players, but they never successfully buy in again. They keep this up for 20+ minutes at a time. NO HUMAN WOULD DO THIS. They literally join table, select the SAME seat, then fail to buy in. Repeat. For 20 minutes. -Obviously they NEVER chat, and won't respond to any questions etc. -There are several accounts, some play £0.25/£0.50, and some play £0.50/£1. They play in exactly the same manner and do the same game joining bug. -They always perform actions after a set amount of time, but that time seems to have 2 or 3 variations (they are obviously programmed to do one of the options each time they act). I've literally played hundreds of thousands of hands with these guys at the tables and not once have they snap called or snap folded. I realise many of these points in isolation are not conclusive. But taken together, and with the supporting claims of MANY regulars on the site, surely something has to be up with these accounts? It's a shame that nothing has been done on the basis of player reports, since now the botters have an opportunity to read this post and adapt their software. But what else can we do?
    Posted by radiofed28
    I play 30nl and there are two accounts that do this and i've noticed this for months now, and they are from the same location.

    Hopefully Sky will sort it out, now that quite a few people have noticed.

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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Bots on Sky Poker:
    In Response to Re: Bots on Sky Poker : It was not moved to the Priority Board - the OP chose to post it here. I have no idea which players are, or are not, in Prio, but I readily assumed he was a Prio player so it was correct to leave it here.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    My mistake then, was sure I saw the thread in poker chat and when I went back I couldn't find it.
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    edited March 2016
    01100010 00110001 01110100 01100110 01101001 01100001 01110100
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Bots on Sky Poker:
    01100010 00110001 01110100 01100110 01101001 01100001 01110100
    Posted by baptist92

    Seven bytes won't achieve much in this game.

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    edited March 2016
    01101110 01101111 01110011 01100101 01111001 01100010 01101111 01101110 01101011 00100000 01101000 01100001 01101001 01101100 00100000 01100010 01101111 01110100 00100000 01101111 01110110 01100101 01110010 01101100 01101111 01110010 01100100 01110011 
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    edited March 2016
    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for all of your thoughts on this. 

    Please be advised that this is something that we take very seriously at Sky Poker and any suspicions will be fully investigated by our Poker Team.

    If anyone wants to raise anything about particular players, please feel free to get in touch with me directly.  

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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Bots on Sky Poker:
    In Response to Re: Bots on Sky Poker : I play 30nl and there are two accounts that do this and i've noticed this for months now, and they are from the same location. Hopefully Sky will sort it out, now that quite a few people have noticed.
    Posted by splashies
    I think I know who you mean splash, theres now 3 that liamboi is referring too. I am more concerned about collusion than bots with these three though.  
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    edited March 2016
    PM me the names please, I can think of one that I've thought stands out that i play vs daily
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    edited March 2016
    Just say there names lol if there bots its not gonna make a difference and if there not who cares?
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    edited March 2016

    Are seat scripts allowed on sky?
    And if not, measures you take to stop them?
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