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Sky Poker Freerolls in July

edited June 2016 in Poker Chat

Be really good if we could have a nice civil discussion about this - that way, The Business will be encouraged to seek player's views here more often. Has to be a good thing, right? 


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    edited June 2016


    The July Promotions are almost ready, but of course won't be announced until the very end of June.

    The subject of what TYPE of "Rewards Freerolls" players enjoy most came up in the Office recently, & some bright spark suggested "why not ask the players?". We are talking what TYPE of game format, NOT what the prizes should be.

    Well I've never heard such a daft idea, as everyone will chime in with their own personal self-interest, rather than what might suit most of the players. Still, faint heart never won a fair lady, or whatever, so let's give it a try. 
    Here's some of the different Freerolls that have been suggested in the Office by the Poker Team. Which ones do you think would work best?

    NB - feel free to mention other Formats, the Team are open to any sensible suggestions.  
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    edited June 2016
    I voted turbo.

    Just my opinion but I believe the playerbase prefers the default MTT FR to be an action game but without it descending into a crapshoot too soon.  Something that's fun but not necessarily too taxing in terms of time.  So I think the turbo option is probably more favourable to most.  Not that the free/low cost crapshoots don't have their place.  Personally I think the Half Time Tournies were brilliant as a one off (or in this case a two off) but as a default I think players are looking for a fun, action game without a lengthy time commitment or it being a complete lottery.
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    edited June 2016

    Quick Correction

    "Deep & Step" is incorrectly described, but I don't seem to be able to Edit the Poll. I'd start a new thread & delete this, but TommyD has replied, & we don't wasn't to lose that.

    "Deep & Steep" is deepstack, fast clock.

    PS - Quick congrats to Tommy for his beloved 'Spurs finishing 2nd in the English Premier League, been a while since they finished above Arsenal. That must feel great, Tommy.
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    edited June 2016
    turbo but with less places paid personally, although i understand the reason for the current payout structure.
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    edited June 2016
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Freerolls in July:
    [QUOTE]turbo but with less places paid personally, although i understand the reason for the current payout structure.
    Posted by jordz16

    That's EXACTLY the sort of feedback they are looking for - the prize money paying more places, or less places.
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    edited June 2016

    From a personal POV, make them all-in every hand so I can play even if not at my laptop at 7.30 (and to cover the skill deficiency I possess!)

    As an 'other' option, would there be consideration to do it in some sort of headhunter / mayhem type of format? 

    Tends to be about 1,000 runners so stick £1 on every head, 75p if you KO somebody, 25p to build up your own head, say.

    Then a weekly league of heads gained that qualify for the added-extra that Sky occasionally chuck in (VLV sats, UKPC seats etc).

    Otherwise - from the options above I agree with what Jordz said.  Appreciate there is a vocal minority which would like PLO/PLO8 option but not sure this would ever appeal to the masses (ergo may not achieve the presumed aim of getting recs to play a bit more and sneak over 50pts each week).

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    edited June 2016
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Freerolls in July:
    Quick Correction "Deep & Step" is incorrectly described, but I don't seem to be able to Edit the Poll. I'd start a new thread & delete this, but TommyD has replied, & we don't wasn't to lose that. "Deep & Steep" is deepstack, fast clock.   PS - Quick congrats to Tommy for his beloved 'Spurs finishing 2nd in the English Premier League, been a while since they finished above Arsenal. That must feel great, Tommy.  
    Posted by Tikay10

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    edited June 2016
    I prefer deeper payouts, more to aim for.

    I voted freezeouts, the deeper the better.

    I think it depends what you are aiming for as your target market.

    For the weaker player, turbos could work out the best for them, with a shove/fold mentality bringing it down to luck.
    For the stronger player, the deeper a game, the more play in the chips, the more of an advantage the player holds over weaker players.

    I quite like the idea of a decent freeroll run as a rebuy, but with rebuys paying in points, and im talking decent points, say 500 per rebuy or something, a one-off.

    How easy would it be to run all those freerolls, a different kind each night?
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    edited June 2016
    Maybe Sky could try a few different ideas, people could try the four card game for free, see if they like it, thus growing the number of players who are enjoying this format. 
    Nine handed would be good for people to try who have never played "live" especially before Sky sponsored live events.
    I do like Jordz suggestion of fewer people getting paid although I suspect the smaller bankroll community might say otherwise.
    Very good idea of Sky to ask.

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    edited June 2016
    dont see why we cant have bounty mondays, turbo tuesdays, rebuy wednesday, , deepstack thursday, omaha friday.

    or something along those lines.

    i would of voted a mixture easily but plumped for turbo 

    as for payouts i think it should be limited to top 100 unles i come 101 ;)

    thanks for asking 

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    edited June 2016
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Freerolls in July:
    dont see why we cant have bounty mondays, turbo tuesdays, rebuy wednesday, , deepstack thursday, omaha friday. or something along those lines. i would of voted a mixture easily but plumped for turbo  as for payouts i think it should be limited to top 100 unles i come 101 ;) thanks for asking  micky
    Posted by MICKYBLUE
    Perfectly feasible, & do-able.

    Whether it would be a good idea is another matter, & remains to be seen, but yes, there are no "technical" reasons why that can't be done.
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    edited June 2016
    TK, let me start by saying I do think it's great that yourself and Sky open these sort of threads, and I'm sure others do too. 

    But do you not think it's worthless asking a forum of regulars what their opinions are, only to proceed by discouraging them to actually give their personal preference? If Sky is only interested in what the overall player pool prefer, then I think the data Sky has accumulated over the years is almost certainly more accurate.

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    edited June 2016
    personally i woud like to see a variety from all ins ,turbo, superturbo.  Have less payouts to promote better poker 
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    edited June 2016
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Freerolls in July:
    TK, let me start by saying I do think it's great that yourself and Sky open these sort of threads, and I'm sure others do too.  But do you not think it's worthless asking a forum of regulars what their opinions are, only to proceed by discouraging them to actually give their personal preference? If Sky is only interested in what the overall player pool prefer, then I think the data Sky has accumulated over the years is almost certainly more accurate.
    Posted by percival09

    Take your point, PercyMcPercy, that's fair enough, but my real point was, to take an extreme view,  it's no benefit to anyone if someone comes on & says he only plays deep stacks or whatever, because that brings nothing to the discussion at all. 

    As it happens, nobody takes much notice of what I say, & quite right too, & the thread is going exactly the way I hoped it might.

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    edited June 2016
    i like Mickeys idea maybe have a plo8 on a friday. Different formats would be good

    What about a timed mtt for 1 hour like there use to be
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    edited June 2016
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Freerolls in July:
    I voted turbo. Just my opinion but I believe the playerbase prefers the default MTT FR to be an action game but without it descending into a crapshoot too soon.  Something that's fun but not necessarily too taxing in terms of time.  So I think the turbo option is probably more favourable to most.  Not that the free/low cost crapshoots don't have their place.  Personally I think the Half Time Tournies were brilliant as a one off (or in this case a two off) but as a default I think players are looking for a fun, action game without a lengthy time commitment or it being a complete lottery.
    Posted by TommyD
    Big +1. Ppl generally dont want to waste too much time on a FR. A lot of the time you play 2+ hours for say £1 and there are better ways to spend your time. Speed ones are much preferable. Also, I would like to see the reward FR's have seperate time slots so its fairer to the people who cant play nights. Even if its just the one or even an £800 usual slot and a £200 at say 10am.
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    edited June 2016
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Freerolls in July:
    From a personal POV, make them all-in every hand so I can play even if not at my laptop at 7.30 (and to cover the skill deficiency I possess!) As an 'other' option, would there be consideration to do it in some sort of headhunter / mayhem type of format?  Tends to be about 1,000 runners so stick £1 on every head, 75p if you KO somebody, 25p to build up your own head, say. Then a weekly league of heads gained that qualify for the added-extra that Sky occasionally chuck in (VLV sats, UKPC seats etc). Otherwise - from the options above I agree with what Jordz said.  Appreciate there is a vocal minority which would like PLO/PLO8 option but not sure this would ever appeal to the masses (ergo may not achieve the presumed aim of getting recs to play a bit more and sneak over 50pts each week).
    Posted by shakinaces
    This would be another idea for the rewards FRs. Makes it fairer to the people that regualarily qualify but can not play them.
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    edited June 2016
    I think they're more or less fine the way they are. I think the wide payout table is a good idea for the smaller stakes player to whom a couple of quid will pay buy-in or two
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    edited June 2016
    As per Jordz, pay less but pay more. Make the min cash something a bit more tangible than a quid or whatever.

    But I understand why you do!
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    edited June 2016
    Mix them up, maybe to mirror the Main event of the night?
    Throw in a PLO or PLO8 for the lolz :-)
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    edited June 2016
    i like it how they are now,  no plo or hi/lo but if you do meh will play em for lolz
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    edited June 2016
    like shakin aces idea mon to fri fr bountyhunters saturday /sunday semi /finals
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    edited June 2016
    I like the idea of variety, with a few different options and if this is easy enough then that would be my vote.

    I would personally like a 9 handed, deepstack, short clock, plo8, bounty hunter, rebuy. ;-)
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    edited June 2016
    I vote PLO8 (big suprise there huh).
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    edited June 2016
    I voted for turbo, I have to agree with tommyD. Not too sur whether to say well done or unlucky for spurs this year. My Leicester city did well.
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    edited June 2016
    I may be missing something, is there a link to the games which the office juniors suggested?
    Change the structure, game daily, hold em, Deepstack, pl08 , bounty hunter.
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    edited June 2016
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Freerolls in July:
    I may be missing something, is there a link to the games which the office juniors suggested? Change the structure, game daily, hold em, Deepstack, pl08 , bounty hunter.
    Posted by tomgoodun
    Probably depends what you are viewing on.

    I can never see polls on my android phone but always work on windows laptop.
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    edited June 2016
    I think long term NL has to be the game of choice for the rewards FRs if the main aim is to encourage recreational players to play for at least 50pts.

    I seem to remember there was a FR with seats to a UKOPS PLO event and people complained that you needed to win a NL event to qualify for it. When it was changed to a PLO event there were as many if not more complaints so not guaranteed to receive universal approval.

    Having said that it would be fun to mix it up and try special themed weeks every now and again.

    PS poll should be tick all that apply.

    Hyper turbo PLO8 B/H has to be the future.
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    edited June 2016
    The timed freerolls were always popular they also spread money more evenly.
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    edited June 2016
    a dym free roll where every table has 6 players and play down to a final 3, then all players left in share the prizepool, genius idea ;)

    seriously though i like the idea of having a different kind of freeroll every night 
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