a trucker who has been on the for 2 weeks stops outside a brothel in amsterdam. throws 500 euros on the counter and says, i want your ugliest women and beans on toast, the madam is astonished, but sir for that kind of money you could have one of our finest ladies and a 3 course meal,the trucker replies. listen darling i aint hoxxny im homesick.
rocky the rooster was the biggest, meanest rooster in the world and spent his time beating the crxp out of all the animals on the farm. one day he picked on the farm yard cat unfortunatly the cat beat the crxp out of him.the moral of the story is, no matter how big the coxk is, the puxxy can always take it.
Sadly, an Experiment (involving a Pillowcase, a Tangerine, some Solids and a Sainsburys Carrier-Bag), which was carried out in the Controlled Surroundings of the Living Room has gone seriously wrong, leaving the Hamster in a bad way.
just give me a few days notice so I can empty them and have them washed.
Wipe on, wipe off...
Think the Carpet might be done for as well
thats what you get when you buy the cheap stuff
Wise Man Never Buy Pillowcase from Argos.
glad to hear the hamsters pulling through, lesson learned I hope.
can't wait to see this pic