7.53 p floppin m--oynutter just found out that sky rich got the whole fluppin technical team to vote against him in an effort to stop floppin mental people winning big brother
just you try that trick with Lisa Marie and see how far you get !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
while we are on the subject. Why is there no jacuzzi, pool or even a water feature in this bigbrother? Posted by Mr_Miyagi
the truth that BB refuse to tell you? Webby wouldn't stop moaning about having to clean the discoloured water (compliments of pokertrev) every friday night. hope this helps!
just you try that trick with Lisa Marie and see how far you get !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
doesnt matter if they are used as long as they arent too dirty.
my head was getting cold
hope this helps!
surely I wouldnt mind Trevs mess.
I had a wonderful time in the house, everyone was great however I have 1 regret.
Not being touched up by webby as he escorted me out, so I am staying put in here until he comes and gets it.
Congratulations wipe on, wipe off..and good luck with Webby...you'll flopping need it