Hi Tom, I get that all the time, things that everyone else seems to know pass me by too. Not being on facebook doesn't help either, oh the joys of being a dinosaur.
To put you in the picture, there has been a few threads on the forum regarding alleged collusion using social media. The names of the players were mentioned, but I would not want to mention them at the moment, but I'm sure you can find out privately from one of your team mates. Hopefully it will be resolved asap, and the forum can go back to being the fun community it has always been.
Brian,the semi I know has an altogether different meaning.
What on earth is going on in the general poker chat, I have missed something really important...again, in the dtd chat there seems a rather, how can I put this..it seems that a lot of folk are party to the knowledge of at least one, maybe two folk who ha have been rather naughty. There is another thread which is discussing what I can only assume to be the same topic, now I know it may be frowned upon to say individuals names in an accusatory manner but if someone could shed a smidgen of light on this without the implication of a chat ban themselves I shall be most appreciative as I do only play for fun but it would be rather stupid of me to be just giving my money away .
hi tom sorry to hear you've been down a bit lately and a bit stressed your work situation reminds me of some poker advise that the more bad beats you get the better your playing you seem to be anticipating every thing before it happens and the nig nogs haven't got the sense to heed your advise born of experience. I hope your birthdays cheered you up I think your loved ones appreciate what your bodies been through and understand that the occasional mood swing or rant is normal and a small price to pay for having you back safe amongst them. now to my good news I took down the 7-45 ds last Friday for a nice prize of £30 a couple of smaller cashes followed by the holy grail not only did I manage not to finish plumb last but miracle of miracles I actually won dtd 3 whilst the £72 prize was my biggest sky win the dosh paled into insignificance to the buzz of finishing a the head of a field of such quality sky players and i must say the sportsmanship, rail, and respect I received made me feel very proud of the sky camaraderie. just to keep my feet on the ground tonight my exit hand was 10 j v ak flop 5510 turn 5 I go all in river 5 fh loses to5555A Posted by dumb_blond
That's excellent! so pleased for you, well played.. I best be on my A game when your on my table in future. glk.
Hi Tom, I get that all the time, things that everyone else seems to know pass me by too. Not being on facebook doesn't help either, oh the joys of being a dinosaur. To put you in the picture, there has been a few threads on the forum regarding alleged collusion using social media. The names of the players were mentioned, but I would not want to mention them at the moment, but I'm sure you can find out privately from one of your team mates. Hopefully it will be resolved asap, and the forum can go back to being the fun community it has always been. I hope your treatment continues to go well mate. Good Luck Posted by 67Bhoys
Thanks my good man, I am feeling a little better now, onwards and upwards ey.
Another day, another challenge Tom. You must dread these days, but so far, they have all turned out well, or as well as you coud dare hope. Same again today, please. Good luck. Posted by Tikay10
Thank you, most kind and gentlemanly as always, I do hope all is working out for you and all the other staff on the channel, tc and good luck.
In Response to Re: My story : Methinks I best leave well alone I am a tad intrigued I must say, and it seems these things happen at times but it is good to see it is being dealt with by the dove from above Posted by tomgoodun
If you go to team talk and read re-poaching, it might throw some light on the situation. Posted by 67Bhoys
Methinks I best leave well alone I am a tad intrigued I must say, and it seems these things happen at times but it is good to see it is being dealt with by the dove from above
My Doctors name is Lusion, his first name is Colin he likes to be called Col ( bit matey like ) should I be worried about telling him what I have got? Too soon?:) Posted by tomgoodun
Colin Lusion, the name sounds familiar, Is he in a band?
Coincidences really intrigue me, I remember hearing this tale a while back,if true it's a bit jaw dropping see what you think.
Before the time of mobile phones there were phone boxes around, Google it that part is key to the following...a young lad decided to have a sort of gap year and travel the world back packing, his mum was worried she wouldn't be able to contact him but he assured her he would be fine and keep in touch via ringing the phone box on a given time on a given day, of course he didn't keep this up and his mum was frantic with worry, she looked through his personal stuff to see if there was anything she could find to contact him, anyway back to the lad in question who was ambling along in some country which I have forgotten, he was walking past a phone box and heard it ringing, he decided to answer it, it was his mum, how on earth did you get this number he asked, she told him it was on a piece of paper in his desk, turns out it was his national insurance number.....omg.
Coincidences really intrigue me, I remember hearing this tale a while back,if true it's a bit jaw dropping see what you think. Before the time of mobile phones there were phone boxes around, Google it that part is key to the following...a young lad decided to have a sort of gap year and travel the world back packing, his mum was worried she wouldn't be able to contact him but he assured her he would be fine and keep in touch via ringing the phone box on a given time on a given day, of course he didn't keep this up and his mum was frantic with worry, she looked through his personal stuff to see if there was anything she could find to contact him, anyway back to the lad in question who was ambling along in some country which I have forgotten, he was walking past a phone box and heard it ringing, he decided to answer it, it was his mum, how on earth did you get this number he asked, she told him it was on a piece of paper in his desk, turns out it was his national insurance number.....omg. Posted by tomgoodun
Good Lord, that's incred!
And even your quacks name - Col Lusion........if only he knew.
^ Today I am feeling really good thanks, not least because I just told the wife about the next community get together in MK, she wouldn't let me go to the last one as it was a bit far to travel and I was at the beginning of my " journey" on other matters , well she has said it is ok for me to go as long as my son comes with me to share the driving, SO Chuffed!!
Today I am taking the beds apart (the ones I made sturdy by mortise and tenon joints) I have to saw through the joints and fit some bed fixings which the wife found on tinternet, my daughter is helping me, I am showing her how to use all the necessary power tools- she loves it
Very pleased you can make it to MK Tom. If you look for the fat midget, that's Jac35 and I'm sure he'll buy you a beer Posted by hhyftrftdr
I will be star struck meeting you and others my Good man, so on entering the establishment if I holler " Has anyone seen a fat midget" I will be welcomed with open arms?
In Response to Re: My story : I will be star struck meeting you and others my Good man, so on entering the establishment if I holler " Has anyone seen a fat midget" I will be welcomed with open arms? Posted by tomgoodun
I think Malcolm does himself a disservice with that description: the correct term is 'little person'.
Hi Tom, glad to hear your making your way to MK, I'm gutted that due to work commitments, I can't make it, it would have been nice to share a pint together.
I'm sure you'll have a ball. Good luck surviving the carnage of the Outlaw house party.
Brief update, I am feeling happy-ish for the first time in quite a while, not least helped by the fact my good lady has agreed to me going to MK for the forum get together poker shenanigans, and all the welcoming posts I have received, brings a lump to my throat. The thing is, she knows how I would love to go and she is obviously wanting what's best for me as far as health issues are concerned and also knows I would struggle firstly with the drive as my poor legs and hips are a smidgeon hurty at present, and secondly with the persistant erm bathroom issues ( I am sure we can stop on the way if needed but sometimes it sort of comes on rather quick) The compromise was reached when she suggested I could go if son came as well. he was only too happy to tag along and help with the drive, then my other son said he would come along also-happy days I know they have agreed just because I want to go, so all the times I am moaning about the kids have been pretty much wiped out they do care about us, they just don't show it as much as we would like but that's life.
My next hormone injection is booked for May, I have been taking a shedload of tablets, some for the mental sweats I get and seem to have done the trick for during the day, night times are a different matter as I wake up drenched, must have been dreaming of HH in a nurses uniform-thanks Sam
Poker wise, not too bad, won a couple of PL08 tournies for a small sum, every little helps as I have withdrawn enough to pay for the accommodation in MK.
That's all for now, thanks all for the positive vibes, I am humbled by your kind comments, tc all and good luck.
Brief update, I am feeling happy-ish for the first time in quite a while, not least helped by the fact my good lady has agreed to me going to MK for the forum get together poker shenanigans, and all the welcoming posts I have received, brings a lump to my throat. The thing is, she knows how I would love to go and she is obviously wanting what's best for me as far as health issues are concerned and also knows I would struggle firstly with the drive as my poor legs and hips are a smidgeon hurty at present, and secondly with the persistant erm bathroom issues ( I am sure we can stop on the way if needed but sometimes it sort of comes on rather quick) The compromise was reached when she suggested I could go if son came as well. he was only too happy to tag along and help with the drive, then my other son said he would come along also-happy days I know they have agreed just because I want to go, so all the times I am moaning about the kids have been pretty much wiped out they do care about us, they just don't show it as much as we would like but that's life. My next hormone injection is booked for May, I have been taking a shedload of tablets, some for the mental sweats I get and seem to have done the trick for during the day, night times are a different matter as I wake up drenched, must have been dreaming of HH in a nurses uniform-thanks Sam Poker wise, not too bad, won a couple of PL08 tournies for a small sum, every little helps as I have withdrawn enough to pay for the accommodation in MK. That's all for now, thanks all for the positive vibes, I am humbled by your kind comments, tc all and good luck. Posted by tomgoodun
What a lovely way for you to spend some quality time with your sons! Hope you enjoy it, you can keep Sam and H in check!!
To put you in the picture, there has been a few threads on the forum regarding alleged collusion using social media. The names of the players were mentioned, but I would not want to mention them at the moment, but I'm sure you can find out privately from one of your team mates. Hopefully it will be resolved asap, and the forum can go back to being the fun community it has always been.
I hope your treatment continues to go well mate.
Good Luck
that the more bad beats you get the better your playing you seem to be anticipating every thing before it happens and the
nig nogs haven't got the sense to heed your advise born of experience.
I hope your birthdays cheered you up I think your loved ones appreciate what your bodies been through and understand
that the occasional mood swing or rant is normal and a small price to pay for having you back safe amongst them.
now to my good news I took down the 7-45 ds last Friday for a nice prize of £30 a couple of smaller cashes followed
by the holy grail not only did I manage not to finish plumb last but miracle of miracles I actually won dtd 3 whilst the £72
prize was my biggest sky win the dosh paled into insignificance to the buzz of finishing a the head of a field of such quality
sky players and i must say the sportsmanship, rail, and respect I received made me feel very proud of the sky camaraderie.
just to keep my feet on the ground tonight my exit hand was 10 j v ak flop 5510 turn 5 I go all in river 5 fh loses to5555A
And even your quacks name - Col Lusion........if only he knew.
How are you feeling now Tom, any better?
Looking forward to meeting you, Tom.
I'm sure you'll have a ball. Good luck surviving the carnage of the Outlaw house party.
The compromise was reached when she suggested I could go if son came as well. he was only too happy to tag along and help with the drive, then my other son said he would come along also-happy days
My next hormone injection is booked for May, I have been taking a shedload of tablets, some for the mental sweats I get and seem to have done the trick for during the day, night times are a different matter as I wake up drenched, must have been dreaming of HH in a nurses uniform-thanks Sam
Poker wise, not too bad, won a couple of PL08 tournies for a small sum, every little helps as I have withdrawn enough to pay for the accommodation in MK.
That's all for now, thanks all for the positive vibes, I am humbled by your kind comments, tc all and good luck.