Thanks for the comments chaps, and chappesses, love the "all things happen for a reason" Mr K. And Sam I may have led you down the garden path re pic;) made you look though , I am gradually getting used to this banter malarkey that I was rather unkind about earlier in my thread, I am beginning to realise that you all love each other in the team, I may even enter the banter bus myself soon, my daughter is certainly a dab hand at that , I shall have to learn how to interact without causing offence when none is meant, omg life is so hard lol.
I hope things get a bit easier for you. Its crazy how things seem to happen all at once. We don't realise how precious life is untill a we get reminder of the fact.
How has your weekend been, any deep runs? I just love weekends. Love my sport so while I'm grinding away I love having the footy, tennis, golf etc etc on the box. It's been an emotional rollercoaster too. I'm a Liverpool fan and seeing Gerrard play his last game at Anfield and say his goodbyes was a little sad. But like Tikay says another door will open and he's now off on his new adventure playing in the U.S. Maybe I'll bump into him in Vegas! I've always been a big fan of Gerrard as he's remained humble and loyal to the team he loves. On the flip side of that my other sporting icon is Roger Federer who's been in inspiring form this week and is currently playing in the final v Djokovic. Will be tough but if anyone can do it, it's him.
Off to hit the tables and try and get some spending $$ for Vegas. Might even treat Tikay to a Starbucks if he behaves....think my moneys save
Thanks for the reply Tom. I hope things get a bit easier for you. Its crazy how things seem to happen all at once. We don't realise how precious life is untill a we get reminder of the fact. How has your weekend been, any deep runs? I just love weekends. Love my sport so while I'm grinding away I love having the footy, tennis, golf etc etc on the box. It's been an emotional rollercoaster too. I'm a Liverpool fan and seeing Gerrard play his last game at Anfield and say his goodbyes was a little sad. But like Tikay says another door will open and he's now off on his new adventure playing in the U.S. Maybe I'll bump into him in Vegas! I've always been a big fan of Gerrard as he's remained humble and loyal to the team he loves. On the flip side of that my other sporting icon is Roger Federer who's been in inspiring form this week and is currently playing in the final v Djokovic. Will be tough but if anyone can do it, it's him. Off to hit the tables and try and get some spending $$ for Vegas. Might even treat Tikay to a Starbucks if he behaves....think my moneys save Keep the chin up, James Posted by Donttelmum
Hi James
We had a really nice weekend,went to the wedding and had a lovely time,lots of compliments about the cake which was nice.
Roger Federer-what a player! I thought nobody would be able to match his achievements on the court,it seems Djokovic and others are catching him up though,age gets to us all in the end,and Gerrard yes he has been a stalwart in the team,was a pity about some of the comments a couple of seasons ago when there was talk of him leaving.
Poker-wise I have been running deep in a few tourneys and made a couple ft' seven taking a pl08 down so pretty much holding my own at present,due a big bink soon:)
Good luck in Vegas my good man,I'm a little jealous i don't know if you know cos I don't like to talk about it but I played in main event once How can two folk have the same IP address yet only one lose Internet connection? I guess I will have to stick to doing the washing and hoovering cos this internet/it shenanigans is out of my comfort zone Posted by tomgoodun
There are multiple 'connection points' -
Your router connects to the internet and presents your network as a single IP address.
You then have a connection from each of your PCs/mobiles/whatever TO the router. If one of those connections breaks then you have the scenario you've described. How can two folk have the same IP address yet only one lose Internet connection? I guess I will have to stick to doing the washing and hoovering cos this internet/it shenanigans is out of my comfort zone
1 day to go to my meeting at work which may decide my future.
Played the dtd games last night, was on a table with Sam and hhry, most fun I have had in ages, those two are like husband and wife who have been married 50 years, it's such a nice change from some of the jip I sometimes get due to my unorthodox play long May that continue, so looking forward to meeting up at MK.
Anyway I have just had a visit from in laws and wife has rang me which has put my housework duties back by a couple hours, I better pull my finger out and crack on. How can two folk have the same IP address yet only one lose Internet connection? I guess I will have to stick to doing the washing and hoovering cos this internet/it shenanigans is out of my comfort zone 1 day to go to my meeting at work which may decide my future. Played the dtd games last night, was on a table with Sam and hhry, most fun I have had in ages, those two are like husband and wife who have been married 50 years, it's such a nice change from some of the jip I sometimes get due to my unorthodox play long May that continue, so looking forward to meeting up at MK. Anyway I have just had a visit from in laws and wife has rang me which has put my housework duties back by a couple hours, I better pull my finger out and crack on. Good luck all. Posted by tomgoodun
Come on Tom, we know that ain't possible for numerous reasons. For starters, for Sam to have been married half a century, that means she would have had to have been wed at 7 years old. And I'd be -22
All the best for the work stuff tomorrow, keep us posted! How can two folk have the same IP address yet only one lose Internet connection? I guess I will have to stick to doing the washing and hoovering cos this internet/it shenanigans is out of my comfort zone 1 day to go to my meeting at work which may decide my future. Played the dtd games last night, was on a table with Sam and hhry, most fun I have had in ages, those two are like husband and wife who have been married 50 years, it's such a nice change from some of the jip I sometimes get due to my unorthodox play long May that continue, so looking forward to meeting up at MK. Anyway I have just had a visit from in laws and wife has rang me which has put my housework duties back by a couple hours, I better pull my finger out and crack on. Good luck all. Posted by tomgoodun
generally its cos they are fibbing
here's hoping you get to tell "my story" to those that count
Yesterday went as well as can be expected, I got an email from work the day before explaining it was further investigation and my chance to comment on statements.
Thanks to certain individuals who know who they are, we were very well prepared, that much eased my mind at least.
I cannot put too much on here as it is a public forum and don't wish to compromise my position further.
Thanks for the rock DB, you could give it to me at MK if you are going , I will pass on the other suggestion, that would make me as bad as him, and that's how world wars start, ( may be a bit ott but you know where I am coming from)
Thanks for your post Mr K, yes that is true, I will still have my family and friends here, I must say that it was blatantly obvious who was the most informed person in the meeting (my wife) I had no clue what regulations she quoted (neither did they) but it filled me with hope for the future.
Am glad you are not posting on here regarding what's gone off, as you say public forum and all that jazz. I really hope that it will be resolved soon enough then you can get back on with living life to the full, without having all this hanging over you. Good luck Tom, hope to see you tonight on the PLO8 tables. Not the 5.50 as not as comfortable playing yet.
Your router connects to the internet and presents your network as a single IP address.
You then have a connection from each of your PCs/mobiles/whatever TO the router. If one of those connections breaks then you have the scenario you've described.
Best of luck tomorrow
All the best for the work stuff tomorrow, keep us posted!
Not long until MK now, bring earplugs.
Good luck today, Tom.
And no matter WHAT happens, you'll still have your family there for you, & all your friends at Sky Poker.
and ring some poor soul in the middle of the night and ask if they still have the bmx bike for sale or the three piece suite
then after getting a mouth full its somebody eles turn to ring up an hour later to ask what colour it is or would they mind going to measureit
I think you've got the theme of it (the cruel devils )I just thought that we could get a rota together to give this fella
who's given you all this hassle the same treatment if you require some cracker barrel style justice.
ps it was a bit of rock you said you fancied wasn't it as i've brought you some aniseed back off my holidays xxxx db