is there any link between prostrate cancer and number of partners in one's youth?
if not it won't matter too much is you round down the number
or based on your comment maybe take logs (natural logs of course)
edit: so over 21 female partners lowers the risk according to some recent survey. or more likely it's not a factor. round it down tom and everyone can stay happy.
is there any link between prostrate cancer and number of partners in one's youth? if not it won't matter too much is you round down the number or based on your comment maybe take logs (natural logs of course) edit: so over 21 female partners lowers the risk according to some recent survey. or more likely it's not a factor. round it down tom and everyone can stay happy. Posted by GELDY
It's not like you remember exact numbers anyway, is it?
Who in their right mind keeps written documentation of the number of women they have slept with/kissed/touched over the jumper... and/or otherwise? And noted down dates, how long it lasted, and marks out of ten? It's not like you've kept the list neatly folded in the back of a heavy encyclopaedia for posterity, is it? And you certainly don't look at it every now and then and reminisce about how soft Michelle's lips were or how Kirstin's perfume used to catch in the back of your throat whenever you stroked her hair.
all comments and advice duly noted,thanks for that chaps.i remember an old flame asking that very question and will never forget the look on her face after we both wrote down the figures and hers were single figures,mine was in the Roman numerals beginning with L.. I The next question is,have you ever paid to sleep with a woman...and the next,how often do you erm...rhymes with faster late. Wow, now try to answer that one with someone looking over your shoulder lol.
I see the Cheltenham horse racing meeting started today,I am doing the naps table in the betting thread which involves picking a horse for each day of the meeting. I was reading yesterday's paper this morning at 5am whilst eating my cornflakes and it stated it starts tomorrow ( today) bear with me ,and being not quite with it I obviously thought it meant Wednesday so I have missed the first pick...doh.
The next question is,have you ever paid to sleep with a woman...and the next,how often do you erm...rhymes with faster late. Wow, now try to answer that one with someone looking over your shoulder lol. Posted by tomgoodun
You should try having to faster late with someone looking over your shoulder
Thought I would do a quick update for avid? Readers, life-wise I have been rather hormonal of late, I have been taking offence at pretty much every comment,and dragging down others around me,when i have time to reflect after I can see what a complete idiot I am being but at the time I just go over the top with my responses,so much so that I had a go at the boss at work last week,all my points were justified but when you are raising your voice and throwing in a few choice words the point of "discussion" kinda gets lost...having had time to reflect I am going to try my best next week to keep my mouth shut and count to at least 5 before I consider a retort.
Poker wise I have been doing ok ish, finished 2nd in the deep stack ,well played to stoke beating me fair and square heads up,I was invited by hhry to play for the notorious outlaws in the dtd games,I was a bit surprised to say the least as on looking on their team I would say I am the chap who brings the oranges on at half time,I accepted the offer and did ok the first week as I had to justify my inclusion on the team somehow apologies to anyone on tpt who I may have upset on the teams front,to me I am still playing as an individual (you know,like ronaldo does;) having a bit of fun along the way is a big plus as I need all the distractions I can get at present,cheers hrry and Sam for the chuckles.
More life stuff- As mentioned before my wife and I shall be moving house soon, we are due to exchange contracts next week,now here's the head f... , I have done a lot of work in this house,I work in the joinery business so I like to think I know what I am doing, I have made and installed pretty much all of the windows,all 'A' Rated (replacing the old tilt and turn metal ones which were a nuisance,ask any woman if she can get curtains on them beggars) the ones I have made and fitted were made out of Accoya ,a modified timber which has excellent properties, now I have to provide an indemnity policy at my own bloody cost because they were not fitted by a fensa registered installer,I told the wife ok then I will take them out and put the old ones back in! She rather put me in my place then, see I told you I was being hormonal....
We have a porch which was built in 1977,we moved into this one in 2000, planning permission was granted unconditionally at the time but apparently there is a restrictive covenant which should have been applied to be removed but wasn't,guess who has to pay for that? Yup me....what the bloody hell is going on here,I also said I will take the porch down but my wife didn't agree with that either,ho hum.
I have my follow up appointment with the consultant next Tuesday,fingers crossed for good news.
hi tom hows it going I haven't called in for a week or so as i couldn't cross the picket line if you remember I had a rant
about the free roll promotion decision that didn't go my way.
well i went on strike on the Tuesday after the dtds firstly not playing then turned the heat up later in the week by calling my cheer leader skills out in sympathy any way after i sent an e-mail on Friday where i asked if they even realised I was on
strike they must have realised the sky community is better off with db than without and a gesture of goodwill was
enough to get the blockade lifted.
well I could set a ddt record on Monday the last two weeks i have finished stone last both times, I think we did briefly
share a table a couple of times on Monday I was struggling to keep more that one table open at a time it was like a marxs
brothers film that didn't help.
on a brighter note I cashed on Tuesday and Wednesday to the tune of about £25 quid and am in front on the month.
take care and i hope we can share a table on Monday for a bit longer a final would be nice dbxxx
Tuesday 31st, or April 7th, Tom? Posted by Tikay10
Ah see my error, it is tomorrow the 31st of March. The hospital rang when I wasn't in and asked my wife if it was ok to change the date, she politely declined the offer, also it is with a different consultant as the one I have been seeing doesn't have a clinic at my local hospital anymore, when I rang to confirm they said the one I will be seeing will have my history and results so fingers crossed firstly for the results of my recent blood test and secondly I don't get mistaken for a young girl as what happened last time as we had the same hospital number, I know I am rather pretty but even I cannot pass for a young girl anymore
Thanks for the kind words all. Being an inspiration-I don't know about that, you may want to check with folk around me when I am having a rantathon
Hospital went well, the consultant said I am responding well to my treatment, both my psa and testosterone levels are virtually zero which means the cancer is either asleep or been killed off, or dying through the amount of radiation and lack of their 'Food' which is the testosterone, I will find that out when I come off hormone therapy which he said I could be on between 2-5 years depending how I cope with the side effects.
I have been suffering a bit through being tired and lethargic at times which he said is normal due to the brachytherapy and radiotherapy I had, it may last for another few months but that is a small price to pay.
My sincere best wishes go out to Dave 'Devilfish' Ulliot, A poker legend who did a lot to promote this wonderful game in its infancy, hope he wins his race.
Well , I have had a pretty bad week life - wise. I am in a real downer at present and everybody around me seems to be upsetting me, at work it is the same, had another set too with the boss this week,I was only asking the new ''Production Manager'' what the plan was for the shop floor with the massive job I have surveyed and drawn up and done the cutting sheets for, I also asked for a copy of the delivery note, the boss gave me a roasting and said look at the purchase order, to which I replied that is no good as they could send different to what is on that, cue another rag ear....2 hours later he comes in with the delivery note and tells me they have cocked up and not sent enough timber, no word of apology. I had given the production manager advice on how to cut the timber as he has no machining experience and it worked out well on the first phase, he got a pat on the back in last weeks production meeting for the job going through well......I informed him what was a potential disaster on how the two 'Workers' were cutting the timber out, he didn't approach them, this afternoon before I went home the MD was saying he had to have a chat with the blokes mentioned as they have cut the timber rather stupidly.......I GIVE UP.....
Hey tom.Still readin.Thanks for postin up on my own thread.Your kind words mean a lot,especially from someone with their own issues to deal with.Still inspirational.With your positive outlook,youll be grand.
No word from Tom - fingers crossed he's just been busy celebrating his birthday. Has anyone heard from him, or seen him at the tables? Posted by Tikay10
He was on my table in last night's 9.30 BH. He wasnt very chatty, so I didnt say much. Hope you are ok Tom.
(PS...belated birthday greetings Tom...and just ignore the idiots at work so you dont get stressed with it all)
hope you had a good birthday tom and my best wishes i send that you may be feeling a lot better,my birthday was the 9th, but i shut myself awayWHY YOU MAY ASK I WAS 60 XXXXX
Thanks all for the birthday wishes, most kind and the cake is especially nice thank you. I had a bit of a quiet day as I wasn't feeling too well and had to be near a bathroom all day.
I am busy building a wall around myself to protect me from my inner demons at present so apologies if folk have said hi and I haven't replied- I am not ignoring anyone I just struggle at times to deal with certain stuff.,hope to be back to normal soon.
i do appreciate the good wishes, it helps me enormously to think that folk care enough to post here and say nice stuff, I must try to do that on other folks threads, I do try to at times but find it hard to put things into words which will come over genuine as meant and not sycophantic or hidden meaning, this English language is so hard to master at times
Was reading one the other day which did make me smile, I had to look up tl;dr though, blimey I am behind the times I best stop now then, good luck all..I shall return.
Thanks all for the birthday wishes, most kind and the cake is especially nice thank you. I had a bit of a quiet day as I wasn't feeling too well and had to be near a bathroom all day. I am busy building a wall around myself to protect me from my inner demons at present so apologies if folk have said hi and I haven't replied- I am not ignoring anyone I just struggle at times to deal with certain stuff.,hope to be back to normal soon. i do appreciate the good wishes, it helps me enormously to think that folk care enough to post here and say nice stuff, I must try to do that on other folks threads, I do try to at times but find it hard to put things into words which will come over genuine as meant and not sycophantic or hidden meaning, this English language is so hard to master at times Was reading one the other day which did make me smile, I had to look up tl;dr though, blimey I am behind the times I best stop now then, good luck all..I shall return. Posted by tomgoodun
It's a shame that it's the only time some of these people have ever used a semi-colon
about the free roll promotion decision that didn't go my way.
well i went on strike on the Tuesday after the dtds firstly not playing then turned the heat up later in the week by calling my
cheer leader skills out in sympathy any way after i sent an e-mail on Friday where i asked if they even realised I was on
strike they must have realised the sky community is better off with db than without and a gesture of goodwill was
enough to get the blockade lifted.
well I could set a ddt record on Monday the last two weeks i have finished stone last both times, I think we did briefly
share a table a couple of times on Monday I was struggling to keep more that one table open at a time it was like a marxs
brothers film that didn't help.
on a brighter note I cashed on Tuesday and Wednesday to the tune of about £25 quid and am in front on the month.
take care and i hope we can share a table on Monday for a bit longer a final would be nice dbxxx
Tuesday 31st, or April 7th, Tom?
Another day, another challenge Tom. You must dread these days, but so far, they have all turned out well, or as well as you coud dare hope.
Same again today, please.
Good luck.
That sounds like pretty good news, Tom, fingers crossed it stays that way.
Hospital went well, the consultant said I am responding well to my treatment, both my psa and testosterone levels are virtually zero which means the cancer is either asleep or been killed off, or dying through the amount of radiation and lack of their 'Food' which is the testosterone, I will find that out when I come off hormone therapy which he said I could be on between 2-5 years depending how I cope with the side effects.
I have been suffering a bit through being tired and lethargic at times which he said is normal due to the brachytherapy and radiotherapy I had, it may last for another few months but that is a small price to pay.
My sincere best wishes go out to Dave 'Devilfish' Ulliot, A poker legend who did a lot to promote this wonderful game in its infancy, hope he wins his race.
before you gave us your latest update. you been through a lot and conducted yourself with great dignity as you say its been
grim at times but you've come through it and now can look forward to moving to your new house. we are truly blessed to
have the great doctors and nurses of the nhs to help us in times like this.
Morning Tom.
I bet you will enjoy today's Birthday more than any past Birthday.
Have a lovely day with the famly.
Tomorrow is my birthday, great.
No word from Tom - fingers crossed he's just been busy celebrating his birthday.
Has anyone heard from him, or seen him at the tables?
It must be tough some days Tom, but keep your chin up fella.