Not a bad start poker wise for this year, won the ukpc semi after getting in for £5, finished 13th in the mini rebuy tonight. off to bed now, thanks to all the railers espec DB who kept my interest up when I was getting bored
Happy New Year to you all, thank you for all your good wishes.
In Response to Re: My story : Thank you and a very happy new year to you and Mr Duck (almost made the catastrophic error of not checking that f is next to d on the keyboard yikes) Posted by tomgoodun
Haven't posted for a while, thought I would give a brief update.
I have had my first week of radiotherapy, the very first day was a little bit emotional for me, it's easy enough talking and posting about what is happening but when I am there and getting prepared it sort of makes it all real.
I am going to work as I would like to keep things as normal as possible, it has been a tough week there, I was in charge on the shop floor before this and as posted previously I am now working in the office, well ... One of the other chaps is off with a bad back, so I go on the shop floor to help out...big of the other chaps is a little hot headed and to keep this as brief as poss made my life hell., I had to have Thursday off as I was feeling really sick,went to bed at 2.30 straight after my hospital appointment.
Played the ukops final and really enjoyed playing with the big guns, I was chipleader for a brief time, nutter knocked me out eventually, I may have played the hand wrong but hey ho, I had pok 7s allin to his raise pre and c bet on a board of 762. He had 8 10 , turn 5 river 9... There's always next time
Hi Tom, I spotted you in one of my £5.75BHs the other day, I was really hoping to make the ft (and you too) so we could have a nice chat, but I busted out quickly lol Try not to take any sh't at work and shame about the UKOPS! Take care, Ducky Posted by mrsduck
Thank you, am in the semi again but need to quad up rapido hope to see you on the felt , I may be a little slow at chat/reply but I will try, glk and tc,,x
Hi Tom, I spotted you in one of my £5.75BHs the other day, I was really hoping to make the ft (and you too) so we could have a nice chat, but I busted out quickly lol Try not to take any sh't at work and shame about the UKOPS! Take care, Ducky
Not a bad start poker wise for this year, won the ukpc semi after getting in for £5, finished 13th in the mini rebuy tonight. off to bed now, thanks to all the railers espec DB who kept my interest up when I was getting bored
Happy New Year to you all, thank you for all your good wishes.
thanks tom it is probably the nearest i 'll ever get to see winning ukpc semi and db mentioned in the same paragraph seriously it was a pleasure the boy did good.
hi tom very pleased to see you feel well enough to spend a but of time posting I hope things are going well as for the kernt who's giving you a hard time at work he really wants to get a life karma and all that to him xxx db
Only just stumbling across this my love, always had a good laugh with you on the tables... would never guess you have been going through all this with your chirpy outlook.
Wishing you all the best, to you and your family xx
In Response to Re: My story : All the best Tom, I do drop by (silently until now) in this thread to see how you're doing. I'm sure we'll share a table soon again as well. Posted by hhyftrftdr
I am honoured, thank you for your kind words.. ( I'll keep it to myself, don't want to ruin your rep. )
Only just stumbling across this my love, always had a good laugh with you on the tables... would never guess you have been going through all this with your chirpy outlook. Wishing you all the best, to you and your family xx Posted by samantha25
Thanks Sam,you are indeed an enigma wrapped in a mystery surrounded by fog;) I appreciate you taking the time to post your good wishes in between gulps of the "Amber nectar" perchance look after youself love and be happy x
Keep the positivity on the up and up m8.Inspirin stuff. Paul Posted by bignoise10
Thank you very much,it means a lot to me that you post this when you have your own issues to deal with,you my good man are the inspiration to all us fathers,take care and the very best of luck on the felt.
The treatment is taking its toll at the moment,I have had 10 sessions of the 23 so almost half way,my appointments were at 6.12 pm I have been getting up for work at 5am then with the drive to Brighton I was getting home around half 7 pm.
My wife asked if we could change the times as she could see that I was running on very little energy, besides it was playing havoc with my poker regging the receptionist was very helpful and she has managed to change next weeks appointments to earlier ones so that will be a big help.
One morning I was going into the petrol station where I get my paper and chat to the ladies putting the world to rights I saw a big lorry pull away with the bloke texting, course that became my moan of the day as I entered the aforementioned and picked my paper up and started my rant about folk not looking where they were going...and promptly fell over the "careful floor cleaning" sign .....doh....
thanks for the update tom 5 till 7 on a regular basis is tiring enough for any body whose fully fit. on the positive note your nearly half way through your course of treatment and hopefully can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. your wife seems to be a very good organiser and I suggest her next duty should be to try and find a gap in your schedule and book you an appointment at Specsavers. take care tom and thanks once again for the update best wishes to you and yours db xxx Posted by dumb_blond
Thanks a lot for your good wishes, yes I definitely need to be organized and taken in hand hope to see you soon on the virtual felt, good luck on the pokeramo and life front. xx
thanks for the update tom 5 till 7 on a regular basis is tiring enough for any body whose fully fit. on the positive note your nearly half way through your course of treatment and hopefully can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
your wife seems to be a very good organiser and I suggest her next duty should be to try and find a gap in your schedule and book you an appointment at Specsavers.
take care tom and thanks once again for the update best wishes to you and yours db xxx
Feeling bit down at present, without giving too much sordid detail my tummy is poorly,guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself and it will pass soon, hate taking tablets and am on quite a few a day, need to add some to solve my tummy prob sigh..
It saddens me to see so much grief/argument/nastiness on a forum thread, I hope this gets resolved for the better soon,it's just the same in everyday life that arguments start from the smallest thing,comment,look,tone of voice ,disagreement on what is best way to play..etc..etc, we are all here for just a brief glimpse in time and making the most of it and being happy seems to allude folk,or maybe I read to much into it and folk like the arguments..who knows,certainly not me.
Poker wise doing ok..ish, finished in top 20 or so in dtd1 and made it to the ukC semi again, but busted out,I will keep trying though,would love to get a seat there,give me something to look forward to.
Feeling bit down at present, without giving too much sordid detail my tummy is poorly,guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself and it will pass soon, hate taking tablets and am on quite a few a day, need to add some to solve my tummy prob sigh.. It saddens me to see so much grief/argument/nastiness on a forum thread, I hope this gets resolved for the better soon,it's just the same in everyday life that arguments start from the smallest thing,comment,look,tone of voice ,disagreement on what is best way to play..etc..etc, we are all here for just a brief glimpse in time and making the most of it and being happy seems to allude folk,or maybe I read to much into it and folk like the arguments..who knows,certainly not me. Poker wise doing ok..ish, finished in top 20 or so in dtd1 and made it to the ukC semi again, but busted out,I will keep trying though,would love to get a seat there,give me something to look forward to. Thanks for kind comments all,I feel blessed. Posted by tomgoodun
Sorry to hear you,re feelin down man.Tbf,youve got every reason to,but you still seem to post upliftin stuff.
Feeling bit down at present, without giving too much sordid detail my tummy is poorly,guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself and it will pass soon, hate taking tablets and am on quite a few a day, need to add some to solve my tummy prob sigh.. It saddens me to see so much grief/argument/nastiness on a forum thread, I hope this gets resolved for the better soon,it's just the same in everyday life that arguments start from the smallest thing,comment,look,tone of voice ,disagreement on what is best way to play..etc..etc, we are all here for just a brief glimpse in time and making the most of it and being happy seems to allude folk,or maybe I read to much into it and folk like the arguments..who knows,certainly not me. Poker wise doing ok..ish, finished in top 20 or so in dtd1 and made it to the ukC semi again, but busted out,I will keep trying though,would love to get a seat there,give me something to look forward to. Thanks for kind comments all,I feel blessed. Posted by tomgoodun
You've got to remember Tom they are hitting you with some pretty powerful stuff, it's going to have side effects. Good to see you running well at the poker.
Happy New Year to you all, thank you for all your good wishes.
(An Outlaw - we're mostly a pretty good lot btw!)
Thanks for the Update Tom.
At least the radiotherapy has started, I guess the first one must be the most scary one.
Try not to take any sh't at work and shame about the UKOPS!
Take care,
Happy New Year to you all, thank you for all your good wishes.
thanks tom it is probably the nearest i 'll ever get to see winning ukpc semi and db mentioned in the same paragraph
seriously it was a pleasure the boy did good.
All the best Tom, I do drop by (silently until now) in this thread to see how you're doing. I'm sure we'll share a table soon again as well.
hi tom very pleased to see you feel well enough to spend a but of time posting I hope things are going well
as for the kernt who's giving you a hard time at work he really wants to get a life karma and all that to him xxx db
on the positive note your nearly half way through your course of treatment and hopefully can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
your wife seems to be a very good organiser and I suggest her next duty
should be to try and find a gap in your schedule and book you an appointment at Specsavers.
take care tom and thanks once again for the update best wishes to you and yours db xxx
"....I have had 10 sessions of the 23 so almost half way....."
Great news Tom, "only" 13 left, & the finish line for the treatment is a lot nearer than it was a week or two ago.
Keep on fighting!
Hope you are feeling a bit better now.
How many "sessions" left?