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New Weekly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Starts from 19th June *OPT IN REQUIRED* EVERYONE is welcome t



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    edited February 2017
    Nice one Pommie, that's a chuffingly good start.
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes:
    Ha, well done Uncle Pommy, what a boss.
    Posted by Tikay10

      Cheers Grumps, sorry Gramps.  When are you making your debut?
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes:
    Have messaged you regarding your prize pom. Congrats again!
    Posted by markycash
       TY Mark,  will have a looksee l8r.
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes:
    Very well played Bill. As Mark says Pomfrittes gets the first ever prize awarded in this league for his top 3 finish in both tournies on one night and it will probably come as no surprise to learn that he currently leads the Bounty leaderboard too FIRST PLAYER TO FINISH IN TOP 3 IN BOTH PLAYER 7.15 9.15 pomfrittes 1 2 WIN MOST NIGHTLY BOUNTIES TO DATE PLAYER 7.15 9.15 TOTAL pomfrittes 7 6 13
    Posted by scouse_red

       Thanks Chris, thoroughly enjoyed last night's games, format obv suits my uber tight style :)
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes:
    Nice one Pommie, that's a chuffingly good start.
    Posted by Enut

      Cheers m8, hope the fingers are ok.  Did a bit of hanging on myself last night.
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    edited February 2017
    pomfrittes12PRIZE WON


    Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

    7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15

    No of players
    68 31 56 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOT TOT
    * * * *

    70 2 61 29

    162 4
    57 11 47 14

    129 4
    49 24 48 8

    129 4
    48 31

    117 3
    73 33

    113 3
    65 19 27

    111 3
    62 3 44 1

    110 4

    101 2

    100 2
    52 7 13 18

    90 4
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    edited February 2017

    I think this is a great league and well done for starting it however just a bit of early feedback though it seems the overall monthly results will be dependent on the 7.15 tourney results rather than the 9.15 one. The 7.15 has far more runners so a decent run will gain far more points in what should be an easier tournament as the buy in is lower.

    For example winning the 9.15 last night would have got 41 points, the same as finishing 15/61 in the 7.15.

    Would be fairer to us an adjustment factor to give the 9.15 equivalent weighting or is that getting far too picky for what is in effect a bit of fun?  

    Or maybe separate monthly prizes for 7.15 and 9.15 results?

    Just my two penneth worth, tell me to s*d off if you want!

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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes:
    I think this is a great league and well done for starting it however just a bit of early feedback though it seems the overall monthly results will be dependent on the 7.15 tourney results rather than the 9.15 one. The 7.15 has far more runners so a decent run will gain far more points in what should be an easier tournament as the buy in is lower. For example winning the 9.15 last night would have got 41 points, the same as finishing 15/61 in the 7.15. Would be fairer to us an adjustment factor to give the 9.15 equivalent weighting or is that getting far too picky for what is in effect a bit of fun?   Or maybe separate monthly prizes for 7.15 and 9.15 results? Just my two penneth worth, tell me to s*d off if you want!
    Posted by Enut
    It is a fair point Enut. Me and Chris both noticed this a few days ago and Chris has found a solution. We didn't change anything for this month as it was a bit late in the day. Couldn't agree more with your point though and we can change it for month 2 of the league :)
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes:
    I think this is a great league and well done for starting it however just a bit of early feedback though it seems the overall monthly results will be dependent on the 7.15 tourney results rather than the 9.15 one. The 7.15 has far more runners so a decent run will gain far more points in what should be an easier tournament as the buy in is lower. For example winning the 9.15 last night would have got 41 points, the same as finishing 15/61 in the 7.15. Would be fairer to us an adjustment factor to give the 9.15 equivalent weighting or is that getting far too picky for what is in effect a bit of fun?   Or maybe separate monthly prizes for 7.15 and 9.15 results? Just my two penneth worth, tell me to s*d off if you want!
    Posted by Enut
    Mark beat me to it lol,

    I'm working on it as we speak Enut and will have it in place for next month's league. I'm gonna do some dry runs to make sure it's all good to go first tho, and, as Mark says it's a bit late now for this one

    Glad your enjoying it ......... and feedback is great :)
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    edited February 2017
    I agree with the above points. I wouldn't over adjust though, as beating a larger field has its merits as does winning in a larger BI event. 

    It's a case of trying to finding the right balance between encouraging recs to play who are only rolled for the £5 er and encouraging those who can play both to play both.

    At the moment it is skewed to the £5er, it would be better EV to play all the £5s and no £11 rather than both for half the nights. 

    If you go too far and make it better EV to play the £11er every night than both for half the nights then that would potentially affect the good numbers in the £5er.

    Not easy - don't envy you - wish I had a suggestion that solved this perfectly, but unfortunately I don't.
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    edited February 2017
    Yes the feedback is great :)

    I might have a new suggestion too depending on how my last suggestion in the other thread for these games goes down. Time will tell, early days etc etc. Hopefully numbers can keep up and if they do we can find the correct balance for Month 2 onwards.
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes:
    Yes the feedback is great :) I might have a new suggestion too depending on how my last suggestion in the other thread for these games goes down. Time will tell, early days etc etc. Hopefully numbers can keep up and if they do we can find the correct balance for Month 2 onwards.
    Posted by markycash
    hi, been following the thread from afar but alas cannot play this week. WP to Pomm. Great start.

    i undertsand where your comming from Enut, but does it matter? its the same for everyone.
    if lets say its best to play the 5.5 to win the league, thats ok. Winning players can also profit from the 11 as well.

    i'd be interested to see what scouse/marky have come up with to balance the fields but agree with phantom, dont make too many changes. 

    GL all.
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    edited February 2017
    No, Suzy, it absolutely doesn't matter to me, I certainly won't play anything like the number that some will so have little to gain personally but it just dawned on me when looking at the first few results and thought I would raise the topic before anyone had a real moan (I know that we're ploppers so that probably wouldn't happen but you only need one of those pesky holdem players to chip in and it could all kick off!)

    A fairly logical solution would be to adjust the score by the ratio of the number of entrants in the two tournaments and then add the bonus points on for final tabling. This would cater for the fact that this would change daily to reflect the number of entrants to each. Unfortunately though this would be time consuming for Scouse as he would have to factor it into his spreadsheet each day.

    Wish I hadn't brought this up now, at least for the fact that I should be working and keep getting side tracked!

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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes:
    No, Suzy, it absolutely doesn't matter to me, I certainly won't play anything like the number that some will so have little to gain personally but it just dawned on me when looking at the first few results and thought I would raise the topic before anyone had a real moan (I know that we're ploppers so that probably wouldn't happen but you only need one of those pesky holdem players to chip in and it could all kick off!) A fairly logical solution would be to adjust the score by the ratio of the number of entrants in the two tournaments and then add the bonus points on for final tabling. This would cater for the fact that this would change daily to reflect the number of entrants to each. Unfortunately though this would be time consuming for Scouse as he would have to factor it into his spreadsheet each day. Wish I hadn't brought this up now, at least for the fact that I should be working and keep getting side tracked!   
    Posted by Enut

    BOOOOOOM that's the solution mayself and Mark thought of when we looked at it, it's currently being tested in the spreadsheets as we speak ......... great minds and all that eh :)
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes:
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes : BOOOOOOM that's the solution mayself and Mark thought of when we looked at it, it's currently being tested in the spreadsheets as we speak ......... great minds and all that eh :)
    Posted by scouse_red
    Yeah I think the new changes will make things much more balanced.

    I think Sky hoped that the stuff we do with regards to the promotion would encourage participation in both tourneys so it wouldn't be ideal to continue with a model that renders one of them bordering on meaningless in relation to league points.

    Not a major change though in relation to the overall setup.

    The feedback and fact we are all working this out is great. It really is a cracking little OH8 community we have on here. :)

    Edit: P.S. It would be great to have some feedback on the latest suggestion I mentioned in the other thread about all this stuff. I think it would help grow the player pool and help numbers in these games too.
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    edited February 2017

    Morning all.

    Just want you all to be aware that whilst the £5er affair is going great guns, the £10er missed Guarantee last night. It has been touch & go most nights actually.

    If it cannot meet the Guarantee, it WILL be reduced.

    Time to rally the troops.
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    edited February 2017
    PLAYER 7.15 9.15
    pomfrittes 1 2 WON

    PLAYER 7.15 9.15 TOTAL
    pomfrittes 7 6 13
    just as a footnote to Tikay's post above, in the first 3 nights we have been doing tables for this, there have been 146 unique players and of those 146, 66 have been unique entries in the 9.15

    obv not everyone can play every night, however it goes to show that the player base is certainly there

    so to repeat what tikay posted

    Time to rally the troops
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    edited February 2017
    Will certainly try and rally the troops in any way I can. Personally as mentioned I think the guarantee is a bit snug though. £250 would probably be nearer the mark IMO. The tourney attracts higher numbers some nights. This might be down to the timing and players less inclined to sign up for a tourney midweek that could last till after midnight if they need to be up early. Not sure what other time slots could work better though.

    Great news Chris has posted about unique player numbers! There certainly seems to be the player pool on the site and if the pool could be increased further the oh8 games in general could do pretty well.

    Edit: do you think the later game would do better if it was a turbo? I personally wouldn't like this as the structure is brilliant in these but thinking of the preferences of players as a whole a turbo 'might' work better.
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes:
    Time to rally the troops.    
    Posted by Tikay10
    So can we count on you turning up tonight for a wee game?  Would probably help numbers quite a bit...

    I won't post any 'suggestions' for a whole day if you do! Who knows you may even like the games :D
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    edited February 2017
    Woohoo, Tikay has joined in :D
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    edited February 2017
    below is the top 10 so far..........

    6TH 7TH 8TH 9TH

    7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15

    No of players 68 31 56 36 50 28 57 22

    PLAYER * * * * * * * * PLYD SCORE
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10
    markycash 70 2 61 29 48 3 42 2 8 257
    70 61 48 42 29 3 2 2

    conorshay1 65 19 27
    46 15 49 9 7 230
    65 49 46 27 19 15 9

    fish4it231 57 11 47 14 33 26 16 19 8 223
    57 47 33 26 19 16 14 11

    safc71 52 7 13 18 26 20 62 15 8 213
    62 52 26 20 18 15 13 7

    trevil25 68
    36 22 27 5 6 190
    68 36 32 27 22 5

    Whizzewky 48 31
    38 13 24 41 20 7 215
    48 41 38 31 24 20 13

    JJFlash66 49 24 48 8

    5 176
    49 48 47 24 8

    pomfrittes 73 33
    7 17 10 9 24 7 173
    73 33 24 17 10 9 7

    36 41

    28 28
    4 133
    41 36 28 28

    petebryn 43

    3 131
    58 43 30

    the bounty leader remains pomfrittes on 13 heads
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    edited February 2017
    Thanks for the update Scouse.

    If this all runs next month and the new £5.50 @ 9:15pm works out comparable to the 7:15pm game then I guess it may make this more streamlined and scoring 'less problematic'?

    Personally I think the £5.50 at 9:15pm will struggle on occasion and not on others as I think both the timing and buy in were affecting the 9:15pm game a little so the set-up may change. If had the chance to personally choose I would have kept the £11 and made it a £150-£200 GTD tourney and added one or two smaller buy in BH's around teatime. Then again what do I know and I obviously don't get to choose :)

    All in all just happy we extra PLO8 MTT's!
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    edited February 2017
    ok so after the end of wk 1 

    Pomfrittes has the first ever prize in this comp locked up, with 2 top 3 finishes on the very first night

    the most heads in one night is still POMFRITTES WITH 13 HEADS

    and here is the up to date table for all players so far thats all 241 of you 

    <td align="CE

    6TH 7TH 8TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH

    7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15 7.15 9.15

    No of players 68 31 56 36 50 28 57 22 57 46 44 35 47 39

    PLAYER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PLYD SCORE
    markycash 70 2 61 29 48 3 42 2 41 43 5 29

    12 375
    trevil25 68
    36 22 27 5 45 36 36
    10 356
    fish4it231 57 11 47 14 33 26 16 19 39
    41 26

    11 329
    safc71 52 7 13 18 26 20 62 15 17 46
    25 35 6 13 342
    conorshay1 65 19 27
    46 15 49 9
    7 11 1 47
    11 296
    pomfrittes 73 33
    7 17 10 9 24 34 18
    23 7 21 12 276
    UrABawBag2 54
    47 5 15
    49 17
    19 45 7 10 261
    DONN001 8
    6 34 37 15 38 22 10 237

    15 4 30
    4 27 51 8
    19 8 9 166
    10 43 33
    37 8 207
    shelly1967 2 16

    8 13 2 40 43 10 8 134
    JJFlash66 49 24 48 8

    50 25

    7 251
    Whizzewky 48 31
    38 13 24 41 20

    7 215

    62 24
    33 5 27 7 211
    birty964 46
    35 2

    47 29

    7 183
    shajicat11 19 9

    18 39 27 24 27

    7 163
    andrico 24

    8 40
    7 159
    weecheez1 12
    22 30

    7 134
    botneck 62 3 44 1

    7 1

    11 7 129
    buckup 18

    23 5


    6 2 7 69

    18 59 15 29
    44 35 6 200


    25 43
    6 176

    3 6 141

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    edited February 2017
    That, Sir, is a spreadsheet.

    Nicely done.
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes:
    That, Sir, is a spreadsheet. Nicely done.
    Posted by Enut
    I thank you Sir
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    edited February 2017
    Even by your standards that's an impressive job vwp 
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes:
    Even by your standards that's an impressive job vwp 
    Posted by weecheez1
    thanks cheezy :)
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    edited February 2017
    Excellent work Chris!
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    edited February 2017
    great  work  scouse / chris   slowly  getting to know  names  to the alises     markys is easy  1  to  remember  tho  :)  

    im  mick btw.
  • Options
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Monthly PLO8 Bounty Hunter League - Everyone welcome to join in - Added prizes:
    great  work  scouse / chris   slowly  getting to know  names  to the alises     markys is easy  1  to  remember  tho  :)   im  mick btw.
    Posted by UrABawBag2
    thanks Mick much appreciated
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