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March's Priority Promo?

edited March 2017 in Priority
Hi guys.

Is there a priority promo for March?

Haven't seen anything as yet.




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    edited February 2017

    Morning Graham.

    There is not a Promo specifically for Prio players in March, as Viva Las Vegas has just been announced, and the thinking is that the Prio players will be having a dash at that.
    Be great to see you in Vegas this year. Do your best, right? ;) 
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    edited February 2017
    Big fan of the Vegas promo and understand why nothing is running for prio this month with whats up for grabs if we are able to compete in all the general promos. I'm slightly confused as to why the terms and conditions state prio members are excluded from mission las vegas with no prio specific promo running, if this is the case surely it would be more beneficial to not be a prio member this month?
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: March's Priority Promo?:
    Big fan of the Vegas promo and understand why nothing is running for prio this month with whats up for grabs if we are able to compete in all the general promos. I'm slightly confused as to why the terms and conditions state prio members are excluded from mission las vegas with no prio specific promo running, if this is the case surely it would be more beneficial to not be a prio member this month? STAKING REQUIREMENTS APPLY. PRIORITY CLUB MEMBERS EXCLUDED . LIMITED AVAILABILITY. 1 PACKAGE PER PLAYER. NO CASH ALTERNATIVE. 21+ T&CS APPLY.
    Posted by benc
    It's a fair point but we have to give lower/medium stakes players a chance of winning packages too. The Vegas Leagues and second chance freerolls will almost certainly be won by priority players.
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    edited February 2017
    Yeah completely understand and agree that it's good to give lower/medium stake players a chance to get to vegas, but it should be done so as not to disadvantage another group of players imo especially if that group are given the incentive to hit priority because of 'benefits'. Also a lower/medium stake player may have worked extra hard to push through to priority at some point over the last couple of months just to find out they would of been better of not putting in the extra hours because they have no chance against the higher stake/volume players in the promo they can take part in and been ruled out of the promo that they may have had a very decent shot at because they made 'priority'. I think this reflects badly on the whole idea of having a priority club. Just to make it clear this doesn't affect me personally and I'm fully supportive of finding a way to ensure players of all stakes and volume have a shot at going to vegas i just think Sky have gone about it the wrong way.
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    edited February 2017

    Tikay strolls into Priority this month......

    ....Sky James pulls the carpet away ;)

    As non Priority, I obv think it is great that there is currently a Vegas promo on excluding you guys. I obv also realise in the weeks/months to come that there will most probably be 'Priority Only' promos put on, like Sky Poker did last year. I think you just have to look at the bigger picture sometimes. 
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    edited February 2017
    Benc hits the nail on the head !! this is pretty poor from sky, favouring the monkeys instead of the regs who generate the most rake and are most valuable. If I had it my own way sky would irradicate freerolls altogether they are so tedious.
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    edited March 2017
    This is really poor form. Last month prioty customers were excluded from the spin n go promo, instead getting the drive the prize freeroll, which only was really of any value to the top tier of the priorty club. 

    Now this month we are excluded from a promo without a priorty alternative. I understand the reason for the exclusion as it creates more value for the recreational players but you can't penalise your 'priority' customers without offering them something in return.
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    edited March 2017
    Completely agree with BenC.

    As a player who has only recently started to put in some volume into Sky, making priority only a few months ago I feel completely underwhelmed by the offers and propotions exclusive to us. I have no way to compete against any of the top tier grinders putting in 40k points a week and am not allowed to compete with regular players who are playing on sky. Same last month, same this month. i have been a priority member for about 3 months now and I can honestly say that it was probably not worth it. 
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    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: March's Priority Promo?:
    Benc hits the nail on the head !! this is pretty poor from sky, favouring the monkeys instead of the regs who generate the most rake and are most valuable. If I had it my own way sky would irradicate freerolls altogether they are so tedious.
    Posted by MULLINSFC

    I honestly cant work out if this post is being sarcastic or not.
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    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: March's Priority Promo?:
    In Response to Re: March's Priority Promo? : I honestly cant work out if this post is being sarcastic or not.
    Posted by MattBates
    I can definitely work out that your post is sarcastic
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    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: March's Priority Promo?:
    In Response to Re: March's Priority Promo? : I honestly cant work out if this post is being sarcastic or not.
    Posted by MattBates
    I was not being disingenuous thanks very much Bates. 
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    edited March 2017
    This is tantamount to fraud from the sky prio team 
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    edited March 2017
    Who is in charge of Priority now that Liz is no longer in the role?  it would be nice to have some more correspondence from sky regarding the points made, xxxxxc point is exactly why i felt this needed further discussion.
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    edited March 2017
    So I just found out that because i didnt make 10k points in Feb  (made 9296) i dont get my monthly cashback.
    But i retain my prority status from making the points in December and January. 

    So I Can't compete in any of the normal tournaments this month/last month and have received no rakeback

    Thanks skypoker! Was great being a priority member with you (in case Bates wondering - this was sarcastic) 
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    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: March's Priority Promo?:
    Completely agree with BenC. As a player who has only recently started to put in some volume into Sky, making priority only a few months ago I feel completely underwhelmed by the offers and propotions exclusive to us. I have no way to compete against any of the top tier grinders putting in 40k points a week and am not allowed to compete with regular players who are playing on sky. Same last month, same this month. i have been a priority member for about 3 months now and I can honestly say that it was probably not worth it. 
    Posted by xxxxxxc

    Seems like I only come on here to complain despite Sky being a great site however here I am...

    i wholeheartedly agree with xxxx's sentiment here, Think i've been priority for like 4 or 5 months now and attempted to partake in every promotion, Except that It's almost pointless to try if your in the bronze/silver priority levels because your never winning anything the way the promotion is normally set up.

    Only the top teir of priority actually get the value from these promotions which seems fair enough because they generate the profit for Sky but whats unfair is the fact that we are also exlcuded from the other promotions.

    Priority seems like a bit of a joke for bronze teir these past few months not sure if the extra 10% rakeback and 2 free rolls even covers the lost EV from the excluded promotions but it's got to be close or negligible which is pretty sad.

    I don't really get the point in making all these priority promotions rake races, Doesn't really make any sense anyway the winners of these rake races if opened to the entire site would just be priority members anyway because you get into priority by paying lots of rake so whats the point exactly?? 

    If you're weren't priority and wanted to win one of these rake races in the non priority promo's you would need to get into priority in the act of trying to win, so may aswell just open up these promotions to everyone instead of putting them under the guise of some "club" which is really just 2 free rolls and a little bit extra rakeback.

    In my opinion it makes more sense to have the more interesting promotions like these las vegas free rolls under the priority banner and open up the rake races to everyone to encourage people to get into priority. Vegas priority freerolls would be interesting aswell because you would end up going with a bunch of regs you run into alot and meet the person behind the name...
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    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: March's Priority Promo?:
    So I just found out that because i didnt make 10k points in Feb  (made 9296) i dont get my monthly cashback. But i retain my prority status from making the points in December and January.  So I Can't compete in any of the normal tournaments this month/last month and have received no rakeback Thanks skypoker! Was great being a priority member with you (in case Bates wondering - this was sarcastic) 
    Posted by xxxxxxc
    Yea I think I did this too, pretty silly situation.

    We are excluded from some normal promtions, cant win priority promotions (if there was any), dont get the rake back.

    All for two free rolls the ev of which is probably a quid or two, don't think i'd quit priority given the chance though aswell because there's always a chance there is a really good promotion in like two months that is available to all.
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    edited March 2017
    I honestly hope that someone from Skypoker looks into this because I do love this site but the whole system is messed up.
    You are completely correct in that freerolls should be prio exclusives, tournaments where everyone who puts in significant time and effort should be able to win on a good day.  And the fact that you keep your priority status but not the rakeback? Who came up with that? And how obvious is it from the priority website, I wasn't even aware of this. I could have made the 800 points easily if I was aware of this.
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    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: March's Priority Promo?:
    This is tantamount to fraud from the sky prio team 
    Posted by MULLINSFC
    another legend in his own mind
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    edited March 2017
    What is this months promotion for PRIORTY then ? Answers would be nice guys? Seems stupid paying thousands £ to sky every month , not to go any kind of benefit ? 
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    edited March 2017
    I think sky is the best site, for many reasons. One of those reasons is it listens to its client base like no other.

    Priority needs looking at as a matter of urgency.

    It already does a lot of good things, via rakeback and the freerolls. People should appreciate the significant value that brings. It is also important to recognise that Priority benefits should be the icing on the cake, not the cake.

    There are (imo) 2 things sky need to do as a matter of reasonable urgency re Prio:-

    1. Review whether the recent changes to qualification are working. In my view, the choices are to return to the old system (10k in the preceding month) or introduce new ways of flagging up when 10k points are close and membership benefits may be lost

    2. IF there are to be monthly promos, to recognise that there are 2 distinct groups within Prio. There are those that aim to scrape the 10k, and those that exceed that weekly. What motivates 1 group does not motivate the other. It seems fair to try and arrange promos so that both groups (in turn) feel wanted

    Meanwhile, I'd better grind this month if I want to return to Priority....

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    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: March's Priority Promo?:
    I think sky is the best site, for many reasons. One of those reasons is it listens to its client base like no other. Priority needs looking at as a matter of urgency. It already does a lot of good things, via rakeback and the freerolls. People should appreciate the significant value that brings. It is also important to recognise that Priority benefits should be the icing on the cake, not the cake. There are (imo) 2 things sky need to do as a matter of reasonable urgency re Prio:- 1. Review whether the recent changes to qualification are working. In my view, the choices are to return to the old system (10k in the preceding month) or introduce new ways of flagging up when 10k points are close and membership benefits may be lost 2. IF there are to be monthly promos, to recognise that there are 2 distinct groups within Prio. There are those that aim to scrape the 10k, and those that exceed that weekly. What motivates 1 group does not motivate the other. It seems fair to try and arrange promos so that both groups (in turn) feel wanted Meanwhile, I'd better grind this month if I want to return to Priority.... Phil
    Posted by Essexphil
    Good post 

    I think it would be good, don't now it could work, if there was kind of a 2 tier aspect to Priority.
    There are the guys who will make Priority in a couple of days and then there's the rest. The majority I guess are like me. We just get over the line.
    Most of the promotions are always going to be won by the Top 2% of grinders and so people like me are left in no mans land. We can't compete for the priority promos and we sometimes get excluded from the normal ones as well.

    I liked some of the old promos where you were given a personal challenge. E.g. If you made 11k points last month then if you make say 13k this month then you get a bonus 
    The extra 10% is decent but there is nothing else really that is very attractive 
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    edited March 2017
    +1 to a tier system
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    edited March 2017
    Hi Guys,

    There have been some valid points raised in this thread and I can assure you that feedback has been taken on board. As you can appreciate we do have a budget for how much we can give away in promotions each month. The Drive the prize promotion that we ran in February, which was 8/9 exclusive to priority was worth £40,000. The promotion for the rest of the base was only worth half of that. In an industry where the focus is changing to the new and recreational customer this promotion was unique. 

    This month you are correct in saying there is no particular promotion that is exclusive to priority members. There is an assumption on our part that prio members are likely to win the majority of the seats on offer in the Viva Las Vegas leagues. We are also aware that the high volume grinders are at an advantage which is why points races are not the only ways to win packages.

    I am looking at how priority currently functions and considering whether any changes are required. Tiered promotions are a good suggestion and something that we can look at introducing. There is a strong possibility something along the lines of last summers poker premiership will return and I am also a fan of personal promotions as Jac mentions. You may not see immediate changes but please be aware that feedback is appreciated and is certainly taken on board. 

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    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: March's Priority Promo?:
    IF there are to be monthly promos, to recognise that there are 2 distinct groups within Prio. There are those that aim to scrape the 10k, and those that exceed that weekly. What motivates 1 group does not motivate the other. It seems fair to try and arrange promos so that both groups (in turn) feel wanted
    Posted by Essexphil
    Well said, completely agree.
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    edited March 2017
    The main issue with this month is... WHATS THE POINT IN MAKING PRIORTY, when theres no benefit apart from a little freeroll whats porbably worth £15 in buyins? i know theres players out there who try there hardest to make priorty and then this happens, whats the point in highlighting and advertuising a PRIORTY club when theres no benefits?.
    I suggest to keep the majority of us happy, you come up with some kind of tierd mid month promotion, What applies to all priorty players, and not going to b won by the same x5 players who just play bingo (makes sky loada money)ALLIN tables all day everyday.

    Apart from that been a great x2 motnhs so all good and moan over;-)

    thanks j 
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    edited March 2017
    I think Phil makes an excellent point about a tier system.

    Usually when i see a prio promo i automatically count myself out because i have almost no way of winning compared to some of the insane points some people make.

    If there isnt going to be a tier system at least with drive the prize there was the golden tickets side of the promo where you had a slight chance of winning if you were a lower raker and that would have motivated me to put in more hours to gain more tickets.
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    edited March 2017
    The trouble with a tiered system, is that you are going to get some big volume players wondering why the line was drawn just under them. I feel this will only benefit the players that fall just under the line. Also you are bound to get innactive players thinking "that's handy," after being placed in the bottom tier.

    In reality, the players that just manage 10,000 points are still going to struggle to win a points race in their tier. That is why I think the raffle system used for drive the prize promotion works, and I personally think it would be better used for both prizes.  There is an incentive to rack up the points, but gives the bigger volume players an advantage. If I remember correctly, I don't think any of the drive the prize raffle winners had an insane amount of tickets. 

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    edited March 2017
    i think that it would have been a good idea to have made the drive the prize tics all prize draw for the reason above. You stated a £40k value on that priority only promo but its so top heavy a very small number of people benefit from it, with many a very slim chance with only 4 opportunitys from the prize draw to do so.
     I think alot of people would rather see promotions with a bit of a wider distribution do you can realistically expect to get some extra £££ by participating.
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    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: March's Priority Promo?:
    i think that it would have been a good idea to have made the drive the prize tics all prize draw for the reason above. You stated a £40k value on that priority only promo but its so top heavy a very small number of people benefit from it, with many a very slim chance with only 4 opportunitys from the prize draw to do so.  I think alot of people would rather see promotions with a bit of a wider distribution do you can realistically expect to get some extra £££ by participating.
    Posted by flashgorm

    totally agree with the above, i average around 30k points a month, and on average pay about 3k a month inrake, and ive only ever won a poxy tablet worth about £80, in one of the promotions, the tiered leagues where defiently the best promotions you guys have ran, where u select what league or prize to aim for every week. Youve done it with cash prizes before, maybe try with actual prizes like "years free sky",

    thanks j 

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    edited March 2017
    OK this is the first time in ages I have made a contribution to the forum. But seeing this thread has prompted me into giving my two penneth. 

    Firstly, with regards to the overall feel of being a Priority Player as opposed to a player who doesn't make 10k points a month I must say at this point in time you really wouldn't notice the difference. Sky have lost the personal touch. A few years back I would get a phone call from JP and latterly Liz at least a couple of times a year to discuss my "sky poker experience". I even had a few offers of hospitality at some sporting events. That seems to have dried up. I am not suggesting that as priority players we should be offered boxes to the FA cup final, but it's nice to be recognised as players that spend a lot of time and effort playing on the site especially at micro stakes. 

    The community feel of sky, has long gone in my opinion and the removal of the sky poker channel and latterly programming on sky sports has made Sky Poker today the same as any other poker site in the UK. There no longer is a USP. 

    Finally as most people know private equity firm CVC partners took a majority stake in SB&G a few years back. The remit of these sorts of companies is to rationalise the company they buy (in this case SB&G) fatten them up and either sell them on or go for a floatation on the Stock Market. It has been rumoured that the sky stable of companies is due to float on the London Stock Exchange this year (not my view but a major stockbroker). Rationalisation, unfortunately means looking at peoples jobs and asking if their role is necessary in the bigger scheme of things. As Liz has not been replaced, I can only assume that this is exactly what has happened with the Sky Poker side of the business. Sky Bet is now one of the biggest sports betting companies in the country and as such clearly a lot of attention is being given to them. What a shame sky poker seems to be no more than a sidekick these days. 


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