Hi Graham Scoop 6 tomorrow has 100K EXTRA if only one winner, is this a promotion they run often? Roger Posted by zadoc
Yes it is and the syndicate's bets will be placed with the bookmaker that offers this.
Although for reasons well documented, I don't envisage us doing SCOOP6's for real as they are £2 UNITS and generally too competitive, so the cost of the perm required would be prohibitive.
But never say never, if an opportunity to have a crack at this presents it self down the line, we can consider it.
It would be nice if they did something similar for Jackpot's, but i don't see that happening.
Will keep a watchful eye on it. How big does it need to be for you to get interested? R Posted by zadoc
When we go for it for real, how big it needs to be is conditional, and inversley proportional to how competitive the races are.
Which in layman's terms means it doesn't need to be that big if we feel the races are NOT very competitive, but it would have to be SUPER HUGE if they were.
Make sense?
However, I suggest we'd always need a minimum rollover of £30K
There could be the very rare scenario when we went for it with no roll over. This would be when they guarantee the pool at £10K and I expect there only to be about £2K in the actual pool.
But the racing would need to be VERY NON-COMPETITIVE.
Ultimately we have to be quite confident, that should we get the Jackpot/SCOOP6 up, that the dividend will pay more than an accumulator on the winning horses would, otherwise we are not getting value from the pool.