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Vaigrets Alternative Jackpot perms

edited July 2017 in Betting Chat
If you have given me support on syndicate threads thanks, if not no problem,just wont be posting on those at all.

Good luck to you all


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    edited July 2017








    42 points scored

    Points Scoring System:

    Successfully remove a 5/1 shot or less (5 points)
    Successfully remove a 11/2 to 15/2 shot (4 points)
    Successfully remove a 8/1 to 11/1 shot (3 points)
    Successfully remove an 12/1 shot or bigger (2 points)

    If your removal wins at a latest price of 12/1 or bigger (minus 10 points)
    If your removal wins at        etc etc       8/1 to 11/1    (minus 8 points)
    If your removal wins at etc      etc        11/2 to 15/2   (minus 6 points)
    If your removal wins at      etc etc        5/1 or less     (minus 5 points)
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    edited May 2017
    If I had the money my £540 would go on the following jackpot




    1, 5, 8


    2, 3, 4,5,6,8,9,11




    1080 x 0.50=£540
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    If I had the money my £540 would go on the following jackpot 1.50 1, 3 ,4 2.20 1, 5 , 8 2.55 2, 3, 4,5,6,8,9,11 3.30 4,7,9 4.05 2 4.40 1,2,3,4,6 1080 x 0.50=£540  
    Posted by vaigret
    so far so good
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    edited May 2017
    Good going
    I am out of everything.

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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    Good going I am out of everything.
    Posted by wynne1938
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    If I had the money my £540 would go on the following jackpot 1.50 1, 3 ,4 2.20 1, 5 , 8 2.55 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6,8,9,11 3.30 4 ,7, 9 4.05 2 4.40 1,2,3,4,6 1080 x 0.50=£540  
    Posted by vaigret
    JUST got to pray PLEAD doesn't win for the virtual jackpot and no hedging
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list : JUST got to pray PLEAD doesn't win for the virtual jackpot and no hedging
    Posted by vaigret
    lots of editing there today v ;-)
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list : lots of editing there today v ;-)
    Posted by mkgunner
    none at all mate I don't cheat

    Why I replied to post before third race, was expecting a comment like that
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list : none at all mate I don't cheat Why I replied to post before third race, was expecting a comment like that.

    But not from you I have to say.
    Posted by vaigret
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    edited May 2017
    and if you check the whole removers scenario on Syndicate you will see bet done from everybodys removals except for Duke of Bronte
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list :
    Posted by vaigret
    mucking around v ;-)
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    edited May 2017
    why you so attacking you are just about to win nice lot of money mine just virtual
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    edited May 2017
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    edited May 2017
    Well done with your virtual selections
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    why you so attacking you are just about to win nice lot of money mine just virtual
    Posted by vaigret
    ur reading me wrong v,was mucking,ur in real 1 aswell so money 4 u2 m8.
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    Well done with your virtual selections
    Posted by wynne1938
    not really me, perm such as the removers made it  except for the Duke instead of Andok
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list : ur reading me wrong v,was mucking,ur in real 1 aswell so money 4 u2 m8.
    Posted by mkgunner
    sorry I misunderstood you ,bit sensitive at mo.

    Strange thing was the reason I put this perm on here was as I said to wynne it was what the removers came up with and it just coincided with my suggestion to Graham that perhaps we didn't always need multiple perms and multiple bankers if the crew thoughts came up with that. I thought that funny as before Chester last week that was the way he was going but he saw the light and went for multiple perms that day because others and myself thought Dihat dodgy. Having seen the light and winning he then wasn't going toleave the road to Damascus and got upset and said it would be too expensive. He also banned me because I had the audacity to come up with an idea. 

    So when the removers came up with a perm and you can check my workings out for yourself that covered the horses that we wanted to stay for 1080 at 0.50= £540 I thought I would post it on here to see if it worked. Surprise surprise it did with no hedging needed.
    Anyway I got chucked out and to be honest it wouldn't be fair on Graham who is doing sterling work on this for me to be involved going forward and I wish you and all the other syndicate members all the best. And lots more winnings!!!!  
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list : sorry I misunderstood you ,bit sensitive at mo. Strange thing was the reason I put this perm on here was as I said to wynne it was what the removers came up with and it just coincided with my suggestion to Graham that perhaps we didn't always need multiple perms and multiple bankers if the crew thoughts came up with that. I thought that funny as before Chester last week that was the way he was going but he saw the light and went for multiple perms that day because others and myself thought Dihat dodgy. Having seen the light and winning he then wasn't going toleave the road to Damascus and got upset and said it would be too expensive. He also banned me because I had the audacity to come up with an idea.  So when the removers came up with a perm and you can check my workings out for yourself that covered the horses that we wanted to stay for 1080 at 0.50= £540 I thought I would post it on here to see if it worked. Surprise surprise it did with no hedging needed.   Anyway I got chucked out and to be honest it wouldn't be fair on Graham who is doing sterling work on this for me to be involved going forward and I wish you and all the other syndicate members all the best. And lots more winnings!!!!  
    Posted by vaigret
    wish u more winnings 2 v,wish u and g could have sorted it but looks not to be.:-(
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list : wish u more winnings 2 v,wish u and g could have sorted it but looks not to be.:-(
    Posted by mkgunner
    he didn't give me a chance to sort it he just banned me.

    If you look at the timings of my posts and where I made them you will see I didn't even know I was under threat until he said right your banned.

    No problem anyway I will follow you all and bet on your horses in the  last race when you get their again and make just as much as I would have from my share/
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    edited May 2017
    Hi Vaigret.

    Just in case you don't want to post on the other thread again, I have copied my reply to your post here:


    OK, no problem, my misunderstanding. TY for clarifying.

    When the funds have been received from the betting account, I will transfer £20 to your account, as per the dividend. I will then make a further payment to you on 31st May for whatever the share value is (minus £5) at that time.

    Is that acceptable?

    Or I can just send you £25.55 (£20 div + £5.55 share value) now and we are square, no further dealings to be had.

    It depends if you want to be IN for any bets for the remainder of this month. Which might be a mute point if there aren't any.

    What would you prefer? Please let me know.



    P.S. Quite glad both RIBCHESTER AND DENAAR won, so it leaves neither of us saying/thinking, "I told you so", as that would not be showing any class. So no-one lost face here. GL for the future. I wish you all the best and I genuinely mean that.
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    Hi Vaigret. Just in case you don't want to post on the other thread again, I have copied my reply to your post here: ---------------------------------------- OK, no problem, my misunderstanding. TY for clarifying. When the funds have been received from the betting account, I will transfer £20 to your account, as per the dividend. I will then make a further payment to you on 31st May for whatever the share value is (minus £5) at that time. Is that acceptable? Or I can just send you £25.55 ( £20 div + £5.55 share value )  now and we are square, no further dealings to be had. It depends if you want to be IN for any bets for the remainder of this month . Which might be a mute point if there aren't any. What would you prefer? Please let me know. Cheers, G P.S. Quite glad both RIBCHESTER AND DENAAR won, so it leaves neither of us saying/thinking, "I told you so", as that would not be showing any class. So no-one lost face here. GL for the future. I wish you all the best and I genuinely mean that.
    Posted by StayOrGo
    no problem did respond and as I say Good luck
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    If I had the money my £540 would go on the following jackpot 1.50 1, 3 ,4 2.20 1, 5 , 8 2.55 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6,8,9,11 3.30 4 ,7, 9 4.05 2 4.40 1,2,3, 4 ,6 1080 x 0.50=£540  
    Posted by vaigret
    Hi Vaigret.

    Similarly to be fair to you I won't post on your threads again.

    However, I just wanted to say, when we GO-LIVE and do a multi-perm approach, I would be very happy for you to do a single perm alternative, as you did with Newbury.

    It will be interesting to see which approach works best, over time, and you may also enjoy doing it. So I am happy for you to use the NAP's and Remover's selections to create a single perm alternative.

    Like I said, I won't post here again, but if you feel like putting up an "opposing" single perm when we do our multi-perms, I won't take it the wrong way and would actually welcome it, so I can compare what would have been most effective over time.

    Up to you of course, but I would be very happy for you to do that, and it would assist the syndicate.
    I am sure neither of us will say "I told you so" when one way is successful and the other not. But as a comparison it could be very useful.


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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list : Hi Vaigret. Similarly to be fair to you I won't post on your threads again. However, I just wanted to say, when we GO-LIVE and do a multi-perm approach, I would be very happy for you to do a single perm alternative, as you did with Newbury. It will be interesting to see which approach works best, over time, and you may also enjoy doing it. So I am happy for you to use the NAP's and Remover's selections to create a single perm alternative. Like I said, I won't post here again, but if you feel like putting up an "opposing" single perm when we do our multi-perms, I won't take it the wrong way and would actually welcome it, so I can compare what would have been most effective over time. Up to you of course, but I would be very happy for you to do that, and it would assist the syndicate.   I am sure neither of us will say "I told you so" when one way is successful and the other not. But as a comparison it could be very useful. Cheers, G
    Posted by StayOrGo
    Would love to Graham and promise wont say I told you so , 

    Could be fun
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list:
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Daily NAPS and sometimes removers list : Hi Vaigret. Similarly to be fair to you I won't post on your threads again. However, I just wanted to say, when we GO-LIVE and do a multi-perm approach, I would be very happy for you to do a single perm alternative, as you did with Newbury. It will be interesting to see which approach works best, over time, and you may also enjoy doing it. So I am happy for you to use the NAP's and Remover's selections to create a single perm alternative. Like I said, I won't post here again, but if you feel like putting up an "opposing" single perm when we do our multi-perms, I won't take it the wrong way and would actually welcome it, so I can compare what would have been most effective over time. Up to you of course, but I would be very happy for you to do that, and it would assist the syndicate.   I am sure neither of us will say "I told you so" when one way is successful and the other not. But as a comparison it could be very useful. Cheers, G
    Posted by StayOrGo
    This will be fascinating just to see which is the better option. 

    I'm pretty sure the multi perm along with the hedging option will be financially more beneficial, 'coz it covers more bases and with the later races  hedging option, at least if there is a 'Out of the Blue' result, the initial stake money is returned, but 'the proof will be in the pudding' as they say and I look forward to helping with both options.
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    edited May 2017

    Mine would be

    2.05 Listen to me  2nd and Turn Turk 1st
    2.35 Beat That 2nd and Brother Tedd 1st
    3.05 1,2,3,4,8, 9, 12 Winner 8 Vancouver
    3.40 1,3,4,6 WINNER 6 DESTINYS GOLD
    4.15 1,2,3,4 WINNER 2 DAYS OF HEAVEN
    4.45 3,4,5, 6 LOSER BROWNVILLE WON

    = 1792 x .50 p = £896

    Good luck us this afternoon
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Alternative perms:
    MY ALTERNATIVE PERM Mine would be 2.05 Listen to me  and Turn Turk 2.35 Beat That and Brother Tedd 3.05 1,2,3,4,8, 9, 12 3.40 1,3,4,6 4.15 1,2,3,4 4.45 3,4,5, 6 = 1792 x .50 p = £896 Good luck us this afternoon
    Posted by vaigret
    Just amended above to what it is now as remembered I supposed to do just one perm as an alternative not multi perm.

    Very difficult from what removers said to decide between Belmont Jewel and Listen to me. Just hope I haven't left wrong one out.
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    edited May 2017
    Great selections
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    edited May 2017
    Virtual GL in the last.

    P.S. I owe you £1.10 which will be paid to your bank account on 31/05/17.


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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Alternative perms:
    Virtual GL in the last. P.S. I owe you £1.10 which will be paid to your bank account on 31/05/17. Cheers, G
    Posted by StayOrGo
    Thanks G and sorry to be still running
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Alternative perms:
    In Response to Re: Vaigrets Alternative perms : Thanks G and sorry to be still running
    Posted by vaigret
    No problem, by the very nature of what we are doing, one will succeed one day the other the next (hopefully for the syndicate anyway).

    Going forward, I will record each of our profit and loss (The syndicate and yours), to get a longer term picture as time goes by.

    I hope you do get LEG 6.


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