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WSOP Main Event, Day 1A

edited July 2017 in Poker Chat

And a very good morning to all of you back home at the start of the biggest event in poker.

The weather here is much cooler today - 37C - which is something of a relief, but the atmo is sizzling as we prepare for Day 1A of the WSOP Main Event.
Please don't hesitate to ask questions, it can be quite difficult if there is no feedback or "bounce", especially as due to time difference we play tough the night.

I'll try & find a few photos, too, to try to keep the interest levels up.  


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    edited July 2017

    As far as I know, none of the Sky Poker qualifiers are playing today.

    We met up last night for a drink in a posh par at Palazzo, and all of them seem to be playing Day 1B, which is Sunday (tomorrow).
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    edited July 2017

    Structure today?

    50,000 starting chips.

    Blinds start at 75-150.

    2 hour levels.

    5 x 2 hour levels will be played today.

    There will be a 20 minute break after levels 1, 2 & 4.

    There will be a 90 minute dinner break after Level 3.

    Late registration is available through 3 levels & the dinner break.

    15% of the field will be paid.
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    edited July 2017

    For infomation...

    Day one is 'live' (obv with a delay) on BTSports3 tonight @ 9pm, for those who can access that channel, of course.
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    edited July 2017

    good luck everyone. 

    sky poker people, that is.  not the other 7,000.

    looking forward to your updates tikay.


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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A:
    For infomation... Day one is 'live' (obv with a delay) on BTSports3 tonight @ 9pm, for those who can access that channel, of course.
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Yup, & I'm hoping that might prompt some questions for the thread.

    I'll do "Request A Stack" & "Request A Photo" too, though it would help if you gave me a seat & table number. Pretty hard finding people here amongst a sea of faces.
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    edited July 2017
    Best of luck to all the Sky players!
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    edited July 2017

    I stood in front of the Main Stage to get some photos of "Shuffle Up & Deal" for 20 minutes whilst ESPN, who were not ready, fifed & faffed about.

    Just as Jack Effel got up on stage to announce it - 9 minutes late thanks to ESPN - a stroppy runner from ESPN came rushing in & told us all to "get the hell out of here, this is ESPN only".
    Lovely job.
    Anyway, play has started.
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    edited July 2017

    Here's Phil Laak on one of the feature tables.

    He & Jennifer Tilly are big pals with Mr Ambo.

    Phil told me that Neil Channing is "my favourite curmudgeon".

    Phil might look daft, but he's a shrewd judge. 


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    edited July 2017

    The WSOP has a new Sponsor, "Ten Cent", who is not a rapper by the way, they are an Asian poker site or somesuch.

    So their CEO got the honour of getting the WSOP started.

    He said, in (almost) faultless English, "Shuffle uppa and a deal" 
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A:
    Here's Phil Laak on one of the feature tables. He & Jennifer Tilly are big pals with Mr Ambo. Phil told me that Neil Channing is "my favourite curmudgeon". Phil might look daft, but he's a shrewd judge.  CLICK TO ENLARGE PHOTO  
    Posted by Tikay10

    You, Neil, Phil, and Jen are the biz :) Thanks for the reports.
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    edited July 2017

    Barny Boatman is off to a flyer, 70,000 (from 50,000) after 20 minutes.

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    edited July 2017
    For those who have guessed the total number of runners in the Main, don't expect today's figure to come close to a third of the total figure. Last year, only 764 played Day 1A, and due to the large starting stack and two hour levels, 546 of those made it through to Day 2.

    A couple of former ME winners are already seated, Martin Jacobson and Jerry Yang, plus Barry Shulman, Barny Boatman, Iraj Parvizi, Matt Ashton & Donnacha O'Dea
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    edited July 2017

    Name this man & tell me something interesting about him, poker & non-poker.

    Clue - he's a paper millionaire. Literally. (Might actually be a paper billionaire). 

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    edited July 2017

    I was playing cash in the Pavilion Room last night, across the other side the WSOP Mega Sat was in progress.

    It awarded 23 seats to the WSOP Main Event.

    Think about that -  satellite with a prize pool of $230,000. Incred really.

    Anyway, at around midnight there was a loud piercing scream, so loud everyone turned round to look at what was happening.
    There then followed two more loud screams, they were blood-curdling, as if someone had been stabbed, or shot.
    At the same time, a bunch of players - 20 or more - were high fiving each other, hooting & hollering.
    Meanwhile, Screaming Bloke was now crying. I mean, proper crying, tears & everything.
    The coup soon became evident - he had bubbled the Main Event seat.
    Do you have any sympathy for someone behaving like that over a game of poker?

    I don't. He needs to play smaller, or quit the game. When you allow poker to strip you of your dignity like that, it's time to quit.

    We've all had painful bubbles, its the nature of the beast. When it reduces a man to tears though it's not a pretty sight. 

    It hurt, of course it did, but a real man would never let it show. IMO, of course.   
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    edited July 2017

    Of course. 


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    edited July 2017
    Yun's done

    It looks like the first player out of this year's Main is Samuel Yun. Doesn't sound a bad beat either, two pair losing to a flopped straight

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    edited July 2017
    Splendid thread, loving the trivia.
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    edited July 2017
    Will this event have many loose passive players such as fish and calling stations or is this too expensive?
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A:
    Will this event have many loose passive players such as fish and calling stations or is this too expensive?
    Posted by craigcu12
    THOUSANDS of them.

    A fella bet every street on a 9-J-10-K-K board. His last bet was 10,000 into 2,800.

    Trip kings?

    The very obvious straight, with the queen?

    No no no.

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    edited July 2017
    Loads of "fish" (I hate that term), loads of calling stations, loads of intense online grinders, loads of experienced pros, loads of local home game players taking their one shot, a few "celebrities", even the occasional logger from Maryland. A real cross-section of the poker "community"
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    edited July 2017

    Couple of seats spare on the feature table.....not tempted yet Tikay? ;)
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A:
    Couple of seats spare on the feature table.....not tempted yet Tikay? ;)
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Seriously envious but no, not tempted.

    It's the only day of the year in poker when I get jealous. Would LOVE to play it.
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    edited July 2017

    First break of the day is now complete, & Level 2 is about to start.
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    edited July 2017

    Yesterday was Day 1 of the WSOP Ladies Event.

    Shaun Deeb, amongst others, entered this in the past, making something of a mockery of the Ladies Event.
    So the WSOP came up with a spiffing idea. They made it $10,000 to enter, with a $9,000 discount for females. 

    It failed to deter male pro Hockey Player Simon Despres-Bellavance though. He ponied up the full $10,000.

    He busted in Level 7.  
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    edited July 2017
    Barny Boatman early chip leader with 4 times his starting stack, including eliminating Iraj Parvizi.

    Sam Grafton also above starting stack.
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    edited July 2017

    Barny Boatman is either;

    a) Very good indeed

    b) Very lucky

    c) Running HOT

    d) On a really bad table.

    e) All of those.

    After ONE level, he has 212,000 from 50,000 starting.
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    edited July 2017

    Sky Poker UKPC commentator Sam Grafton has over 100,000 after a very nice river gave villain a set, but Sam had the nut flush.

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    edited July 2017

    You lose track of time & the outside world here.

    None of the casinos have clocks, or any windows which allow daylight in.
    It's pleasantly air-conditioned in every public building - they all have aircon - but if you step outside the contrast is astonishing.

    I just popped outside for a few minutes, & it is 46C (115f), & on top of that, there is quite a breeze blowing. Its like stepping inside a fan oven.
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    edited July 2017

      Would love to sit up and await your pearls of wisdom Teeks, but I have a flight to catch early in the morning.
      Might pop in and see you sometime tomorrow evening.
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    edited July 2017
    Reigning champion Qui Nguyen has just rocked up to see if he can equal Johnny Chan's two successive Main Events.

    Note I said reigning champion not defending champion. He's not defending anything, he will always be the 2016 WSOP Main Event winner. It's not like boxing where the champion defends his title against a challenger and if he/she loses, the belt passes over.

    The WSOP updates have been saying 737 entrants for well over an hour. If that was right then, I'm assuming we have exceeded last year's Day 1A total by now.
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