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WSOP Main Event, Day 1A



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    edited July 2017
    We are all reading, honest!

    See you Monday
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A:
      Would love to sit up and await your pearls of wisdom Teeks, but I have a flight to catch early in the morning.   Might pop in and see you sometime tomorrow evening.
    Posted by pomfrittes
    Be great to see you Pommy.

    Hope the flight is pleasant & relaxing.

    I'll be in the Media Centre which is at the very end of the Rio corridor, next to the Payout Room & right opposite the Amazon Room.
    I might take a break around the Dinner Break period, around 5pm to 7pm, but that apart I plan to be there from 9am until play ends at Midnight.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A:
    Reigning champion Qui Nguyen has just rocked up to see if he can equal Johnny Chan's two successive Main Events. Note I said reigning champion not defending champion . He's not defending anything, he will always be the 2016 WSOP Main Event winner. It's not like boxing where the champion defends his title against a challenger and if he/she loses, the belt passes over. The WSOP updates have been saying 737 entrants for well over an hour. If that was right then, I'm assuming we have exceeded last year's Day 1A total by now.
    Posted by FCHD
    I agree - I think the number is higher now.

    It was 737, then 747, maybe 757, 767, 777, or even 787.

    What links all those numbers? 
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A:
    We are all reading, honest! See you Monday
    Posted by Essexphil
    Ha, pleased to hear that, on both counts. It's a shade demoralising to Update & not get much bounce & feedback, but it's late in the UK so it's understandable.

    Look forward to seeing you on Monday, Phil, bon voyage.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A:
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A : I agree - I think the number is higher now. It was 737, then 747, maybe 757, 767, 777, or even 787. What links all those numbers?  
    Posted by Tikay10
    A roads in Scotland?
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    edited July 2017
    Thanks for the updates from both of you. Would love to be there but this is the next best thing. Looking forward to following  all our players through the event and hoping for a great result. GL all.
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    edited July 2017
    Best of luck to all the Sky runners esp Lord Palace in the later event
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    edited July 2017
    "I don't. He needs to play smaller, or quit the game. When you allow poker to strip you of your dignity like that, it's time to quit.

    We've all had painful bubbles, its the nature of the beast. When it reduces a man to tears though it's not a pretty sight. 

    It hurt, of course it did, but a real man would never let it show. IMO, of course."

    Err, totally agree
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    edited July 2017

    90 minute dinner break is an hour away, so I'm gonna go get some eats before it gets too busy, and an hour's kip, then I'll be back & we'll go through until the end of play, which will be around 8am UK time.

    If you want to request any photos or chip counts, post them up & I'll do what I can, assuming I can find the player.


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    edited July 2017

    A 1 hour kip, allowing for inflation, VAT, Resort Fee & taxes appears to amount to nearly 3 hours.
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    edited July 2017

    In Vicky Coren's superbly written "For Richer or Poorer" she describes how she played at the Final Table of the EPT London, which she of course won.
    On the rail were many of her closest friends & mentors, including, of course, Neil Channing, all of whom were rooting for Vicky every inch of the way. 

    At one point, Vicky used some (perfectly acceptable) table chat, to help get her hand through.
    Vicky wrote;

    "Neil "Bad Beat" Channing called me over & said I talk too much". 

    He's got some once a week, that Ambo.
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    edited July 2017

    It's generally good talk though, when Neil talks.

    I was with him yesterday, & somehow the convo turned to today's renewal of the Eclipse Stakes at Sandown. 

    "Barney Roy to win the Eclipse, Neil?"

    "Not for me Tony, I think Ulysses will just edge it". 

    I was unable to bet as I cannot access my UK betting accounts from here, so I was half-pleased & half-mortified to read today that Ulysses won it - by a nose from Barney Roy.

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A:
    90 minute dinner break is an hour away, so I'm gonna go get some eats before it gets too busy, and an hour's kip, then I'll be back & we'll go through until the end of play, which will be around 8am UK time. If you want to request any photos or chip counts, post them up & I'll do what I can, assuming I can find the player.    
    Posted by Tikay10
    Good Morning
    May I request a photo of your attire please, I would like to have an idea of what to wear on the plane so I fit in with the locals on arrival. 
    Great updates thank you.
    Is Pomffrites flying from Gateick? 
    Those numbers could be types of aeroplane 
    Have a great day,see you at the welcome party I hope.
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    edited July 2017

    Attire, as requested by Tom.

    The two scruffy sorts are Sam, who is, effectively, Head of Poker (white plimsolls) & Mark, the Marketing Guru, the chap who was recently accused of "not giving any thought" to the Sky Poker Promos, in the red plimsolls.


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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A:
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A : Good Morning May I request a photo of your attire please, I would like to have an idea of what to wear on the plane so I fit in with the locals on arrival.  Great updates thank you. Is Pomffrites flying from Gateick?  Those numbers could be types of aeroplane  Have a great day,see you at the welcome party I hope.
    Posted by tomgoodun
    I don't know where Uncle Pommy is flying from, sorry.

    And yes, those numbers - 737, 747, 757, 767, 777 & 787 were all Boeing Aircraft Models.
    I do hope you & dearest Mrs Tom have a comfortable and relaxing flight.
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    edited July 2017

    As level 4 ends, leaving 1 level remaining today;

    Sam Grafton - 180,000

    Barny Boatman - 190,000

    Patrick Leonard - 77,000

    Matt Ashton - 77,000

    Mark Telscher's sister - 50,000

    Steve Warburton - 28,000
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    edited July 2017

    Rumours circulating to the effect that there were 795 entrants today.

    If true, that'd be the biggest Day 1a for the Main for some years.
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    edited July 2017
    Great updates as always Tikay.

    Just setting off now on the trek to join you all.

    Cya on the other side.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A:
    Great updates as always Tikay. Just setting off now on the trek to join you all. Cya on the other side.
    Posted by markycash
    Safe journey Mark.


    See you tomorrow or Monday.
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    edited July 2017

    The mind is willing, but the flesh is weak.....

    An hour of play remains, but my fuel gauge is on red, so with no Sky Poker players playing today - but at least 4 tomorrow - I'm gonna draw stumps for the night, so that I have enough energy for tomorrow's 15 hour stint.
    Hope you have mildly enjoyed some of todays irreverent waffle.
    Night all.  
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    edited July 2017
    I don't know why I do this to so makes me want to do it again! If you push yourself too hard, you will have to face the wrath of Kelly so please be sensible. Great reports as ever. Nice to see that your clothes match your eyes as I am sure that they ​must be one of those colours....
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    edited July 2017
    Keep up the good work sir but take it easy as well 
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    edited July 2017
    I've always loved the updates on all the live events so will miss them for a while but it will be great to read them all in one go after the trip. 

    Darren and I will see you tomorrow :-) X
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    edited July 2017
    Phew, there you are Mr K, I've been away for 2 weeks (got back last Monday) and immediately began searching the forum for you, but could find no blogs, nothing :( but here you are now and all is well.

    Sounds as though you are having a fantastic time and I have to admit I am a little jealous, so perhaps to cheer me up you could post lovely pictures of handsome poker players, you know the one in particular, that extremely gorgeous looking young man from...where is it now...Bury, Blackburn, no he's from ROCHDALE ;)

    Good luck to all Sky Poker players, have a blast



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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A:
    It's generally good talk though, when Neil talks. I was with him yesterday, & somehow the convo turned to today's renewal of the Eclipse Stakes at Sandown.  "Barney Roy to win the Eclipse, Neil?" "Not for me Tony, I think Ulysses will just edge it".   I was unable to bet as I cannot access my UK betting accounts from here, so I was half-pleased & half-mortified to read today that Ulysses won it - by a nose from Barney Roy.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Good morning Tikay,

    Enjoying the updates,

    Have you tried accessing your betting accounts through the browser?
    I have always been able to access mine from Vegas, but seem to remember the apps don't work. 
    Failing that, maybe turn you location settings off. There is definitely a way,

    Hope you are feeling refreshed this morning, 

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    edited July 2017
    great updates thank you
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A:
    In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 1A : I agree - I think the number is higher now. It was 737, then 747, maybe 757, 767, 777, or even 787. What links all those numbers?  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Having just returned from Vegas on a 747, and last months trip was on a 787 and a 737, I would say Boeing
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    edited July 2017
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