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i am being trolled

edited August 2017 in Poker Chat

i am being trolled on this forum.

i have spoken with CC.  it should stop now.



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    edited July 2017

    Aussie09 I have asked for my thread to be removed keep your,s open something is not right  hope you are ok xx

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to i am being trolled:
    i am being trolled on this forum. i have spoken with CC.  it should stop now.
    Posted by aussie09
    Disagreements happen.

    You've got an ignore button if you don't like them, should you choose to use it.

    They're not trolling, but if you believe they are, then ignoring is how you deal with internet trolling.
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    edited July 2017
    HI  Evil that is your name I take it How could I ignore you After what you said about me
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    edited July 2017
    And why should the ignore button be shut,can you make one once of what I am saying guess not you said I talk rubbish , well rubbish is what you get from me
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: i am being trolled:
    HI  Evil that is your name I take it How could I ignore you After what you said about me
    Posted by paige55

    ...and he managed it without swearing, clever guy...
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    edited July 2017


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    edited July 2017
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: i am being trolled:
    Posted by paige55
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    edited July 2017
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    edited July 2017
    Firstly, it's a shame that you feel like this. You put in a lot of effort with the forum.

    I do very strongly believe that you're wrong with your allegation though. If people disagree with you on issues, that doesn't make them trolls. It makes them people who disagree with you. It's normal. Some people get on with each other and some don't.
    For reasons known only to yourself you have recently tried to goad me into posting on threads. This was pointed out the other day by jdsallstar.

    When you call someone "simple" and a "troll" repeatedly then what kind of response do you anticipate?

    Lying about past posts is hardly going to help a situation either.

    Starting threads like this one and the other thread last night isnt the best approach in my opinion.

    Also as pingu suggests, the 'ignore' tab is there if you feel upset by the posts from some members 
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    edited July 2017
    Between the five of us in the team, we monitor every post on the forum. Tikay does about 98% of that. 

    We have taken an approach in the last year or so to stop removing posts that in the past may have been removed due to the nature of them. Some threads of course are still removed that have no place here. To be blocked from posting on the forum you need to really annoy Tikay, or break some very obvious rules.

    As Pingu rightly says, if you don't like what people post then hit the ignore button. That way you will never see what they post.  The forum should be a place to discuss events such as Vegas, SPT and UKOPS as well as reading the diaries on here of peoples experiences on Sky Poker and in life. Right now it is being bogged down with arguments that really don't need to be here. 

    We have some exciting changes coming up for the forum in the next month or two but right now we are questioning whether it is even worth it. I don't want to enter into a debate here but lets please get back to the sense of community that makes Sky Poker great. 
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    edited July 2017

    thank you sam.

    i am sure that it will stop now.

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: i am being trolled:
    We have some exciting changes coming up for the forum in the next month or two but right now we are questioning whether it is even worth it. I don't want to enter into a debate here but lets please get back to the sense of community that makes Sky Poker great. 
    Posted by Sky_SamT
    Exactly that.

    Please read that carefully.


    Now, SPT Manchester is next week. It's cool to meet face to face, and a great way to bury hatchets. (In the ground, not each other).

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    edited July 2017

    PS - I am on a train. 
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: i am being trolled:
    PS - I am on a train. 
    Posted by Tikay10
    Would that be " The Peace Train " ?  Get all aboard....
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: i am being trolled:
    We have some exciting changes coming up for the forum in the next month or two but right now we are questioning whether it is even worth it. I don't want to enter into a debate here but lets please get back to the sense of community that makes Sky Poker great. 
    Posted by Sky_SamT
    I'm sure whatever changes are planned are already mapped out but I'm hoping the amount of topic headings are reduced, the clinic is just one topic and if there was a "show latest posts" option which shows the most recently updated threads (no matter what topic they are under) would be really welcome. 

    My suggestions for topic headings would be:

    The Clinic
    Poker Chat
    Brags, Beats and Variance
    The Rail
    Betting Chat
    Feedback area

    Top of the posts would be a welcome return also :)
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: i am being trolled:
    In Response to Re: i am being trolled : Would that be " The Peace Train " ?  Get all aboard....
    Posted by glencoelad
    Apropros nothing really, but that reminds me of some graffiti on a bridge over the M25.

    Give peas a chance.  
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: i am being trolled:
    thank you sam. i am sure that it will stop now.
    Posted by aussie09

    I really didn't want to post on here but some things need addressing.

    You really need to look closer to home, Rob. Remember about a month ago you did a large abusive post about myself? Character assassination if you will. I didn't cry to CC nor start a thread about ''being trolled''. I took every word you said with a pinch of salt and cracked on.

    You have continued in a similar vein; calling people ''simple'', ''trolls'', making up absurd stories and ridiculous claims with absolutely nothing to back these claims up with (feel free to give your examples whenever you want though, I'll wait) You are goading people into threads, so when they inevitably post you can say 'here comes the troll' and try and claim some faux moral highground. As is often the case, the person who cries loudest about trolls is actually amongst the biggest trolls on the forum.

    You claim I have a hidden agenda.....whats hidden about it? You know exactly what I think of you, your personality and your website. I make this pretty obvious I thought, but if you want a refresh then don't hesitate to ask.

    ''I'm sure it will stop now''? What will stop? People disagreeing with you? Cos guess what, if you post something and I don't agree with it or its sentiments, then I'm gonna say so. If you want to post and have everyone just nod in approval then perhaps being an active member of a forum isn't for you as thats not how they operate.

    And finally, as has been pointed out by numerous people; there is a mute button. You know what to do if you don't like what I or others post.

    Apologies Tikay/Sam but the above needed pointing out as people sadly will often just take what they read at face value. Sounds like you have some good plans for the forum, glad I'm a part of it all :)
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    edited July 2017
    This stuff isnt going to get sorted unless Nuggy, Aussie, Goldon, Maxally, Paige or whoever etc instead of just posting one post complaining of bullying/trolling etc etc and then going into hiding or posting cryptic messages you need to actually put some specific details of what is annoying you or why you feel troll/bullied etc. Then everyone needs to (calmly lol) come to some agreement e.g. all ignore eachother, agree to get on or agree to avoid replying to eachother in a certain way.

    This nonsense has been bubbling underneath the surface for months and it's just getting boring. If as HHY says above it's because someone disagrees with you or you just don't like someone/their posting style then you don't have a leg to stand on but if there are specific reasons then keeping it a secret isnt going to sort it out!

    The other solution of course is just heavy moderating and I don't think anyone wants that.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: i am being trolled:
    This stuff isnt going to get sorted unless Nuggy, Aussie, Goldon, Maxally, Paige or whoever etc instead of just posting one post complaining of bullying/trolling etc etc and then going into hiding or posting cryptic messages you need to actually put some specific details of what is annoying you or why you feel troll/bullied etc. Then everyone needs to (calmly lol) come to some agreement e.g. all ignore eachother, agree to get on or agree to avoid replying to eachother in a certain way. This nonsense has been bubbling underneath the surface for months and it's just getting boring. If as HHY says above it's because someone disagrees with you or you just don't like someone/their posting style then you don't have a leg to stand on but if there are specific reasons then keeping it a secret isnt going to sort it out! The other solution of course is just heavy moderating and I don't think anyone wants that.
    Posted by jdsallstar

    So asks for top of the posts to return then posts this! #hiddenagenda

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: i am being trolled:
    This stuff isnt going to get sorted unless Nuggy, Aussie, Goldon, Maxally, Paige or whoever etc instead of just posting one post complaining of bullying/trolling etc etc and then going into hiding or posting cryptic messages you need to actually put some specific details of what is annoying you or why you feel troll/bullied etc. Then everyone needs to (calmly lol) come to some agreement e.g. all ignore eachother, agree to get on or agree to avoid replying to eachother in a certain way. This nonsense has been bubbling underneath the surface for months and it's just getting boring. If as HHY says above it's because someone disagrees with you or you just don't like someone/their posting style then you don't have a leg to stand on but if there are specific reasons then keeping it a secret isnt going to sort it out! The other solution of course is just heavy moderating and I don't think anyone wants that.
    Posted by jdsallstar
    We are trying really hard to avoid that, as Sky Sam alluded to earlier. We won't let it continue indefinitely though.

    Everyone wants the last word, but it'd be better if we all moved on.   
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    edited July 2017
    Good afternoon all.
    The last word is has anyone MENTIONED THE £2.20 @2.15 DEEPSTACK YET.
    All the best.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: i am being trolled:
    In Response to Re: i am being trolled : We are trying really hard to avoid that, as Sky Sam alluded to earlier. We won't let it continue indefinitely though. Everyone wants the last word, but it'd be better if we all moved on.     
    Posted by Tikay10

    Ok my last word on it. Bolded bit above is what i think everyone wants but it just isnt happening. 

    One side is resentful because they (rightly or wrongly) feel bullied/trolled and the other side feel resentful because they have been accused of being bullies, trolls/forcing posters away without any detail or specifics to back up the accusations.

    The rest of us just get bored reading it or put off posting because we dont want to get in the middle of it all. I've felt like that but had enough and had to have my say, so apologies if I've fueled it more but I'm just sick of the atmosphere on every thread.

    Anyway I've said my piece (maybe that should be "peace" given the topic?!) and hopefully those involved and sky can maybe all sort it all in the background. Sweeping it under the carpet isnt working.

    Ps if top of the posts ever does return I'm counting matt's comment above as a vote :)

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    edited July 2017


    Good post JD.

    I completely get why everyone wants the last word, I know I would, but we really need to find closure.

    It's particularly uncomfortable for me, not just because the failure or success of this forum sits largely on my shoulders - but also because all the parties are friends of mine. And I do mean friends, not just acquaintances. It's like being a parent watching his family squabble, and not wanting to show favour. Rob, Paul and even Plumpy are all mates of mine.

    Anyway, let's move on. No other site has a forum these days, and it's definitely a positive. So it behaves us all to look after this place. 

    We don't all have to agree with each other of course. That would be terrible. 

    I'm very keen to see more positivity here, and I'll do my bit. Everyone else needs to weigh in too though.

    I read a really interesting thing the other day. The younger generation equate happiness with excitement, whilst the older sorts equate happiness with peace. I'm the exception to that rule, obv.

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: i am being trolled:
    ^^^^ Good post JD. I completely get why everyone wants the last word, I know I would, but we really need to find closure. It's particularly uncomfortable for me, not just because the failure or success of this forum sits largely on my shoulders - but also because all the parties are friends of mine. And I do mean friends, not just acquaintances. It's like being a parent watching his family squabble, and not wanting to show favour. Rob, Paul and even Plumpy are all mates of mine. Anyway, let's move on. No other site has a forum these days, and it's definitely a positive. So it behaves us all to look after this place.  We don't all have to agree with each other of course. That would be terrible.  I'm very keen to see more positivity here, and I'll do my bit. Everyone else needs to weigh in too though. I read a really interesting thing the other day. The younger generation equate happiness with excitement, whilst the older sorts equate happiness with peace. I'm the exception to that rule, obv. Peace.
    Posted by Tikay10

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    edited July 2017
    Wonder if I can guess who lol.
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    edited July 2017
    Is there a reason that the people who don't get on just do not press the ignore button? Surely that solves the issues?
    There is probably something in human nature that makes us curious even though we claim we don't get on with people, as such we do not want to miss any drama on the forum. 

    If someone could do a live vlog at the SPT and interview all the parties concerned it might make good tv or more likely face to face people are more accepting of each other's ism's. 
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    edited July 2017
    * deleted cos cba
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    edited July 2017
    *deleted cos cba
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    edited July 2017

     Last time I looked you had to be 18 to play poker on here. Can we, therefore all grow up, act like adults and stop putting the exsistence of this forum at risk.
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