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Hints & tips for those who have not played "Live" before. (SPT Manchester)



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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Hints & tips for those who have not played "Live" before. (SPT Manchester):
    In Response to Re: Hints & tips for those who have not played "Live" before. (SPT Manchester) : Angle? I'd call it cheating.
    Posted by Tikay10
    I was being polite calling it an angle, Anyone who pulled this stunt on me would soon find out I'm not always that polite.
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    edited August 2017

    don't know if this has been mentioned before so I apologise for repeating if it has.

    If you are going to Manchester 235 by car you park in Watson Street multi storey car park next to the casino. The casino will validate your ticket and give you an exit ticket to get out of the car park with no fee.

    However at Manchester 235 you have to get them to stamp your ticket at reception when you enter the casino and then you present it at the cash desk as you leave to get your exit ticket.

    If you don't get the ticket stamped as you go into the casino they refuse to give you an exit ticket as you leave (unless you jump up and down and complain .... I have put this to the test lol) and you have to pay to exit the car park.

    So be warned :)

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    edited August 2017
    First to show at showdown

    Some people will want to see their oppos cards before revealing their own at showdown. Occassionally you will get a situation where both players (assuming it's heads up at river) will sit on their cards whilst the dealer is asking for them to turn their hands over.  Stale mate haha.  In this situation, the player that made the last aggressive bet must show their hand first. A good dealer will know this and will ask that player to show their hand first.

    (this usually happens when two players have medicore hands and have been betting calling all streets and neither think they are ahead haha).

    Another member may word this better for me if it doesn't make sense.
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