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Please add a 640*480 table size
There are the miniview (480*360 pixels) and the standard view (800*600 pixels), but it would be very nice to have a third possibility of 640*480 pixels.
I can have two standard vindows on my screen atm (widescreen 1680*1050 pixels), and the miniview is simply too small for my eyes.
With a 640*480 vindow size most of us could play 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 tables at the same time without overlapping eachother but of course depending on the size of our screen.
E.g. I would be able to place 4 vindows on my screen, and I would then play 3 or 4 tables.
I can of course atm play 2 tables in standard size and 1 or 2 in miniview, but it is for me a poor solution, as I really prefer to have the 3 or 4 tables identically set up (and the miniview is simply too small for me).
I play the DyMs (DoNs elsewhere), and I would prefer to play my 1 or 2 hours of poker a day here.
Best wishes
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I have now tried that, but ...
It is troublesome (I then have to rearrange the icons on my main desk when finished), and it is kind of stressing my eyes (the miniview windows are bigger, but things are then not shown optimally on my widescreen).
As a SW programmer myself I really thought, it would be very easy to add a new table of that size, now when they have not done the correct thing from the beginning and made resizeable table windows (most of us use "windows").
There will be a lot of poker players with widescreens in the future, and it is imo silly to not offer them the possibility of playing 2,3 or 4 tables of the same size at the same time - and a size bigger than the miniview.