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quick joke - well i laughed
Two people walking through the Australian outback and they suddenly hear 'Dancing Queen' being played on a didgeridoo, one turns to the other and says 'is that an Abba original?'
0 ·
knock knock
a walk.
ouch... it was a metal bar
Your round
where does kylie minogue buy her kebabs from??
jasons donna van
like bennydips thread but not clever long jokes just silly short ones...................
A young boy who has missed the beginning of the film enters and asks;
"Where can I sit?"
Arnie replies............
I`m off to panic-buy some Fabs and Mini-Milks to bag some more gags.
No matter how bad the appetizer is, the wurst is yet to come...
told the wife she was the double of cheryl cole today.. really she said.. yeah i replied she is 8 stone and your 16 you fat cow
My wife just came home crying.
She came in 5 minutes ago crying and asked me to console her.
So I hit her over the head with my Playstation
da dum cha
How do elephants hide in cherry trees?
they paint their toe nails red.
A pig with a flick knife
a stick!