Arnold Schwarzenegger takes a job as an usher at the Cinema. A young boy who has missed the beginning of the film enters and asks; "Where can I sit?" Arnie replies............ Aisle....B....Back Posted by emilyegg
Bob asked his Doctor if he had ever laughed at a patient. "In over 20 years I haven't, I do my best to remain professional". With that Bob drops his trousers revealing the tiniest willy the Doctor had ever seen. It was no bigger than a AAA battery. The Doctor burst out into uncontrollable laughter, takes a deep breath and say "I'm sorry, really I am, it won't happen again. Now how can I help you?" Bob replies "It's swollen"
A penguin walks into a bar and says to the barman, 'have you seen my dad in here today?' The barman replies, 'i dont know, what does he look like?' Posted by loonytoons
Had to read it twice before I got it but then I really did LOL!
Action man and Barbie in the airing cupboard. Which ones which?
The Action Man is the one whose sitting on the tank.
What do you call a man without a shovel on his head?
"In over 20 years I haven't, I do my best to remain professional".
With that Bob drops his trousers revealing the tiniest willy the Doctor had ever seen.
It was no bigger than a AAA battery.
The Doctor burst out into uncontrollable laughter, takes a deep breath and say "I'm sorry, really I am, it won't happen again.
Now how can I help you?" Bob replies "It's swollen"
throw your washing in
two snowmen in a field, one says to the other, can you smell carrots
a woodworm walks into a bar and asks........................... is the bar-tender here? boom boom
Although, I've never heard the wife moan.
Naturally, I retaliated and beat the living sheet out of him.
Just for good measure, I kicked his Labrador as well.
Doctor says " I can clearly see your nuts "
No need m8 no need.
What do you call a Dinosaur with one eye?
He had pins and needles for months