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At a crossroads. * UPDATE *
Just before I went to kip last night - I flicked thru the tables and say u sat at 4/5 NL50 tables with about 50 on each, so u were probs just getting going....
But to go from NL20 to NL50 and do "eight" tables to me is just krazy !!!
Rightly or wrongly, when I have played u at lower levels NL10-30 - whenever you entered a hand, or raised me on the flop - Unless Im holding a huge hand, I just folded.
I have the sub-conscious idea that anyone playing that many tables at lower limits, MUST be sat there grinding ....
I think 2 tables provides the right balance between entertainment and success, ie, u can play a range of hands, without being rash, or getting bored.....
What would you do if you had TJs on the button on all 8 tables all at the same time with the pot unraised? How can you POSSIBLY play all 8 properly???
To me you did the right thing moving up - you clearly have the beating of nl20 - I wouldnt jak it in, I'd move up and play less, if two tables is still too boring, try 3 or 4. But make sure you can give each table 100%, until you learn to beat the game, then build in more and more.
I wouldn't jack it in tho.......
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I do have a few beers when I play, possibly more, but even so, I kept my tilt in check, and always seemed to do ok on the tables.....up to a certain level that is.
Last night I fired up 8 tables of 20nl, which is normal. I regd for the open and also the vegas sat. When the open started, I closed down 2 cash tables. When the vegas sat started, I closed down another 2.
I started to go deep ( i think) in the open, so closed down all cash tables to focus on the tourneys. Anyway, I busted out of both to badbeats i think ( srsly, i dont know how ppl can only play tourneys, they are so infuriating).
So now I`m staring at an empty screen and wanting some action. I peruse the 50nl tables, and for some reason cant find any regs on any. This is my chance. I fire up 8 tables and go for it.
I remember reading once that when moving up levels, you should play the exact same poker as you did on the previous level. Cant say this works and have tried quite a few times. It seems a completely different game.
I was stacking off left right and centre, bad beats, coolers, and just being outplayed. ( not been through hh yet, and I may not for a while).
When reloading at 1 point, the amount I could bring to the table was lower than £50 meaning I didnt have the funds. I hadnt seen that for a long time and that was worrying.
Anyway, I started the night with around £760 in my acc, and finished up with £158. It wouldve been more like 200 but I was so tilted, I threw myself on a plo10 table and announced to everyone that I would be going all in every hand without looking at my cards as I had hung a t shirt over my monitor so I couldnt see the cards, or I may have been tempted to fold.
A player called `beaujolais` has been lucky, as I have only done this once before and she was at my table then as well to capitalise on my tiltedness gg wp. I nearly sat at a nl500 hu table where `cowgomoo` was waiting but thought my edge would be bigger at plo10 flips.
I withdrew £150 to leave myself a whole £8 in acc, and I dont know what to do from here.
I told my missus I was never playing poker again this morning. If she believed me she would be happy. Just wondering if it is worth my while, being as I cant get past 20nl successfully. The amount of time I play, ( which isnt much compared to some grinders, but it is when you consider my shift patterns and the fact I have a young family) and think about the game and different hands etc and daydreaming about being on a final table of some huge live tourney, and actually going through make believe hands and how I would play them, I mean w-t-f.
Wow this post has gotten long. I dont want this post to sound like a whinge, or wanting sympathy etc, Im just saying how it is.
Do I enjoy the game?? Ive been questioning this lately. I think for me the game is too frustrating to be enjoyable. Addicted is maybe closer to the truth. What real enjoyment is there 8-10 tabling, and without even making a living from it. 1-2 tables bore me and reckon I would quite quickly be spewing money doing this.
Maybe I should just play cheapy tourneys and have the banter. Maybe just quit altogether.
The money I lost last night is all profit, so some may argue that I havent lost anything then, but believe me I feel it as a loss and dont think anything will change that feeling.
I dont even know why I am writing this thread. Just thinking out loud I guess
Then if/when you return, stay at the 20nl tables where you are successful. Play for fun, and enjoy any winnings you may get.
I would ask, why are you so desperate to move up the limits? Maybe you need to ask yourself this question? Is it pride? Pride always comes before a fall. Is it for more profit? Maybe not the game for it. Only you can answer this question.
One point I would like to make though is on bankroll management. Sorry if I am teaching you to suck eggs, I dont know your background. But with £760 the most you should be sat with at any one time is £38. Your BR simply wont be able to handle the swings otherwise. And the swings will come, to everyone, even the pros.
I guess you have some soul searching to do. Good luck with it and I hope you fall in love with the game once more.
You're a good player - FACT! There's nothing wrong with sitting thinking about the game, wanting to improve and keep winning but remember this isn't your living - you don't have to play to put food on the table, it should be something you enjoy and want to do! I took a break and re-evaluated why I was playing, how I was playing and just enjoyed the time away from the tables - I think you should take this opportunity to treat your family to nice meal/day out/whatever with the money you withdrew and don't look at playing poker for a while! There's 10 days left in March - set yourself target of not logging onto Sky for that time and see how you feel at the start of April. If you think I'm ready to return, then do it but if not, there's no shame in taking another few weeks off and enjoying your life - you've got young family, focus on them and poker becomes somewhat pointless in comparison!
When you do come back, start off at 10NL again and love the game again...don't think I should be playing x level and winning x amount, just enjoy competing and building bankroll up and when you get to level of being comfortably able to afford moving up stake, do it and continue the enjoyment process - eventually if you want to take shots at higher levels, do it but as DOHx7 says, don't play 8 and focus properly...but make sure you ENJOY!
That's been the ultimate word in my post so apologies but it's basically how I turned round my feelings when I was in your situation - I took time out, did other things and then came back when I wanted to play...I entered freerolls to get my fix and the competitiveness returned, replacing the horrible feeling where I became obsessed with getting quick buzz of taking down big pots at levels I shouldn't be playing - thankfully I got out of that period with my bankroll intact but I withdrew it and had fun! Now I'm playing entirely from the money I won from my freerolls - it's in excess of £400 now and it's the best feeling...I've had loads of fun and been paid for the privilege! It's been like going on night out with mates, spending £30 and when I get home, someone going "here have £60 for your troubles"
I know you're feeling horrible at the moment which is why you posted but I think in a few hours, now it's off your chest, you'll re-assess and think I don't want to give up all together! Sorry for rambling on when others have said similar in 2 sentences but hope it goes well for you mate...
In my opinion playing 'the exact same poker as you did on the previous level' is not going to work. Whenever I move up to the next level I find that I have to adapt my game, players are better, more aggro etc, so playing the same game is not going to cut it. Because of this I allow for a small period of losses at first, while my game develops, and hopefully this leads to a longer time profitability.
Anyway, just an opinion. Good luck at the tables mate, try to see it is a big learning experience!
Bloody friendly forum this ;-)
That is all.
I became very bored with the game just before xmas so I cashed out and left myself £400 in my account ive started playing DYMS and have got the buzz back again. Try something different, DYMS are good fun and a little less pressure than grinding away on cash all night. Dohhhhhhhh is right 8 tables is a hell of a lot but if your comfortable with it fair enough 2 is more than enough for me.
I played you maybe only once or twice on cash tables but i have to say my notes on you say " Very Good Player" which is enough for me to respect you at the tables.
As Phil says take a short break and you will feel all the better for it come back refreshed and im sure you will be a better player having gone through this down swing.
Good Luck.
Can,t really add anytrhing to the above posts. Thats what stage i,m at now - After a good run the first couple of months of the year then had a bad cpl of weeks after that where i was playing far to much and going against all my own rules - taking regular breaks, playing at the right level, realise when you are tiliting etc and the worst part was - I wasn,t enjoying it anymore . I think this came from the knowledge that I was now chasing losses instead of building up a bankroll.
I.ll be back on the tables in a few days but it certainly helps taking time out to re-avulate things ans spend a bit more time on other things away from gambling - like your family
You will appreciate it a lot more when you come back to playing and if you don,t already have your own set of rules you stick by, then make some before you start playing again and stick to them.
It looks like everyone on here knows where your coming from as we"ve all beeen there
GL - paul
Really good thread and some brilliant posts which i have read, dont know what to add tbh, i always give myself a limit to lose in one night say £200 and when ive had numerous bad beats and feel myself tilting i just come off!!
I did something similar to you one night, used to play nl50 on 4 tables, lost about 8 buy ins, next thing i know im sat at nl200 trying to win it back,(playing my worst poker, against the better players, i mean where's the logic !) that was about 6 months ago, but it taught me a very valuable lesson and imo a better player now !
Just put it down to experience, have a few days off and come back stronger.
Good Luck
So my plan? I chucked my last 8 quid on the slots over at sky vegas, so may acc now is exactly £0.00 lol.
I cant really afford to reload to anything like the amount I lost, but I am due £50 cash for points at the end of the month.
Tail between legs I`m going to hobble over to nl4 and start again. I started my Sky account with a fiver, so I know I can do it. As long as I can run to at least EV until I get to £100ish, I should be fine. I have no issues with pride and all that. I just feel like Ive wasted so much time is the annoying thing. Its like taking a step back in time.
I will be ~8 tabling nl4, moving up using the 5% rule until I get to 20nl where I will stay until I have £2k(lol dont want much do i), then re-evaluate and take some shots maybe.
I might even start one of those bankroll building update threads, mainly for self motivation, or is that a bit sad, do people actually read those. I can read it i spose.
Getting time to play is a bit of an issue with shift patterns, children, time with other half etc. I have 2 days where I could play all day at work on my dongle, so it might be wise to deposit £50 now, then withdrawing it when CFP comes through.
I just have to explain to my workmates now, as they will come over and watch from time to time, why I am now 6 tabling nl4 instead of nl20. If I told them I did over £600 in 1 night, they would think I was a total degen loser, as they do not know the difference between poker and roulette. It is all gambling to them and thats it.
Anyway, thanks again
A great post, some great replies so nothing to add from me.
You are a good player, my notes also say that so good luck in getting back your love of the game.
8 tables is a lot, personally I am a 1 table live game man, find Internet poker just like playing a video game but its convenient and it is easy to get too without upsetting the Mrs too much!!
Just want to add my best wishes and remember the forum advice is always here for you.
Go to the hand history bit and search for all the hands where you lost more than 50bbs and try and figure out if it could have been prevented or not.
If it makes you feel any better I'll tell you about how stupid I was the other night, 19th march 2010.
First the events leading up to it.
I lost my job in December, no probs. Id been doing well on the poker so i thought Id try for a bit to see if I could make a living from it.
Anyway I started Jan with £1600 as my BR. I played 10 hours a day all the way through Jan and got my BR up to £3200. I payed myself £800 which left my BR at £2400.
Feb was another good month. I got up to £3300 by the end of the month. I payed myself £800 which left my BR at £2500.
March started out and the way things were going I was thinking more serious about poker. I started looking up strategies on the web and in books. This didnt do me good. I think everyone needs to play thier own game and learn from there own mistakes. Plus i think these strategies were for much higher stakes that the NL50 I was playing on.
After 2 weeks I only managed to break even and my confidence was lost.
March 19th I Went on MEGA TILT not playing poker but on the slots in Sky Vagas. I lost £1400 playing on that stupid cluedo mega jackpot slot leaving my BR at £1100....Oops
With the end of the month coming I put aside £800 for bills taking my BR to £300
20th till today. Im back up to £600. Man thats a HARD lesson to learn. This whole things affected my play and im not sure i gonna make next months Target. Ive started looking for a real job already.
anyways the point is when you get smashed down you gotta pick yourself up and start again. but this time bigger ans stronger than before. no quittin dude. This is what we love man, Poker the ups and the downs.
good luck man.
Take a few days off, reload a couple of hundred if you can and start by 4 tabling 20nl.
I see no reason why you can't beat 50nl, but I think you should tone down the amount of tables when you do take the shots.