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Traitor wants transfer- Bid DP please

Just looked at Diggerman's list and Team DP doesn't seem to have a Team Chaplain to keep them on str8 and narrow..

I always felt in this TKO that I should be in the Green Army.

Grandfather born in Buttevant, Co Cork.
Sons Ciaran, Liam and Ryan
Favourite film "The Quiet Man"

However wanted to stay loyal to Team TK and all my team mates.

Only to feel unloved my the man himself who I seem to have upset . He is blind to my posts on the forum and I am feeling most unloved.

So DP if you want a psuedo Roman Catholic priest who wears red lingerie sets under his cassock  Oh that suspender belt is tight.

Come and get me.

To all my teamates please forgive me for this terrible sin.

If transfer agreed the fee will of course go into the church coffers for some communion wine.


  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Traitor wants transfer- Bid DP please:
    Just looked at Diggerman's list and Team DP doesn't seem to have a Team Chaplain to keep them on str8 and narrow.. I always felt in this TKO that I should be in the Green Army. Grandfather born in Buttevant, Co Cork. Sons Ciaran, Liam and Ryan Favourite film "The Quiet Man" However wanted to stay loyal to Team TK and all my team mates. Only to feel unloved my the man himself who I seem to have upset . He is blind to my posts on the forum and I am feeling most unloved. So DP if you want a psuedo Roman Catholic priest who wears red lingerie sets under his cassock  Oh that suspender belt is tight. Come and get me. To all my teamates please forgive me for this terrible sin. If transfer agreed the fee will of course go into the church coffers for some communion wine.
    Posted by vaigret
    Welcome to Craggy Island, Father!  What about the rest of your flock?
  • edited April 2010
    Now that would be traitorous Ross.

    Encouraging others to join the Exodus
  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: Traitor wants transfer- Bid DP please:
    Now that would be traitorous Ross. Encouraging others to join the Exodus
    Posted by vaigret
    Exodus ?

    Most TK ers only join the SAGA BUS
  • edited April 2010

    56p should cover it!  :)

    And IF accepted.....oh how you have some grovelling to do father to Me, Diggerman, SIR Orford etc etc etc
  • edited April 2010
    "Now these are the names of the children of TK, which came into DP, every man and his household came with Father Vaigret, .........., ..........., ............ and .................. and so on and so on 
  • edited April 2010
    As you know Alan , I'm always on my knees anyway so groveling won't be difficult !!!!
  • edited April 2010

    GLAD I'M IN THE CORRECT TEAM......... :)))))))))))
  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: Traitor wants transfer- Bid DP please:
    In Response to Re: Traitor wants transfer- Bid DP please : Exodus ? Most TK ers only join the SAGA BUS
    Posted by PenFifteen
    I am a tikayer, and would never ever think of defecting, how could you father?, you have sinned!!

    I also get the SAGA MINIBUS sometimes, but only cos i work for SAGA hehe
  • edited April 2010
    Ahh, so Father, you seek enlightenment and wish to break away from the shackles of tyrany?
    Well I for one am not surprised for it says in the Good Book:

    The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures

    Obviously a reference for you to join the MIGHTY GREEN ARRRRMMMY!!!

    Unfortunately, only politics and money can decide your fate but good luck in your quest for redemption! I will back you all the way! ;)

  • edited April 2010

    Thank you Diggerman , your love has shown me the way.

    Greghogg, It is so hard to be a traitor but I long to be a true Tikay disciple like yourself. However the only way to get noticed seems to be to take on the mantle of Judas.

    God bless you my son  

  • edited April 2010
    oh my son, my son, where have you been.
    we all get led astray along the path, but i am a forgiving captain who opens his arms to all. i also have a sky wallet that opens in a similar fashion.
    £5 for your purse father?

    team DP can always use another direct link with the divine.
    "In order for an Irishman to find his equal, he is forced to converse with the almighty"
  • edited April 2010
    You're on DP.

    It is now up to Tk and my teamates on how much they want to keep me.

    Although they will probably be glad to get rid.

    I await their decision.
  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: Traitor wants transfer- Bid DP please:
    You're on DP. It is now up to Tk and my teamates on how much they want to keep me. Although they will probably be glad to get rid. I await their decision.
    Posted by vaigret
    Ah Father, five pieces of silver, I'd hold out for thirty.  I will get the communion wine ready for when you arrive!
  • edited April 2010
    Thanks Ross

    Just hoping TK wants me or holds out for more.

    Not holding my breath tho
  • edited April 2010
    I for one want you to stay
  • edited April 2010
    Seriously Father, you should stay and see this round of the TKO though to its end.  The way its going you probably won't need to defect as we won't progress to another round and you can just jump ship quietly at the end.  You know my feelings on TKO3 but I'd be very sad to see you go.  Pray a lot and let your conscience guide you!

    Whatever happens - 'May the Peace of the Lord be always with You'.

    Jan x
  • edited April 2010

    Now then Father Vaigret

    I'm now hearing you want to transfer to that place on Craggy Island - euuuuuugggggggggghhhhh.

    First of all you are without any shred of doubt the finest man of the cloth here on Sky Poker easily beating that Father Jack Kalooki Hackett Character for them lot on Team Dougaldonkplop! :).

    When us Tikayan Warriors win 3-2 and i clean up at Aintree on Saturday (here's hoping because i've been cleaned out 3 years running lol!) then you shall have your uber-big parish that you have desired for such a long time and we shall all be sipping ice tea on the lawns reveling in yet another bunch of donkeys falling to the almighty supreme multi-intelligent team that is Team Tikay!

    Dougaldonkplop is a boy sounding desperate by offering you just £5 to join Team That LotIII and your certainly worth more than £5 as you are a key member of our attack.

    Quite simple reconsider your options - PRETTY PLEASE!!!!!!. Otherwise the thought of having Richard Orford on our team or any of the other cast members of Fraggle Rock will certainly dent team morale!!!.


    Thank you please and that is all!!

    Craig (OnlyOneCT)

  • edited April 2010
    Father Vaigret - i will undoubtedly become a lost soul if you defect to the dark side! Please reconsider :)
  • edited April 2010
    Dear father vaigret. I am ashamed to admit that as this was my first time in the TKO and i was not aware of the strength and solidarity of team TK, i offered myself on a FREE TRANSFER to team DP ! I was tempted by his cheeky appeal and lovely irish lilt. I am pleased to report i am strong now and have seen the error of my ways. I ask you, please resist temptation and stay. You are very much appreciated.
  • edited April 2010
    Thanks to all my flock for your kind words.

    I am truely touched by your support and want for me to stay with Team TK. I feel chaffed, I mean chastened, that I contemplate leaving you all, at a time of your great support.
    However the great leader has not spoken on this subject so he is obviously not so concerned and is probably negotiating with DP as we speak. I await to see where I end up.

    Be certain tho, as unlike our leader, wherever I end up I will support and rail all my team mates as if they were my own kin and not the favoured few.

    God bless you all.   
  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: Traitor wants transfer- Bid DP please:
    Thanks to all my flock for your kind words. I am truely touched by your support and want for me to stay with Team TK. I feel chaffed, I mean chastened, that I contemplate leaving you all, at a time of your great support.   However the great leader has not spoken on this subject so he is obviously not so concerned and is probably negotiating with DP as we speak. I await to see where I end up. Be certain tho, as unlike our leader, wherever I end up I will support and rail all my team mates as if they were my own kin and not the favoured few. God bless you all.       
    Posted by vaigret
    Forgive me....for I have sinned Father Vaigret....I missed this thread for reasons involving self-abuse after watching Laid Bare on Bravo+1. It is Wrong and I beg your forgiveness. (for tampering with myself, not watching Bravo+1)

    Superb work from above and from the rail Father....It was a Joy.
  • edited April 2010
    Please can I be your plus 1 father? I was railing the great man himself when he only went and shouted 'GO AWAY' (yes in capitals) to myself and machka :o( I'm sure even sweet was embarrassed!!!

    Obv. as chief-anti-railer I find myself at a crossroads now and as it's my birthday i recon i should get a birthday transfer barlo!!!!!!!

    So, what do you recon the odds are of me becoming greenirishteam???

    Yours in anticipation....trippy

  • edited April 2010
    hes a busy man father he will give you the right response in due course patiance my friend
  • edited April 2010

    Emily and Trip5

    Thanks for your kind comments and as for the transfer, I don't reckon any will happen. TKO seems to have gone down in everybodies priorities not just our glorious leader.

    Stoke I know he is a busy man, I just think he should treat all his team the same. Sky Rich for example treats all people the same in that if you talk to him he will talk back.

    TK did have a very loyal team , people who would go to the ends of the earth for him to win TKO's he is in danger of losing that and to some extent respect.

    Now what would happen if I treated members of my flock that way. I would have an empty church thats what.

    God bless Team TK and all who sail in her. Lets hope we can keep afloat Tuesday night.

  • edited April 2010
    Father Vaigret & Trips

    As I have said previously, I would welcome you father, and indeed the gorgeously lovely Trips, into the mighty green army with open arms! You would both be great additions to our glorious band!
    However, I do have to agree with you in regard to the apparent lack of input from either of the team leaders! Tikay has been away from the forum completely, which is unusual for him, so on the Burgundy Fields side of the fence there may be mitigating circumstances. Over in the green pastures our team captain can I put this....erm......well, he's not the greatest exponent in the arts of forum posting and team leading! So it seems that it has been left to the likes of myself and Tom (oops! Sorry!) Maxally to lead our team of heroes (and we ain't doing too bad a job I reckon!)
    Anyway, as for the transfers, I think we'll have to wait for these to be sorted out by the captains so it could be a very long wait!!! It is also my understanding that one of our players would have to make the journey to Burgundy Fields in return for each of you who wish to join us. Finding such players maybe difficult, although Chrisbhoy has expressed a desire to rejoin his former leader! I dunno, some people don't know when they've got it good!!! lol
    Hopefully, we may get some input from the hierarchy this week but until then, KEEP DREAMING! ;)


  • edited April 2010
    now my lovelies,
    my short absence is due to the fact that TK and i have been locked in a dark room with nothing but turkish cigarettes and irish coffee for the last 6 days, negotiating terms, transfer deals, and weather forecasts.
    there was a lot of hardballing, shouting, hugging, crying, and attempts at escape through the floorboards with a spoon, but hithertoo, we have emerged at last. well, i have...scarred!
    TK is still trying to argue with the metal table.
    once we have medicated TK and signed all the relevant contracts (x) we will be releasing the details.
    my lawers are currently having their afternoon ligas and then maybe a nap, but once they're on the case there will be a public announcement on the forum, and maybe skywriting over London, but Rich has the Sky chopper on loan at the moment.
    be patient, as my doctor always sais.
  • edited April 2010
    You can't give the sword of a 1000 truths to a noob....
  • edited April 2010
    the who to the what now?
  • edited April 2010
    You don't really want the money - you want the love & respect of TK,who continues to ignore your pleas for recognition. 
    DP on the other hand has responded most kindly to your request - you should go where you are wanted.
    Perhaps you limp too often for TK?  A tighter suspender belt may be needed under that cassock!
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