In Response to Re: A SCARY SKYPOKER SURVEY / HAVE YOU ANY IDEAS TO HELP SKYPOKER T.V SURVIVE AND GROW? : Thought I would clear some of these rumours All the Presenters, even Tikay, are safe. If anything we are looking for somemore people. We would love to get a female analyst but they are hard to find and who are not sponsored. Posted by Sky_Claire
i hope you pass on the feed back on here to the suits claire ,
In Response to Re: A SCARY SKYPOKER SURVEY / HAVE YOU ANY IDEAS TO HELP SKYPOKER T.V SURVIVE AND GROW? : i hope you pass on the feed back on here to the suits claire , ty ! Posted by IRISHROVER
Of course I will the more ideas the better, so please keep sending them!
In Response to Re: A SCARY SKYPOKER SURVEY / HAVE YOU ANY IDEAS TO HELP SKYPOKER T.V SURVIVE AND GROW? : Of course I will the more ideas the better, so please keep sending them! Posted by Sky_Claire
instead of showing repeats why not show pre-recorded live events like on channel 166,if you can,t get rights to some of the major tournaments why not show some events from around the UK,it might not be as glamorous but it would be intresting to see what playing live is all about just my thoughts like..
In Response to Re: A SCARY SKYPOKER SURVEY / HAVE YOU ANY IDEAS TO HELP SKYPOKER T.V SURVIVE AND GROW? : Hi Claire In the words of the great tikay, I think I love you , and a more serious note, thank you for the reply. Posted by acebarry10
In Response to Re: A SCARY SKYPOKER SURVEY / HAVE YOU ANY IDEAS TO HELP SKYPOKER T.V SURVIVE AND GROW? : Thought I would clear some of these rumours All the Presenters, even Tikay, are safe. If anything we are looking for somemore people. We would love to get a female analyst but they are hard to find and who are not sponsored. Posted by Sky_Claire
Hi Claire
In the words of the great tikay, I think I love you , and a more serious note, thank you for the reply.
instead of showing repeats why not show pre-recorded live events like on channel 166,if you can,t get rights to some of the major tournaments why not show some events from around the UK,it might not be as glamorous but it would be intresting to see what playing live is all about just my thoughts like.. Posted by stokefc
We have been looking into this for a while now, only a few problems surround this which are the cost of purchasing these shows and also they are normally heavily advertised by rival sites.... however this doesnt mean we are not going to do it.....
Also so you are all aware there is a section where I am trying to get ideas on the channel. Go to the main forum page then 'The Sky Poker Channel' and 'You're ideas for the Sky Poker channel'. Please leave your ideas on there and I will try and get back to them asap.
In regards to some of your questions on here the channel is so high up the EPG because its falls under the category of 'gambling,' however we have a teleshopping licence, part of which is the thing you see scrolling across the bottom of your screens. We are hoping that now we have this licence we can push Sky Poker onto some other channels like we do on a Thursday night with Sky Sports.
This summer there will be more shows going on the schedule and you should see footage from the WSOP, WSOPE and the EPT London.
If you would like to come on the channel as a guest or would like to do a live phone in just PM me on here and I will get our Producers to give you a call.
During the live shows our Presenters do alot of give- aways including free entry into tournaments and merchandise. They also do this during their PTP sessions every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Just make sure during these evenings you find their forum posts and enter their competitions.
The channel can be viewed anywhere in the world through the website, and only the other day did we get an email from a viewer in New Mexico saying how he loved to watch online and how its improved his game!We also recently put a show on Sky Anytime…. I know this doesn’t help those who don’t have a Sky subscription but it helps with viewers and getting the channel 'out there'. Live games- fingers crossed we could be doing this in the studio towards the end of the year (no promises). To rig, light and film a live game is an incredible expense, plus you have to purchase the table, dealers, more cameras etc, so we are just thinking about the best way to do it. This could include inviting celebs, sports personalities, home player and pro players into the studio. If you have been down to the studios you will understand its not the biggest space once you get all there people and kit in. I know its something we would all love to work on down at the studios!Right I am turning into Tikay so I will stop writing so much, but as I said earlier keep giving us your feedback!
In Response to Re: A SCARY SKYPOKER SURVEY / HAVE YOU ANY IDEAS TO HELP SKYPOKER T.V SURVIVE AND GROW? : Thought I would clear some of these rumours All the Presenters, even Tikay, are safe. If anything we are looking for somemore people. We would love to get a female analyst but they are hard to find and who are not sponsored. Posted by Sky_Claire
Why not do an Andrew lloyd webber / The 'P' Factor (poker/presenter) style show, and find a female analyst, who could be mentored by the pros and current presenters, and we could all vote on which one wins a female sky poker presenting job - simples and cheaper. There must be loadsa up and comming women players out there in need of a job and who arnt sponsored
In Response to Re: A SCARY SKYPOKER SURVEY / HAVE YOU ANY IDEAS TO HELP SKYPOKER T.V SURVIVE AND GROW? : LOL now I have a smile on my face Posted by Sky_Claire
In Response to Re: A SCARY SKYPOKER SURVEY / HAVE YOU ANY IDEAS TO HELP SKYPOKER T.V SURVIVE AND GROW? : and Why not do an Andrew lloyd webber / The 'P' Factor (poker/presenter) style show, and find a female analyst, who could be mentored by the pros and current presenters, and we could all vote on which one wins a female sky poker presenting job - simples and cheaper. There must be loadsa up and comming women players out there in need of a job and who arnt sponsored Posted by loonytoons
Love that idea who would be Andrew Lloyd Webber? ha ha. Its quite similar to Total Player with an elemant of The Apprentice.... I will speak to the 'suits' tomorrow
In Response to Re: A SCARY SKYPOKER SURVEY / HAVE YOU ANY IDEAS TO HELP SKYPOKER T.V SURVIVE AND GROW? : and Why not do an Andrew lloyd webber / The 'P' Factor (poker/presenter) style show, and find a female analyst, who could be mentored by the pros and current presenters, and we could all vote on which one wins a female sky poker presenting job - simples and cheaper. There must be loadsa up and comming women players out there in need of a job and who arnt sponsored Posted by loonytoons
Combine this with my topless female presenter idea and we have a winner!
1.Add Antes to the game, this is used in all poker tournaments and induces more action plus gets rid of the no shows quicker It will also mean that the tournaments they show on Sky would then complete on the day and not stop just as it gets to the best bit (the final table)
2.More 9/10 seater tournaments, again this is a real situation like antes, you do not find many WSOP/EPT tournaments run on 6 seater tables.
3.Give Richard some just for men (targets only the grey)
4.Give AceBarry his own show (the club would do)
the rest have been covered already about repeats, used to watch most nights, TK/Rich better than anything else shown on primetime (apart from Harry Hill)
Another idea is to show really old 'classic' shows. Not the programmes for that week but tournies / league/ five0 etc etc from years back.
When the clips were shown on Sky's birthday programme there were some really funny, classic clips. Surely that would be entertaining and CHEAP as it's sky poker's to simply re show (regardless of how old the programmes are from).
Another idea is to show really old 'classic' shows. Not the programmes for that week but tournies / league/ five0 etc etc from years back. When the clips were shown on Sky's birthday programme there were some really funny, classic clips. Surely that would be entertaining and CHEAP as it's sky poker's to simply re show (regardless of how old the programmes are from). Posted by phil12uk
From June there is going to be a change to the TV schedule, hopefully this will involve some of the old shows
In Response to Re: A SCARY SKYPOKER SURVEY / HAVE YOU ANY IDEAS TO HELP SKYPOKER T.V SURVIVE AND GROW? : Thought I would clear some of these rumours All the Presenters, even Tikay, are safe. Posted by Sky_Claire
Yeah, but once summer is gone and winter is back all it needs is one cold snap and, well, let's just make sure someone check in ok Tikay regularly.
In Response to Re: HAVE YOU ANY IDEAS TO HELP SKYPOKER T.V GROW? view a summary of the ideas so far in open page! : From June there is going to be a change to the TV schedule, hopefully this will involve some of the old shows Posted by Sky_Claire
Phil would especially like to see some repeats from the Primo circa Feb 2010.
In Response to Re: HAVE YOU ANY IDEAS TO HELP SKYPOKER T.V GROW? view a summary of the ideas so far in open page! : Phil would especially like to see some repeats from the Primo circa Feb 2010. Posted by Machka
Old league finals or when I was in studio in August 2007 would do
ty !
In the words of the great tikay, I think I love you
In regards to some of your questions on here the channel is so high up the EPG because its falls under the category of 'gambling,' however we have a teleshopping licence, part of which is the thing you see scrolling across the bottom of your screens. We are hoping that now we have this licence we can push Sky Poker onto some other channels like we do on a Thursday night with Sky Sports.
This summer there will be more shows going on the schedule and you should see footage from the WSOP, WSOPE and the EPT London.
If you would like to come on the channel as a guest or would like to do a live phone in just PM me on here and I will get our Producers to give you a call.
During the live shows our Presenters do alot of give- aways including free entry into tournaments and merchandise. They also do this during their PTP sessions every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Just make sure during these evenings you find their forum posts and enter their competitions.
The channel can be viewed anywhere in the world through the website, and only the other day did we get an email from a viewer in New Mexico saying how he loved to watch online and how its improved his game! We also recently put a show on Sky Anytime…. I know this doesn’t help those who don’t have a Sky subscription but it helps with viewers and getting the channel 'out there'. Live games- fingers crossed we could be doing this in the studio towards the end of the year (no promises). To rig, light and film a live game is an incredible expense, plus you have to purchase the table, dealers, more cameras etc, so we are just thinking about the best way to do it. This could include inviting celebs, sports personalities, home player and pro players into the studio. If you have been down to the studios you will understand its not the biggest space once you get all there people and kit in. I know its something we would all love to work on down at the studios! Right I am turning into Tikay so I will stop writing so much, but as I said earlier keep giving us your feedback!
My ideas are.
1.Add Antes to the game, this is used in all poker tournaments and induces more action plus gets rid of the no shows quicker
It will also mean that the tournaments they show on Sky would then complete on the day and not stop just as it gets to the best bit (the final table)
2.More 9/10 seater tournaments, again this is a real situation like antes, you do not find many WSOP/EPT tournaments run on 6 seater tables.
3.Give Richard some just for men (targets only the grey)
4.Give AceBarry his own show (the club would do)
the rest have been covered already about repeats, used to watch most nights, TK/Rich better than anything else shown on primetime (apart from Harry Hill)
Regards Gary
Another idea is to show really old 'classic' shows. Not the programmes for that week but tournies / league/ five0 etc etc from years back.
When the clips were shown on Sky's birthday programme there were some really funny, classic clips. Surely that would be entertaining and CHEAP as it's sky poker's to simply re show (regardless of how old the programmes are from).
Can`t wait !!!!...
But on the flip side, think of all those houses round the country that will no longer need to have their heating on!
Yeah, but once summer is gone and winter is back all it needs is one cold snap and, well, let's just make sure someone check in ok Tikay regularly.