No shame in carol vorderman Hu evn if olderrrrr, more worrying after watching loose women today and remembering this thread, what about Colleen Nolan!!
In Response to Re: You shouldnt but you would : I would love to spend the night with tks great great grandaughter, even tho shes gettin on abit... 2nd only to snorting a line off KK's crack Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Kevin Keegan's crack! How much have you had to drink tonight?
Not Me Though,
But I`m Sure Some Would If Honest??.
Miss Hannigan from `Annie`
Every one of the loose women...
Some are these names wud make my 100 fittest birds list !!!
I thought there'd be some embarassing names, but most r IMO pretty fit.....or just out of the question, not many I've ummed n arrr'd about....
You don't have to be posh to be privileged (her words not mine)