Hey Guys, Sorry if there has been any confusion about what is and isn't allowed on the forum when it comes to posting pictures. I'll try and clear a few things up and i'll also add something around photos to the community house rules (found over in the announcements area). Ok, so what photos/pictures aren't allowed in the forum... - All the obvious abusive pictures, which i'm sure you don't need me to go into detail with (if you do - just send me a quick PM) - any pictures containing a minor (someone under the age of 18) - any copy-righted images (sometimes images contain a logo, web site link or other copy right protection) if you've got your image from google they can often be copy-righted without you realising they were) - a well known/ famous person IF being used as an avatar. You'll notice i often post pictures of 'famous people' in the forum and this is absolutely fine - if these images are being used for reference in a forum post. Its also important to note that photo approval isn't always done by the same members of the team. Due to this certain things can be missed or misinterpreted slightly and slip through the net. Please bare with us and we'll get there soon! Thanks for your patience guys. I think pictures really brighten up the place so don't hold back guys. Rich Posted by Sky_Rich
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