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Irrational hates, post yours here...

edited October 2010 in The Shed
I'll start with "we" ;-)

It's not "we" unless you're in the team.

I watch darts and like to see Phil Taylor winning. He does.
I watch Formula 1 and like to see McLaren winning. They do.
I watch snooker and used to like seeing Jimmy White winning. He sometimes did.




  • edited May 2010
    lol. Cant help saying that soz m8.

    As i have said before i HATE it when people (mainly newsreaders) say......


    Hate it that much that i wont shut up about it everytime. I also e-mailed in once and told them to stop being thick and talk properly lol.
  • edited May 2010
    I HATE "sober" people crossing the road "diagonally"... especially when there is a crossing no more than 10 metres away.
  • edited May 2010

    HAHA emilyegg v skymod1 - Multi - event Heptathlon.....

    1. Heads up poker
    2. Bare Knuckle Boxing

  • edited May 2010
    My Irrational hate is Philip Schofield.....

    People who talk correctly.....for example.... "Would you like some more vegetables Ollie?"

    Fake reactions on about this.....

    On Dickinsons real deal....the people buy stuff right, and it goes to auction.....

    They bought it for 50 quid....and the hammer guy is doing his thing....55, 60, 65, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, .....(the sellers are getting all excited, loving it), 160, 180......

    Any more than £180? Selling at £180 to Gary Neville in the corner.....going once...

    Gong Twice.....


    The reaction of the sellers, and Dickinson himself is always... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

    They greet the hammer....with a YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!

    You dont want the hammer u 1diots!!!!!!!!!

    Wow that winds up up so bad.
  • edited May 2010
    People that ask stupid questions like is it raining when you go inside pi ssed through or tell you its snowing when you can see it for yourself!
  • edited May 2010
    LOL Doing both things at the same time to hoillie would be a top day.
  • edited May 2010
    Turkish Delight ( is that rank or what!)

    Stepping on a plug (still the worse pain ever)

    Mushy peas ( you dirty northerners , thats just baby food )

  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here...:
    Turkish Delight ( is that rank or what!) Stepping on a plug (still the worse pain ever) Mushy peas ( you dirty northerners , thats just baby food )
    Posted by HuFlungPu

    I`ll take mushy peas over jellied eels you freaks lol
  • edited May 2010
    A well known TV company that keeps phoning me up at all hours asking if I want to insure my satelite receiver box thingy.

    Urm actually no. As I've subscribed for over 18 years if anything goea wrong with the blessed thing you can either replace it FOC or I'll be off elsewhere.

    Especially as "elsewhere" as I understand it are currently offering speedier broadband, ESPN thrown in, cheaper access to HD, an additional recording function at any one time, a far superior programme library system and the opportunity to get rid of my expensive and hardly used land line.

    Actually the more I think about all this's sounding pretty rational to me.

    And then yesterday at me Dad's house we were enjoying the Leicester Cardiff game which was just going into a tense 5 minutes added time......when the blinking phone rang ....... a well known TV company YET again!
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here...:
    A well known TV company that keeps phoning me up at all hours asking if I want to insure my satelite receiver box thingy. Urm actually no. As I've subscribed for over 18 years if anything goea wrong with the blessed thing you can either replace it free of charge or i`ll be off elsewhere. Especially as "elsewhere" as I understand it are currently offering speedier broadband, ESPN thrown in, cheaper access to HD, an additional recording function at any one time, a far superior programme library system and the opportunity to get rid of my expensive and hardly used land line. Actually the more I think about all this's sounding pretty rational to me. And then yesterday at me Dad's house we were enjoying the Leicester Cardiff game which was just going into a tense 5 minutes added time......when the blinking phone rang ....... a well known TV company YET again!
    Posted by Dud_Butini
    im havin aggro with my dish & they wanted me to pay £65 for an engineer visit, i told them it was down to them to fix & pay for it they finally agreed to that. engineer came yesterday turned the box off hit the dish with my broom a few times(technical stuff) turned the box back on said it was fixed then left.needless to say it aint fixed,and they expected me to pay for that scientific technical masterpiece of engineering,im off to a company whose engineers didnt go to the arthur mullard school of technology.
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here...:
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here... : im havin aggro with my dish & they wanted me to pay £65 for an engineer visit, i told them it was down to them to fix & pay for it they finally agreed to that. engineer came yesterday turned the box off hit the dish with my broom a few times(technical stuff) turned the box back on said it was fixed then left.needless to say it aint fixed,and they expected me to pay for that scientific technical masterpiece of engineering,im off to a company whose engineers didnt go to the arthur mullard school of technology.
    Posted by lucy4
    Ha, £65 to hit a dish with a broom, quality.

    I was awaiting a new sky router which sky had forgot to send.  As it was thier mistake, I kindly requested it be delivered using next day delivery instead of the standard 3-5 days.  I was told a number of times that this was impossible even if I paid.  Yes you heard right, it was impossible for a multinational company such as sky to send a package using Royal Mail by next day delivery.  After hearing that, I was promptly told that swearing would not be tolerated.  ******* ****'s
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here...:
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here... : PMSL....FFS Comedy Gold. And it was YOUR broom. Cheeky F*****s.
    Posted by emilyegg
    let it be a warning to other customers, if an engineer turns up & he aint got his own broom get rid of pronto.
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here...:
    SkyMod1 gets on my t1ts too.
    Posted by emilyegg
    haha quality, mines CJ off Eggheads
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here...:
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here... : haha quality, mines CJ off Eggheads
    Posted by POTTSY82

    +1. He is a right eye fluttering camp moody weirdo.
  • edited May 2010
    I hate the cuppa soup advert when there jogging along and grab the soup (as if its water) and throw it over their makes me feel sick, so does the idea of drinking soup!
    ...i know - irrational but thats the question! lol
  • edited May 2010
    I also hate on this forum in the play your hand things or whatever there called, people refer to themselves as "we" as if its a team game.  "I think in this position we should be re-raising"  **** OFF
  • edited May 2010
    People who talk with an unnecessaty voice tone inflection at the end of each sentence as if each statement is a question - where the f*ck did that come from, my guess is aussie soaps.

    p.s. I didn't realise how hard it is to describe something you only hear < I fear I'm digging myself a hole here I'll get my coat />
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here...:
    People who talk with an unnecessaty voice tone inflection at the end of each sentence as if each statement is a question
    Posted by PokerParty
    Oh yes! Good one. Usually sales people I find.
  • edited May 2010
    I hate the thought of someone saying that
    i have got to go back to work.

  • edited May 2010
    I hate it when you go into a car park, get yourself a space then when you go back to your car some div has ignored the many available spaces and parked so close to your car you cant get back in!!!
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here...:
    I hate it when you go into a car park, get yourself a space then when you go back to your car some div has ignored the many available spaces and parked so close to your car you cant get back in!!!
    Posted by stoxy
    When I first passed my test and parked in a multi story, I had a message under my windscreen wiper when I got back to the car saying "next time leave me a f***** tin opener"
  • edited May 2010
    I hate people who say "It's nothing personal but..." and then say something which is really hurtful about you! Of course it's bloody personal!!!!

    I hate it when my mate & partner (who are very fashion orientated) keep saying "oh..this girl at work who is dead fat but nice...." What bloody difference does it make how fat people are!!!!! (this one also applies to "ugly but dead nice"...."common but dead nice"....

    I hate if I run to the loo at night whilst playing poker cos I try to be so fast I run in with no light on but then I have to turn the light on to flush the loo cos it's too scarey to flush it with no light on (don't ask why..I'm just odd about the dark) would think I'd have learnt by now!

    I hate picking up the dogs bowls after they have eaten and the edges are all slimy with drool!

    I hate the electric and gas people who come to the door (when I'm in the middle of playing) and when you say "I'm NOT changing supplier!" they reply "Oh, don't you want to save money!??" ... "NO F**** OFF!!!!!"

    ok....that was fun and i think it's all out of my system! :o)
    Great thread!!!
  • edited May 2010
    Ready meals for 1.  If they are for 1, they mean 1yr old children or 1 foot high midgets....... seriously, I need 3 of those to feel like ive eaten anything.
  • edited May 2010
    If you fold your small blind to the big blind and they insist on showing their 'junk' cards to you as you fold...who the hell cares what cards you have! I have already decided to fold mine anyway!!!!
  • edited May 2010
    People who start each sentence with "basically" - aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here...:
    People who start each sentence with "basically" - aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Posted by PokerParty
    Basically I actually agree with that one (sorry, couldnt resist!)
  • edited May 2010
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here...:
    If you fold your small blind to the big blind and they insist on showing their 'junk' cards to you as you fold...who the hell cares what cards you have! I have already decided to fold mine anyway!!!!
    Posted by BananaDog
    +1 on that one BananaDog

    Although it does make me smile when (as often happens) on the next hand it's folded to them in the small blind .....and they fold.
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here...:
    In Response to Re: Irrational hates, post yours here... : haha quality, mines CJ off Eggheads
    Posted by POTTSY82
    Too right, he's the thickest of the lot, and when its someone elses question, he rolls his eyes like mr smugness, but when its him he gets them wrong, in fact 9/10 its him and that judith bird that lose, and he's a teetotaller, i mean w t f, never trust a teetotaller that keeps telling everyone that they are a teetotaller lol.
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