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Me and the other half got 2 kids and both work, can someone with a bit more knowledge than me tell me what this means for me please?
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Labour have thrown the towel in on PURPOSE (imo) in regards to forming a coalition with the Lib***ls, In the hope that the next 4 years will be HELL.....take 1 step backwards to take 17 forward.
It makes no sense that the Lib***ls 10k tax threshold is expected to be taken on board by the Tories at a cost of BILLIONS.
Who the **** is going to pay for that?????
<opens another can />
I dnt understand anything.....coz when i wach they talk in riddles to me.
Can anyone spell out, using practical examples, how this is gonna effect everyday life?
Nick Clegg - Deputy PM.... OR Judas of the Liberal Democrats?
The average working man/ this country (solve the anagram) "ufkcde"
It is the happiest day i have had for years. Labour ignored the majority and gave the minority far too much. They sold us out to Europe and gave our money and rights away. They sold our gold for nothing. They gave the power to criminals and thugs. They broke up the UK. They naffed off the police, teachers and law abiding victims crime. They have lost control of immigration and made the Muslims want to blow us up due to an illegal war where our young soldiers are dying to please the Americans. They have presided over the biggest economic disaster in living memory after taxing businesses and all of us to absolute death. They have introduced hundreds and hundreds of pathetic laws and they spy and intrude far too much in our lives. Brown was not elected by the people.
Perhaps the Tories might not do well at first due to the shambolic state of society, the economy and crime that they have inherited, but i hope in all hopes that they start to give power back to those who deserve it. Labour respected no-one and treat the people of this nation with breathtaking contempt.
I am over the moon that labour have gone. GOOD RIDDANCE TO THE FREELOADING LYERS.
R u serious about poker being taxed????
I dnt no owt about it, but surellllyyyyy this wud cost the gambling industry millions?
But you never know, the tories don't even know what they are doing.
Just use the beer, your footie team and this site as a comfort blanket and don't raise your head until its over.
GL to you all
PS enjoy the revelation that is the mighty Englands 20/20 cricket team and pray that we get to spank the Aussies in the final
if they do put a tax on gambling then it could be the end of online poker 5% rake and pos 10% tax, who has a 15% edge on their opponent, not me thats for sure.
anyone know if family tax credits will be effected?
What does it mean for the average 2.4 kid family???/ nothing different really only you may have a hope that business will be able to employ people now there isn't going to be a NI hike for them.
By the way how much tax do you think those earning £10k should be paying Emily???
I hope that promises are carried through and those able to work but would rather claim are put to work or put in the poor house because there is no way that a ton of people currently on the dole couldn't be working.
Labour had lost 100 seats, meaning mass loss of the public support, they couldn't form a coalition with Lib Dems because they still would not command a majority do you honestly think that a rainbow coalition between at least 4 parties including Labour would work better???
We have the best outcome we could get once the country voted the parliment hung - more people voted for Cameron so it's right that he take up the PM position. Labour could not sit another term with a PM the country didn't elect now could they?
good luck to them.......its the experts that say the sums don't add up........
It's a C R A P situation and i'm not exactly a Tory fan but i think Labours time was done, a loss of faith means they could not take power, The lib dems didn't get enough seats and they wanted the country not to have a Nuclear deterrent or Nuclear power. I prefer a government with Vince Cable advising the treasury to one that is TORY only lol
Many of the Liberal voters I know feel let down by their leader and think that he has sold them down the river in exchange for a top job in a "Tory" cabinet. Of course cuts are going to happen regardless of who is in power, I just believe this coalition will end in tears.......
How will the tax bracket shift be paid for? the theory is it will come from the £6bil savings on public spending and tax rises in other pay brackets (which would have come if this policy went through or not). Savings like the scrapping of the FSA which can't be a bad thing
And on the Liberals 10k tax threshold plan....all the INDEPENDENT experts believe the true cost of this will be around £16 Billion.
This is a case of best out of a bad situation i'm affraid
As i previously said no aggro intended Emilyegg
I am off Foxhunting now. Tally-Ho
if a tax was brought in i have no idea how it would work, it could be when you withdraw or it could be on each hand, if it was a 8% tax then it could be paying 13% for every pot played (8% tax and 5% rake).
if any sort of tax is put in place i will not be playing online poker.
i cant see how it would work as most gaming sites r outside the UK
Where are people getting the re-introduction of this from?
Torries this time got 36.% approx of the vote so it's not like there is a larger amount of people to be upset this time. The last Majority Government won by the same vote percentage