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Tories in.....



  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Tories in.....:
    In Response to Re: Tories in..... : well perhaps it`s time to change the system then, the top two polling parties head to head then at least they will be in by people who actually voted for them, not like it is now ,who is to say that the people who voted lib want to be in collusion with the cons.
    Posted by lucy4
    I can say for sure that people who voted Lib Dem certainly didn't want a Conservative agreement lol. They will hate it but what can be done? Someones got to govern otherwise the power rests with the Queen, i'll take a coalition government over the Queen setting the budget anytime lol

    Couldn't agree more with you that we need to alter the voting system by the way
  • edited May 2010
    woah, hang on a sec hahaha.  I only said that to wind up dohhh as I knew he was scared about it from a post I had read previously.  I have no idea if anyone will or will not tax gambling.  I have heard nothing, soz dohh.
    I do not think you wopuld have to clear your acc as even if a tax was implemented they would not be able to tax anything retrospectively. 

    I would also stopl playing if it was taxed.  I dont know how it works but I`m pretty sure all the americans who play on stars an ft are not paying tax.
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Tories in.....:
    I dnt understand anything.....coz when i wach they talk in riddles to me. Can anyone spell out, using practical examples, how this is gonna effect everyday life?
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    well in easy terms your gonna have a lot less dohhhh    lol  hard times ahead
  • edited May 2010
    how were we supposed to keep going like before? Every house in the land knows that if you have £2000 coming in a month and £3000 going out, your knackered. The public sector needs to be reigned in, the country cannot afford it, that doesn't mean we have to lose all the teachers/firemen/doctors/nurses/binmen/policemen etc, but we can lose all those stupid irrelevant facilitators/coordinators/5 a day officers/ meaningless outreach coordinators etc, and we could lose half the Quangos, cut the foreign office diplomatic service (freeloading consulates abroad), pay no more consultancy fees, no more 1st class flights, private couriers the list goes on.... let everyone retire at 65 not 55, let the BBC run like ITV so no more tv license tax, this is off the top of my head so im sure loads can be saved without losing frontline services.
  • edited May 2010
    Scuse me Loony, i'm a train driver, under the new regime can i keep my job please sir?
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Tories in.....:
    Many of the Liberal voters I know feel let down by their leader and think that he has sold them down the river in exchange for a top job in a "Tory" cabinet. Of  course cuts are going to happen regardless of who is in power, I just believe this coalition will end in tears.......
    Posted by emilyegg

    Can any Liberal supporters tell me how, after the best campaign they have ever had but less votes than they even got in the last election, that any of their policies were EVER going to see the light of day.

    They are a bit cheeky and too full of their own sudden ill deserved and unelected importance to see how jammy they really are.

    The largest middle to right wing party and the ELECTED majority holding party have sold out - not the other way round.

    They have been very decisive and fair to give this much ground and respect to the lib dems and to cement their good intentions they have given top jobs to certain liberals that they would never have had or are likely to ever have.

    Liberals are part of the ruling government and are privvy to everything, including cabinet meetings and have a bit of power and a large voice. I am sure this will serve the party and the public well.

    Party's that are pure still have big divisions in them. In the election, one of labours mps said that brown was the worst prime minister that Britain had ever had. Also Browns own party tried on occasion to overthrow him and vote against him. So every Government has people with different goals, morals and opinions and rightly so.

    If it ends in tears at least it wont end in as big a cry fest as 5 more years of labour would with their borrowing, lies. selling out, lawlessness, cover ups,not listening, never answering a question, strikes etc etc etc ............
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Tories in.....:
    tories are gonna tax online poker winnings
    Posted by OMahonyO
    They won't be able to tax poker because it would mean you could then legally claim back your losses.... if you wanted to play for a living and it was taxed then you could also claim tax credits and losses as you would be 'self-employed'
    There is more about the idea on other online forums.
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Tories in.....:
    how were we supposed to keep going like before? Every house in the land knows that if you have £2000 coming in a month and £3000 going out, your knackered. The public sector needs to be reigned in, the country cannot afford it, that doesn't mean we have to lose all the teachers/firemen/doctors/nurses/binmen/policemen etc, but we can lose all those stupid irrelevant facilitators/coordinators/5 a day officers/ meaningless outreach coordinators etc, and we could lose half the Quangos, cut the foreign office diplomatic service (freeloading consulates abroad), pay no more consultancy fees, no more 1st class flights, private couriers the list goes on.... let everyone retire at 65 not 55, let the BBC run like ITV so no more tv license tax, this is off the top of my head so im sure loads can be saved without losing frontline services.
    Posted by loonytoons

    I happen to work in the public sector and can tell you it's not a bed of roses. Since 2004 our department has had year on year reductions in staff levels and pay capping thanks to a certain Peter Gershwin who was drafted in by the labour government to reduce headcount and costs. The conservatives have also signed him up (for another nice fat fee!)

    In our office (and most others) we are down to less than half the staff we had in 2004. The only exception to this is Jobcentre+ and the DWP who are processing unemployment claims for thse other civil servants and the thousands of others who have recently lost their jobs. Strangely enough, the workload hasn't decreased in proportion to the number of staff lost but has got worse....The result? more staff off work with stress and depression.

    Most of the staff lost are the lower grades - the foot soldiers if you like, who carry out the boring day to day stuff. A lot of the work they did is now either done by agency staff (these companies know how to cream it in!) or by higher grades who don't have as much time to be doing what they're getting paid for in the first place!

    Pay and Pensions.....Contrary to the Sun newspaper and their allies reporting on the wonderful pensions being paid out...It's total bo**ox!! My pension, which I've been paying into for years will be worth about £85 a week when I retire. Only about 3% of the top staff get the glorious amounts talked about in the press. 

    OK, then I must be getting a good whack of pay at work you're thinking.....WRONG!! most of us are paid well below the national average so much so that I have to apply for working tax credit and family tax credit to top it up to a reasonable standard. Building site labourers earn more than I do!

    Don't believe everything you read or here in the popular press, they'll print that sort of c**p because it deflects blame for the real reason we're in the mess we are today away from the real culprits and sells papers!
  • edited May 2010
    As for the rest of the stuff mentioned in this thread, here are my opinions ( I know, I know, you've had enough of me already lol!)

    The MP's expenses scandal I think only confirmed what a lot of us already thought, they all p**s in the same pot no matter which lot they are. I did reckon on not voting this year but, having been a lifelong labour voter I decided to give Clegg a chance.

    That he's now climbed into bed with Cameron means he lost my vote next time round!

    Now the dust is settling what I reckon will happen is this.....

    Personal tax allowance will go up to £10k.

    Changes in the thresholds for claiming child tax credits will change and take some middle earners out of the bracket.

    Increase in VAT to 20% on most goods - pressure will be on not to apply VAT to food.

    Cuts in funding to local councils - means either higher council tax bills or cuts in services.

    Cuts in other public services  (including road/rail improvements) by around 15% over the next 5 years

    Increases in tuition fees in universities

    possible selling off of whatever family silver remains in public control

    Possible re-introduction of the betting tax as mentioned by some of you.

    No doubt there'll be more stuff

    anybody got any other suggestions?
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Tories in.....:
    Scuse me Loony, i'm a train driver, under the new regime can i keep my job please sir?
    Posted by -TARAS-

    Really, who for ?
  • edited May 2010
    The public sector defo needs trimming or in all honesty carving.

    I do feel for anyone losing their job and it has happened to me but theres miles too many jobs.

    administrators, quangos, hospital managers just departments for pathetic stuff. During the last few years the papers have reported every day again and again about these worthless jobs and wastes of money like for travelling, fact finding missions to barbados and other blatant burning of our cash from council level all theway up.

    We all hope that this new government does not throw our money away and acts in our interests as they should........but at least they might do whereas labour defo guaranteed would have wasted our money further, not listened to a single word that we say and above all else they would have served their greedy selves.
  • edited May 2010
    Why the government would not re-introduce the betting tax:

    1. The reason why it was abolished is that it actually cost the exchequer millions of pounds a year because there was a boom in offshore tax-free gambling. This would simply happen again eg. If you gambled on Fulltilt which isn't a registered company in the UK you would not have to pay tax on any winnings. 

    2. It would be hugely unpopular.

  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Tories in.....:
    In Response to Re: Tories in..... : Really, who for ?
    Posted by OMahonyO
    Southern m8, please tell me you work on the railway and you're not a spotter like TK :~)
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Tories in.....:
    Why the government would not re-introduce the betting tax: 1. The reason why it was abolished is that it actually cost the exchequer millions of pounds a year because there was a boom in offshore tax-free gambling. This would simply happen again eg. If you gambled on Fulltilt which isn't a registered company in the UK you would not have to pay tax on any winnings.  2. It would be hugely unpopular.
    Posted by BrownnDog
    I agree, it's highly unlikely.  However, two things...

    1) There are some people in the industry (mainly players seeking respectability and entrepreneurs interested in opening card clubs) who want poker recognised as a game of skill.  Right now, the Gaming Board considers it a game of chance.  If the Board was to change its position (again, highly unlikely), then poker would no longer fall under the same tax rules as casino games and sports betting and I imagine the government would look to take a small percentage of players' winnings.  This is the situation in many US states, including California: casino games are illegal, but poker is allowed, because it's recognised as a game of skill; a game which people play professionally to earn a living.  As such, winnings are taxed at around 30%.

    2) There's a chance someone will notice that a number of high-profile poker players (including a former world champion) have moved to the UK, because it's a tax haven for professional gamblers.  These guys are paying 0% tax, despite being multi-millionaires.  Does anyone think that's right?

    Here's my two cents: if someone is able to make a living playing poker, then why shouldn't it be recognised as a credible profession?  As such, follow the American model: poker players are registered as self-employed individuals who pay tax on their winnings and off-set their losses on their annual returns.  I imagine I'm in a minority of one of this issue :-)

  • edited May 2010
    I happen to agree james but the Courts had their chance to open the gates for Card Clubs and taxable poker earnings when the Gutshot had their day in court. With this opportunity missed i don't think that poker in the UK will ever be designated a game of skill and I certainly don't think the gambling tax laws will be reviewed
  • edited May 2010
    The situation today is not a lot different to when Mrs Thatcher and the Conservatives last came into Government. Then the country was in financial dire straights and the previous Labour government had to go begging from the IMF to avoid this country going bankrupt. We had wildcat strikes with the all-powerful unions wanting increases of 20 and 30% and inflation was rife. Petrol was rationed and long queues were seen at all petrol stations. The streets were littered with uncollected household and industrial rubbish, trains and buses stopped running and the dead were housed in make-shift morgues because they couldn't be buried. The Conservatives put all this right over the next 3 years and the country back in order. There were some harsh penalties to be paid and the coal mines, railways, civil service and unions paid a heavy price. Over the course of the Conservative's time in office the country started to be competitive in the world markets and we all lived within our means once again. The memory of those times colours the way the Conservatives are viewed today. I lived through those times bringing up a young family. I started a small business and times were tough, and for those miners who lost their pits, things were tougher. We could not have continued under Labour's governance where it was ''every man for himself'' because we were spiralling downward at a frightening rate.

    Today's situation isn't that different. It will be hard over the next few years ........ it needs to be. Whether the incumbent coalition is up to the job remains to be seen, but what is certain to me is that Mr Brown's policies were insufficient and designed to pacify the populace in a time of crisis.
  • edited May 2010
    I agree on Browns policies Elsa, i don't think they were up to much. There are some of Camerons i like, things like getting rid of the FSA (current bain of life as an insurance consultant lol), Not putting NI up but doing this on VAT and other taxes. I also like the Libs policy to not charge tax n £10k or below earners. There are also a whole host of things i don't like but as you said it's got to be done. Hard times ahead but some of the right things can now be done even if they hurt
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Tories in.....:
    In Response to Re: Tories in..... : Southern m8, please tell me you work on the railway and you're not a spotter like TK :~)
    Posted by -TARAS-

    Haha, nah.  Im a driver for Arriva.  As sad as it may be, I wish I was a spotter as that would mean I would enjoy going to work every day
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Tories in.....:
    I agree on Browns policies Elsa, i don't think they were up to much. There are some of Camerons i like, things like getting rid of the FSA (current bain of life as an insurance consultant lol), Not putting NI up but doing this on VAT and other taxes. I also like the Libs policy to not charge tax n £10k or below earners. There are also a whole host of things i don't like but as you said it's got to be done. Hard times ahead but some of the right things can now be done even if they hurt
    Posted by ACESOVER8s
    Keep telling her that EVERY night, but she still wont have it :0(
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Tories in.....:
    In Response to Re: Tories in..... : Haha, nah.  Im a driver for Arriva.  As sad as it may be, I wish I was a spotter as that would mean I would enjoy going to work every day
    Posted by OMahonyO
    WHAT !     You mean you dont enjoy the abuse,kids spitting and throwing things at you from bridges,people blaming you for ruining their day coz your 2 mins late and nutters deciding they're gonna end their days with you an integral part of their dastardly plan,getting up at 2am one week then going to bed at 2am the following week...........................actually now that i think about it, you do have a point, lol.
  • edited May 2010
    I worked in Japan for a year in 2007 and the trains, buses run exactly on time, if you are 30 seconds late, its gone. On the trains, when you buy a ticket you get a seat and carriage number and when the train arrives, there may be 7 people on a train with 100 seats, but you must sit in the allocated seat, if you dont they go mad!! They are spotless, and when the ticket inspector leaves your carriage, they turn and bow!
  • edited May 2010

    I didnt think they could tax gambling winnings because then they would have to do that for the lottery. (which makes them loads of money.)
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Tories in.....:
    I worked in Japan for a year in 2007 and the trains, buses run exactly on time, if you are 30 seconds late, its gone. On the trains, when you buy a ticket you get a seat and carriage number and when the train arrives, there may be 7 people on a train with 100 seats, but you must sit in the allocated seat, if you dont they go mad!! They are spotless, and when the ticket inspector leaves your carriage, they turn and bow!
    Posted by loonytoons
    Obviously someone has bothered to invest in their infrastructure, only reason a ticket inspector bows over here is to avoid being hit with a missile
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Tories in.....:
    I worked in Japan for a year in 2007 and the trains, buses run exactly on time, if you are 30 seconds late, its gone. On the trains, when you buy a ticket you get a seat and carriage number and when the train arrives, there may be 7 people on a train with 100 seats, but you must sit in the allocated seat, if you dont they go mad!! They are spotless, and when the ticket inspector leaves your carriage, they turn and bow!
    Posted by loonytoons
    ...............and they wear spotless white gloves. I've been to Tokyo, Fuji City and Kyoto and it's soooooo expensive. The taxi from the airport to the hotel took 12 minutes and it cost £120 ( all the taxi's are called Cedric ) and that was 15 years ago. A small cup of coffee was a fiver in Tokyo. I travelled on the 'Bullet Train' and it was just like being on a plane, with stewardess service. A 10 day trip cost £37k for 3 of us (all on expenses of course). The cheapest meal we had was £120 a head and most of it was raw fish. I sat with Richard Branson on the inward and outward journey's and he is a star. Every trip he goes to every passenger on the Jumbo and has a chat ....... it took him 3 hours each time.

    But boy! are those Japanese efficient workers.
  • edited May 2010
    Funnily enough James I like things the way they are at the moment :-)
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