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An Idea for fans of the deep stack low stakes buy ins

In Response to An Idea for fans of the deep stack low stakes buy ins:
Evening all,    I know there are many regulars who play the low stakes ds tournys that run at 7.15 and 8.15 nightly as well as the Orfordable tournys.   My idea if we can get enough who want to do it is to run a king of the ds throughout June. Playing in the 8.15 deepy on a Monday and Friday night points would be scored per tounrnament. Whoever scores the most points throughout June would be crowned the winner. I'll sort out some kind of prize for the winner if we run with this.   Points would be scored as follows, Highest finisher would take 25 points, 2nd Highest would take 20, 3rd 19 and so on down to 1pt for the 21st (if we get that many! if not points system will be adjusted but sure you get the idea. If anyone wants to sign up for this just add to this post and away we will go. To make things easier the first tourny to count would be a week tomorrow, Mon 31st May and the last would be the ds on the 28th June. Just to reiterate the tourny we would use for this would be the 8.15 Deep Stack on a monday and friday. Let me know, Obviously I'm in !
Posted by bornablade
Great post mate,..... I'm in for sure


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