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An Idea for fans of the deep stack low stakes buy ins



  • edited May 2010
    Welcome aboard you 2    7 spots left      come and get em
    once we have the full 26 I will post the scoring system as for the prize you will all have to wait and see!!

    1st tourny will be the £100 gtd 8.15pm Deepy on Monday the 31st May, obviously you'll all need to reg. It's £5.50
  • edited May 2010
    hi blade, sounds good count me in m8.
  • edited May 2010

    Go on then......I was going to take a break in June, but I will play in these and the late night forum SnG's. Just give the OPENS a miss instead!

  • edited May 2010

      if theres a place left please may i play
  • edited May 2010

    your all in  see 1st post. 2 spaces left

  • edited May 2010
    In Response to An Idea for fans of the deep stack low stakes buy ins:
    Evening all,    I know there are many regulars who play the low stakes ds tournys that run at 7.15 and 8.15 nightly as well as the Orfordable tournys.   My idea if we can get enough who want to do it is to run a king of the ds throughout June. Playing in the 8.15 deepy on a Monday and Friday night points would be scored per tounrnament. Whoever scores the most points throughout June would be crowned the winner. I'll sort out some kind of prize for the winner if we run with this.   Points would be scored as follows, Highest finisher would take 25 points, 2nd Highest would take 20, 3rd 19 and so on down to 1pt for the 21st (if we get that many! if not points system will be adjusted but sure you get the idea. If anyone wants to sign up for this just add to this post and away we will go. To make things easier the first tourny to count would be a week tomorrow, Mon 31st May and the last would be the ds on the 28th June. Just to reiterate the tourny we would use for this would be the 8.15 Deep Stack on a monday and friday. Let me know, Obviously I'm in ! runners so far bornablade quietman pokertrev madmoo robc dudeskin8 martoni0 rawhand carlybun12 chew07 buster69 volcan0 murphy09 ads2kuk xFALLENx charlyb8 MRDICKIE   DTWBANDIT tiggerace7    IANMAC1      oynutter logdon MAXALLY sara36dd08  runner 24, 2 spaces left, first come first served .... ....
    Posted by bornablade
    sounds good 2 me count me in
  • edited May 2010
    your in yoda but use of the force is strictly prohibited!
  • edited May 2010
    If the last place is still up for grabs m8 count me in .......great idea
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: An Idea for fans of the deep stack low stakes buy ins:
    If the last place is still up for grabs m8 count me in .......great idea
    Posted by The_Dram
    and The_Dram takes the final spot
  • edited May 2010
    Right then folks, we have 26 players. My thinking for the scoring system is
    highest place finisher 30 points
    next highest place     25 points
    next highest place     24 points and so on down
    to the lowest placed     1 point.
    There will be a 5 point bonus for the highest finisher if they actually win the tourny.

    The scoring tourny's will be the 8.15pm Deepstack £100 gtd on a monday and a friday.

    Any questions?
  • edited May 2010
    Hi bornablade just wondering how are you going to keep it to just the 26 players .Has the tourny been blocked on sky so other players cant enter unless they are on your list ? Just a thought mate, and by the way great job in getting this tourny up and running Good Luck to all 26 players see you on monday .
  • edited May 2010
    I think its only the 26 players that can score Chew,  anyone can enter the tourney and win it, but unless they are in the 26 they can not compete in league
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: An Idea for fans of the deep stack low stakes buy ins:
    Right then folks, we have 26 players. My thinking for the scoring system is highest place finisher 30 points next highest place     25 points next highest place     24 points and so on down to the lowest placed     1 point. There will be a 5 point bonus for the highest finisher if they actually win the tourny. The scoring tourny's will be the 8.15pm Deepstack £100 gtd on a monday and a friday. Any questions?
    Posted by bornablade
    No problem with any of that Bladey ^^^^^^^^^ makes perfect sense.

    Just would like to clarify a couple points though if I may...

    1) The 1st one of these is this Monday (May 31st) and there will be NINE qualifying tournaments in total, ending with the one on Monday 28th June.
    2) There is NO OBLIGATION to play EVERYONE of these but the more that do the better and the more points you will earn.
    3) If there are players not playing, they will receive no points for that game

    EDIT - JUST TO LET YOU KNOW BLADEY THAT ENGLAND PLAY @ 7.30pm on FRIDAY 18th JUNE SO I FOR ONE WILL BE FORCED TO GO THE PUB TO WATCH IT!!! (Maybe postpone that night and move it to Friday July 2nd?) Your call mate but I just think we will have to be wary of the world cup big games in JUNE
  • edited May 2010
    Thanks Quietman it was just a thought im sure everthing will become clear as we go along see you Monday . Good Luck all .
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: An Idea for fans of the deep stack low stakes buy ins:
    Thanks Quietman it was just a thought im sure everthing will become clear as we go along see you Monday . Good Luck all .
    Posted by chew07
    hi chew,
    as has already been said ONLY the 26 players named on the 1st post will score any points. So hopefully we will have the full 26 players plus the regulars that couldn't make it into our league for whatever reasons plus the others that find our wonderful ds's and take part but points will only go to the 26 of us.

  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: An Idea for fans of the deep stack low stakes buy ins:
    In Response to Re: An Idea for fans of the deep stack low stakes buy ins : No problem with any of that Bladey ^^^^^^^^^ makes perfect sense. Just would like to clarify a couple points though if I may... 1) The 1st one of these is this Monday (May 31st) and there will be NINE qualifying tournaments in total, ending with the one on Monday 28th June. 2) There is NO OBLIGATION to play EVERYONE of these but the more that do the better and the more points you will earn. 3) If there are players not playing, they will receive no points for that game EDIT - JUST TO LET YOU KNOW BLADEY THAT ENGLAND PLAY @ 7.30pm on FRIDAY 18th JUNE SO I FOR ONE WILL BE FORCED TO GO THE PUB TO WATCH IT!!! (Maybe postpone that night and move it to Friday July 2nd?) Your call mate but I just think we will have to be wary of the world cup big games in JUNE
    Posted by MAXALLY
    1, correct, 9 tournys starting monday ending the 28th Jun,
    2 & 3, correct again, No obligation to play, obviously no points if you can't/don't.
     As for the England game. I hadn't realised it was on that night (dohh!) If no objections from everyone else I am quite happy to move it. Maybe play one of the orfordables instead?? Opinions please!
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: An Idea for fans of the deep stack low stakes buy ins:
    In Response to Re: An Idea for fans of the deep stack low stakes buy ins : hi chew, as has already been said ONLY the 26 players named on the 1st post will score any points. So hopefully we will have the full 26 players plus the regulars that couldn't make it into our league for whatever reasons plus the others that find our wonderful ds's and take part but points will only go to the 26 of us. Born
    Posted by bornablade
    I think it's a great idea however i feel you are making a mistake restricting the league to the chosen keep it open to whoever wishes to play in the DS and award points to the top 26, the more interest you stimulate the more popular the DS will become.


  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: An Idea for fans of the deep stack low stakes buy ins:
    In Response to Re: An Idea for fans of the deep stack low stakes buy ins : I think it's a great idea however i feel you are making a mistake restricting the league to the chosen keep it open to whoever wishes to play in the DS and award points to the top 26, the more interest you stimulate the more popular the DS will become. Colin
    Posted by Hjaltland
     This was originally set as a challenge for the regular 8.15 ds players with a couple of exceptions. Kept the field small so as to make it easier for me to keep track as this isn't an official Sky league.
    Hopefully I'll get the chance to run another next month and will expand it a bit to let others take part.
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