ive been with my wife for 12 years married for 5 and been playing poker pretty much from the start of the relationship.since the online game erupted ive spent many numerous nights grinding away on my own unfortunately.but have been reasonably succesful so when she starts to moan i say thats a nice handbag oh remember that holiday in turkey or that weekend in prague she soons buttons up.but amazingly she still has the occasional swipe at me its just women i think.i truly believe had i been single and not married with kids i could of done alot better played more won more but i dont get the time id like to play more events.i liked to play the sky live events but cant see getting the nod for a weekend in glasgow or nottingham where apparently the best looking women are in the country are.if i just had a girlfriend id give her up for poker and when i made it big id be in a better position find the right girl preferebly a poker pro the ideal girlfriend.
Be honest Daz...she's no fool!! Just say, look honey, i really fancy staying up all night drinking beer and playing poker, do you mind?
It is vitally important that you stay SILENT at this point...even if you get 'the look' utter a word and the answer will be YES I DO!!! Stay schtum and eventually the answer will be 'no, not really but don't wake me up when you come to bed...
Problem solved...If you're still playing when you hear her/him get up, have a cuppa and a hug ready, works wonders!!!
oh , dear oh dear, i dont stay up late my poor eye,s get tired these day,s but my fav to my hubbie, when i go to bed at 10 30 pm. he is already in bed , i meen we are in our 80,,s geeeeeeeeeeeezi say i have won a 30p double your money. he say,s well done my sweet , iv,e just taken the viagra, well im back down stair,s playing poker faster than you can say, horlicks.
think of when u come home drunk. if you sneak in quietly without a sound, she is gonna wake up and give you hell. But come in, fall over slap backside and tell her she is gonna get laid, she aint gonna wake for no man and u get as much poker as you want!!!
come on girl,s time to fight back. my hubbie is a sparky so i no how to help.pull all plugs out of there sockets.take the back of plugs of.gently unscrew the yellow, blue and brown cables then lossen the connections. replace back of plugs making sure they are tight we dont want them to notice we have been messing with the plugs. now plug back into the sockets. there we are girls no connection.xxx
It is vitally important that you stay SILENT at this point...even if you get 'the look' utter a word and the answer will be YES I DO!!! Stay schtum and eventually the answer will be 'no, not really but don't wake me up when you come to bed...
Problem solved...If you're still playing when you hear her/him get up, have a cuppa and a hug ready, works wonders!!!
think of when u come home drunk. if you sneak in quietly without a sound, she is gonna wake up and give you hell. But come in, fall over slap backside and tell her she is gonna get laid, she aint gonna wake for no man and u get as much poker as you want!!!