Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
is anyone else having problems with games not opening this evening, i have played 2day but @ 7.04pm n 8.05pm i had 2 games that did not open, on hand history i see that STUPENDOUS was on my table and that the game had been played told me that it affected every1 obviously not, is it just me??
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You can check if your table is running by putting your pointer on My Sky Poker, click on My Tables, then click on running, click on you game that is running, take the page up a little, you should see 3 buttons, Tournament Lobby, Find Similar Tables and Launch Tournment, clicking on the last button should do it.
loads to 29.6% then starts counting backwards
what a waste of time - not to mention the £