Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
im now leaving sky poker because of the slow speed of the tables. I cannot play 4 tables without Lags.... Im a heavy multitabler on Pokerstars (16-24 Tables). When i play on sky here its so slow... cannot play nearly 4 tables without having LAGS which cost me money and money and money when i timeout.....
Using already Low Quality flash firefox addon but still cpu usage of 99%!!!! 50mbit internet connection....
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I hope you don't have to give up on sky, it's a great site, with even greater potential, but if you do, you should keep coming back to see if the download has been released--- I heard it's going to be floppin marvellous!!!
You could try cleaning up your pc for now, or win enough for a new one--lol--- good luck m8