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I'm not sure but I think someone may have brought this up previously?
Whilst writing a post on the forum I had a pop up come on my screen about registering for the SPT semi. I clicked on the "done" button but instead of disappearing like it should have it just stayed there & I couldn't do anything with my post (I tried to copy & paste but it wouldn't let me copy the text).
I was quite annoyed as it was a reasonably lengthy post & I had to start over again as the only way I could get rid of it was to close my browser.
After I'd reopened my browser & logged on again to re-type my post the thing came back. This time it did disappear after I'd clicked the "done" button but came back again literally 5 seconds later!
Two things:
1 - Please can someone take a look into why it wouldn't go away the first time (fwiw I was using IE8 at the time as I was posting a hand history)
2 - Can you please sort it that once you've clicked it off it doesn't come back? If I wanted to play the advertised tourney I would've registered!
I have a screenshot if you want me to Email it. I would post it here but they take forever to get approved.
Thanks in advance
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I'll hand this over to the rest of the team for investigation. Hopefully we'll manage to get to the bottom of this one.
If we need anymore info a member of the team may come back to you with more questions.
Kind Regards.