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Problem with writing notes and typing in bet amounts
When trying to make a note on a player or typing in a bet amount, the cursor jumps to the front, eg if i wanted to bet £12 and typed a 1 then a 2, it would put in £21,
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No lol! It doesnt do it on anything else!
Restarted my computer but still does it. Never had a problem before. Use IE.
When you see any issues such as these, could you please if possible take screenshots?
Then if you could provide details of browser version and OS used, plus the tournament you're playing and the time you saw the issue, and then send all these details to customer care we can then properly investigate.
@ Lee, we cant take screenshots because these problems won't show up on screenshots, it looks as if its happening on multiple browser versions / OS's though. I noticed it happening on my cash tables on Friday night (the 27th), haven't played in the last couple of days but sounds like the problem is still there from what others have said too. It looks like this could be a glitch with some of the software updates perhaps?
Go on, you know you want to.
The big problem for me is it is near impossible to make notes when multi`ing. I will click on player I want to make a note on, click the cursor in the box. I will start typing, but as soon as there is action on another table, the cursor will jump. So I could have typed a whole sentance into note box, look back and there is like the first 2 letters there. Sooo frustrating. I have brought this issue up before but nothing has been done.( IE8 btw)
When on firefox, I dont even have a flashing cursor, so I have no Idea where Im about to type.
Google Chrome....w..t..f.. is that all about. The table sizing is mad, click on miniview and you will be lucky to see one of your oppos avatars left eye.