Great mention with Pans Labyrinth (like a fairytale for adults)
Halloween use to be scary when i was at the age i shouldnt be watching them, and he always seemed to be chasing some naked top heavy lovely, which was most upsetting
In Response to Re: Best Horror Movie : Show off! Here's a question for fans of The Shining... In the movie, it's implied that the power to "shine" is hereditary (Hallorann talks about being able to have conversations with his grandmother without speaking). So, from which parent did Danny inherit his "talent"? You're thinking Jack, right? If so, how is Wendy able to see the ghosts, blood in the corridor, etc. during the final act...? Posted by J-Hartigan
Halloween use to be scary when i was at the age i shouldnt be watching them, and he always seemed to be chasing some naked top heavy lovely, which was most upsetting