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any advice??

edited November 2010 in The Shed

Hello guys and gals,....
well as some of you MAY know, My other post was deleted due to "content being at risk of causing offence"....well do folk HAVE to read/add if they dont like what they see??
Anyways thats all sorted now, so here I am again with a new post....
NOT poker related, not research based, just me having a babble and askin for some advice....

I have my 1st reall driving lesson today  eeeek. I say "real" as my hubby has been teaching me the basics, getting me to start, take of, gears etc roundabouts and the dreaded junctions too....
I ALWAYS SEEM tostall at ANY junction thouh!?!?!??!
Well I did untill i realised that if i use the clutch AND brake i will be

So thats it, driving lesson today, Paying this guy so i HOPE he teaches me what I need to know....
My hubby is a GREAT teacher thats for sure.....patients of a saint, and got me from wanting to get out the car in the middle of the road and just abanding the whole "learn to drive thing" ( well i stalled the car, on a slight hilled junction and couldnt restart again, despite MANY attempts, I Kept juddering, and i.m.o. I wasnt ANY good and should JUST GET A BUS PASS!!!! LOL

So, the days went by, the lessons got more frequesnt and hey presto.... I was doing it.... me, smiler driving!
I felt 10ft tall when i got out the car, Confidence soaring through the roof...... expecting to have a few more lessons before my "real lesson" on FRIDAY!!!!  Then i got a call, telling me there was a free slot today at 10 am did i want it,   erm........... YES.
But Now im sat here, and deep in thought, should i of waited till friday? had a few more lessons with my hubby 1st? or should i go with it and just remember how good it was on my last on on monday with him.......

So, 10am, if your out and about in my neck of the woods, PLEASE be nice to ANY Learner drivers you may see!!!!
DO NOT toot your horn at them, do NOT get up behind there rear end at a junction( cos if its me, your likely to get a dent in your car LOL) and do not try scare the learner driver with any show of macho carp that I have seen so many times from other drivers when a learner is on the road and in front of there car...ITS NOT FAIR!!!!

YOU had to learn sometime too !  well Id like to think you did anyway!!! either that or your out there  without a licence or test MOT insurance etc etc.....  which WILL NOT be good for you if i do happen to roll backwards into your car at a junction   LOL

So, my question is this....

is it ever to late to learn to drive?
what age should you give up TRYING to learn?

and any tips on how too get passed from learner to licenced driver without to much expensive lessons???

OK Poll time i think....

As some of you know, my posts are sometimes a bit long,
I HAVE thought about adding a blog, and might just do so after this.......keep a blog on all good and bad stuff that WILL happen on my journey of discovery behind the wheel......

well I dont wanna offend anyone else by adding the wrong stuff to the shed afterall...... lol

So  feel free to reply, or just look for the blog ( may cut and paste this as my opening blog though,....easier to notice i guess, and saves me retyping it too !! LAZY MARE!!!LOL)

ok answer my poll, pop to my blog, read, reply what ever ...but PLEASE, and I AM ASKING YOU NICELY here....dont feel the need to pick me up on my spelling errors...... This is not an essay for Uni that im doing, its a quick typed post inbetween doing 1000 other forgive a few errors here and there please.....

Thank you for reading....
look forward  to your posts or comments




  • edited September 2010
    Ride ya clutch !!
  • edited September 2010
    Good luck Smiler :)

    Get a car with two pedals (you have two feet!) - clutch pedals are sooooo last century lol

  • edited September 2010
    Bit lost for words with this one Debbie....and seeing as you cant really maim or shoot the instructor, the best advice I can offer is;

    Be yourself
    Don't be too defensive
    The brake pedal is in the middle
    Red = stop

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
     Don't take any notice of them "Smiler" love your Alias.   Women are the Best Drivers on the road by far.!  wait for it ........ wait ......  wont be long now ........ wait
    Posted by logdon
     OK I carnt resist. The only reason women are the best drivers on the road is because their erratic driving pushes other drivers onto the embankmount! :0
  • edited September 2010
    FFS u have a hubby anyway a nice cheery post  spot on and stick with driving lessons .
    Note do not get out the car and throw the keys at the teacher saying you fliping(a wee edit note) take it
    as i did (on my 1st test aswell) so you can workout how that whent .

    10/10 smiler271 :)   :)   :)

  • edited September 2010
    I hope that the lesson went well for you Smiler. 

    In answer to the question on how to get from a learner driver to qualified without too many expensive lessons, I would say do what you have already been doing and keep driving with your husband.  This not only keeps you in practice between your "Real" lessons but also gets you used to driving different cars.

    With regards to the question "is it ever to late to learn to drive" I would say no, as long as you feel comfortable behind the wheel.  I have no idea how old you are but you certainly sound as though you have the confidence to make an excellent driver.

    Remember too that when the time comes for your driving test, just relax.  When I took my test I stalled the car at the first junction and thought that's it I have failed so I totally relaxed for the rest of the test and surprise surprise I passed lol.  And if the unfortunate should happen and you fail the first time then please DON'T give up, you WILL get there.

    Good luck to you and happy motoring.


  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    In Response to Re: any advice?? : Glad you agreed with me that Woman are the best Drivers on the road. "Donut" are you the person that leaves all those tyre mark's down country lanes.?  Bet you have a bean can on your exhaust and go faster stripes. fluffy dice and your name on the windscreen. Putting men drivers on the embankment that's number 22 on the list of 100 ways to ditch your Fella.!   Right never mind all that,  my best advice for you Debbie to pass your test is to ask your Instructor [not hubby] to list your weak points and get hubby to let you practice them over and over in your car. Hubby may think he is a great driver but men do tend to have bad habits that could rub off on your driving ability. Reading the road ahead gives you the extra time to be in the right lane and right gear so you don't panic and make mistakes. The Examiner is looking that you can control the vehicle at all times and that you are a Safe Driver little mistakes will not fail you and if you do get something wrong he or she will be looking to see how you cope with it. Best of Luck  and  " BE PREPARED " to pass.! Annie x
    Posted by logdon
    Hi annie
    Lesson went GREAT....
    with in 10 mins i was OF the industrial estate and on one of those REAL ROAD thingys LOL
    Thanks to my hubby for all his time, patients and calming words for getting me this far.....
    Next lesson on wednesday next week, I WILL get back to replying to all posts THIS EVE, just of to cook some scoff...starvin here lol

    Talk soon
    cheers for post
  • edited September 2010
    my only advice is if you are going to use drugs, don't drive!
  • edited September 2010
    are you ever too old to learn? NO. my mum learnt when she was 60.....don't know how she was flaming dangerous!! good luck!!
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    Ride ya clutch !!
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Well, I try that when Expoacher takes me out in our car for a few "confidence building" lessons..............

     BUT we have replaced the clutch once 400 quid later, its time i go to the pro with dual

    Long time no you been?  well i hope, hows the tables treating you?

    Keep smilling

  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    Good luck Smiler :) Get a car with two pedals (you have two feet!) - clutch pedals are sooooo last century lol
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    Thanks for your GREAT advice, I DID want to go with a manual car.... and WOULD of if i didnt pick up this silly clutch thing.... but seems i got it down ok today....

  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    Bit lost for words with this one Debbie....and seeing as you cant really maim or shoot the instructor, the best advice I can offer is; Be yourself Don't be too defensive The brake pedal is in the middle Red = stop GOOD LUCK!!!!!
    Posted by emilyegg
    PMSL... U NEVER LET ME DOWN with your violent responces to ANYone with a pulse PMSL....:))))))
    next time your my way  give me warning....i'll lock all doors and windows this time oppose to looking on local news for a rise in shootings or cellar " incidents" LOL!!
    Anyways, I was myself, poor bloo min instructors ears were bleeding i think.... I nattered away for 2 hours, poor g i t  LOL

    BUT The fact he was replying must of meant he was ok with it and with my driving, No teeth marks or nail impressions on dash board, no vallium taken, ( by either party) and I was hame intime to cook tea....  NO starving hubby this week either LOL   wow im doing good

    Hows you?  ok i hope....

    had a few nice comments on this post, so i think i will steer clear from looking into my debate questions for a little while, dont want this one popped of  aswell....

    well, driving went well, uni starts back soon, our anniversary soon ( I chose to go camping!!!  I CANNA WAIT either!!!!  LOL)  so all smiles on my face....

    Take care  talk soon

  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    In Response to Re: any advice?? :  OK I carnt resist. The only reason women are the best drivers on the road is because their erratic driving pushes other drivers onto the embankmount! :0
    Posted by Donut64
    So YOU seen me driving today then?  lol   sssshhhh!!! im telling everyone it went well.... dont mention the embankment incident!! please! LOL
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    FFS u have a hubby anyway a nice cheery post  spot on and stick with driving lessons . Note do not get out the car and throw the keys at the teacher saying you fliping(a wee edit note) take it as i did (on my 1st test aswell) so you can workout how that whent . 10/10 smiler271 :)   :)   :)
    Posted by -JINKY-
    well do i call you Mr Johnston  ( OR  Johnson!?!?!)  or JUST JINKY??  :0))))

    anyways THANK YOU for your nice comment
    The lesson did go good, as you may of read already....

    I was on to a "real road" after a few mins, then of onto a dual carriage way too..... so i guess I wasnt as bad as i thought...either that or the meere fact the tutor has dual control and THATS the ONLY reason I did NOT stall once!!! LOL

    I LOVED IT, had lots of fun and am looking forward to next lesson

    as for me having a hubby, well YES and thank goodness I do.... hes a true star, taught me what I needed to know re: driving and didnt loose it once...  who ever said NEVER let your family or hubby/wife teach you to drive cos it WONT WORK!!  was W R O N G !!!!

    Mine did a GREAT job...

    Thank you for your reply
    I look forward to seeing more adds to this post as time ticks by.

    ( I WILL add a daily post re: how its all going.....   I dont expect it to be like watching paint dry thats for sure, but you may be worried you have dyslexia when you are done reading, BUT I ASSURE YOU .... its NOT you!! your eye sight is FINE it is DEFO MY SPELLING!!!LOL

    Just be patient m sure you will get an understanding of how i write before to long...

    have a good evening jinky

    Kind regards

  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    I hope that the lesson went well for you Smiler.  In answer to the question on how to get from a learner driver to qualified without too many expensive lessons, I would say do what you have already been doing and keep driving with your husband.  This not only keeps you in practice between your "Real" lessons but also gets you used to driving different cars. With regards to the question "is it ever to late to learn to drive" I would say no, as long as you feel comfortable behind the wheel.  I have no idea how old you are but you certainly sound as though you have the confidence to make an excellent driver. Remember too that when the time comes for your driving test, just relax.  When I took my test I stalled the car at the first junction and thought that's it I have failed so I totally relaxed for the rest of the test and surprise surprise I passed lol.  And if the unfortunate should happen and you fail the first time then please DON'T give up, you WILL get there. Good luck to you and happy motoring. Steve
    Posted by Kiwini4u
    THANK YOU thios was a really polite reply, I did have a good lesson, and had fun too, as for giving up if i failed 1st time, I dont think thats in my nature,  I got to where I am today by being VERY stubborn....and not quiting....
    I THINK that as soon as my confidence grows some more, i will be ok about the learning aspect of driving and getting things in order, I do worry about the theory though..... guess its the fact that I am dyslexic and the theory is a timed test......  I do get extra time at Uni for essays and exams etc  You reckon they will give me longer to do the theory? or you think thats asking to much?

    I will post to this thread as often as poss, daily I HOPE  and keep updated on my driving etc......

    THANK YO again for your reply

    have a wonderful eve
     kind regards

  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    my only advice is if you are going to use drugs, don't drive!
    Posted by Mr_Miyagi
    LOL  nah,  i was JUST researching them for uni!! LOL
  • edited September 2010
    well here I am again as promised.....

    the end of what appears to be a very positive day....

    driving instructor came at 10 am, a wee bit early! ( always a good sign)

    Got me to local industrial estate, and went through the paper work and cash thing.....

    " what does that licence plate read?" My reply was spot on..... so he allowed me into his precious and very new car.....  My feet didnt touch the peddals, and i couldnt see the mirrors.... eeeek.!!!

    Seat put right, mirrors adjusted and key turned..

    Foot on clutch, got the bite and away I went.....  a little while later he tells me im doing great and then I remember that on the way over to the esate, he said we or I should say I " will  be driving to a near by town" I Just laughed, nervously  Thinking "" he will NEVER let me on a road just yet"" NEVER!!! LOL

    BUT little did i know he wanst messing on, I was onto a road, approaching a roundabout  "" ** OOOH NOOOO what do i do here???"*** I was then thinking wat would expoacher do??  what would he tell me to do in this situation??  Ok i managed to get myself together.... I stayed calm, kept control of the car and done it, on and of the roundabout with NO

    BUT 45 mins later im STILL in the driving seat, and on way to a near by town, on a steep hill, stopping behind a truck... HILL START!!!! 1st LESSON!?!?!?!   BUT I managed it  FINE!!!  LOL PHEW!!!!!

    so as we continued, i was more confident UNTILL........   " right change up to 4th     more gas.....  change to 5th.....   keep it at 50mph   OOOOHHH ECK!!!

    I was doing it, dual carriage way at 50mph !WOW!!!  smile on my face REALY BIG!!
    Heart pounding and driving along at 50... all i was able to think was " I WISH My Hubby was here to see this,....  he would be SOOOOOOO proud of me right now"

    Anyway the 2 hours went by soo quick infact....

    I then heard , pull over up here at the drain, 4 inches from curbside... ( oh no, 4 inches, erm, what did he tell me to do for this one?? how do i judge this again???) BUT i remembered and managed to do ( I quote) a text book stop and curbside stop...... WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO


    so i am sat here with my brain spinning, still smiling and ready to sleep....  its only 20:46 too     sign of old age i

    No work till monday either, so feet up, dvd on and chill out for the night  while Expoacher battles the poker sites   fluttering between 70 dollars and 130 dollars....

    I THINK im all pokered out TBH, came 3rd in a freeroll in the August thingy ran on here, and then made the winnings into 105 quid.....  well with my hubby advicing of course, after all we ALL know that the ONLY reason I PLAY ON HERE IS DUE TO THE BEST HAND bit on all tables... Id be lost if i didnt have that telling me hand i had LOL!!!

    so, time to go chill now, and I bid you ALL a good night....

    I will post more tomorrow... going to do my practice theory tomorrow, FINGERS CROSSED!!! Im gonna TRY do it with NONE of the dyslexia software I have on my laptop, and no accetates on my screen etc TRY to do it how I THINK the test centre will make me do it......

    OH NOOOO Im nervous already LOL and its ONLY a practice! LOL

    OK time to go now....

    Thank you all for reading my post and adding to it when you have the time to do so....

    Kind regards to you all



  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    In Response to Re: any advice?? : THANK YOU thios was a really polite reply, I did have a good lesson, and had fun too, as for giving up if i failed 1st time, I dont think thats in my nature,  I got to where I am today by being VERY stubborn....and not quiting.... I THINK that as soon as my confidence grows some more, i will be ok about the learning aspect of driving and getting things in order, I do worry about the theory though..... guess its the fact that I am dyslexic and the theory is a timed test......  I do get extra time at Uni for essays and exams etc  You reckon they will give me longer to do the theory? or you think thats asking to much? I will post to this thread as often as poss, daily I HOPE  and keep updated on my driving etc...... THANK YO again for your reply have a wonderful eve  kind regards smiller
    Posted by smiler271
    Hi again Smiler

    I found this on the DSA's webpage, hope it helps put your mind at rest.


    Facilities for those with reading difficulties

    If you have dyslexia or other reading difficulties you can ask for an English or Welsh voiceover. You can also request to have up to double time for the multiple choice part of the theory test. If you require more than the standard time of 40 minutes for the multiple choice part you will need to send in evidence of your reading difficulty to the theory test booking customer services.

    Edit: There is also a whole section here with advise to driving instructors with learners who have dyslexia.


  • edited September 2010
    Brilliant Debbie, chuffed to hear it went Tickety-Boo and you enjoyed it. Really Good that your Hubby managed to give you some tuition as well....THIS VERY RARELY WORKS!!!! so a big well done to your hubby as well.

    You live in a great area to learn to drive and any sojourns onto the A66 or A19 shouldnt be too bad because of all the speed cameras around.

    Continued Good Wishes to you both.
  • edited September 2010
    Some advice i can give is that it is better if possible to have your test just after lunch because that is the part of the day that the examiners are at their happiest and most contented.

    Also if you check your mirror every time you change gear it becomes second nature and is enough easily for the examiner to see that you do it. Once you adopt this you won't have to worry about this part of the test.

    I got caught out on my test when he wanted me to reverse around a corner. He asked me as we were driving along a road to ''pull in '' after the next road on the left. I indicated in good time to pull in but someone pulled out of the road on front of me because they thought i was going to actually turn left and i nearly hit them lol.

    If you are on your test and you do anything that you think you have failed on ask the examiner politely if you can do it again.

    Good luck and hope you pass.
  • edited September 2010
    DRIVNG THEORY  " PRACTICE" today.......

    erm, are these REALLY the same type of questions I will have on my real theory test?
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    In Response to Re: any advice?? : Hi again Smiler I found this on the DSA's webpage, hope it helps put your mind at rest. Steve Facilities for those with reading difficulties If you have dyslexia or other reading difficulties you can ask for an English or Welsh voiceover. You can also request to have up to double time for the multiple choice part of the theory test. If you require more than the standard time of 40 minutes for the multiple choice part you will need to send in evidence of your reading difficulty to the theory test booking customer services. Edit: There is also a whole section here  with advise to driving instructors with learners who have dyslexia. Steve
    Posted by Kiwini4u
    MASSIVE THANK YOU for this....
    it has made me a little more settled about doing it now, as for the tutor, well he said he has tought a few folk with dyslexia.... but seems to still go through things quickly, and very quick I mean too...... I know I can just stop and ask him to repeat but I think that 15 mins explaining something to me is a waist of driving lesson time..... dont ya think? He seemed to be really good yesterday, however he did take a few phone calls while i was in driver seat, one i remember ( now I have calmed down some more and my adrenaline is back to a normal level lol)  was I  am approachng a roundabout, getting closer and closer, NOT a clue what to do or what way  to go ; I had to ASK HIM , wat way? what shall i do now?   he quickly said " piggy back this car round, keep going slow and then foot on gas" LONG instruction for me BUT I DID IT!!! I was a bit scared at how close i was to the car i was meant to be Piggy backing though! I THINK she was scared to when she seen a L driver in her rear mirror lol  
    " so in the rare coincidence that the lady in the blue corsa who had a L driver up her b u tt on a roundabout yesterday morning..... IM SO SO SO SORRY!!!! I was told to do that!!  


    Thanks again for your reply
    I will check the web site out today, for now I will go and dream about how GREAT it will be WHEN i pass and am able to hit the road with me in the driver seat.....  im sure my hubby will be so happy to, NO more tesco runs with me LOL OR nip me to here there and everywhere.... I can go of out on saturdays while he has his mega multy tables going on, Im sure he will be cool with the quiet so he can concentrate a LOT more too lol

    have a good day

  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    Brilliant Debbie, chuffed to hear it went Tickety-Boo and you enjoyed it. Really Good that your Hubby managed to give you some tuition as well....THIS VERY RARELY WORKS!!!! so a big well done to your hubby as well. You live in a great area to learn to drive and any sojourns onto the A66 or A19 shouldnt be too bad because of all the speed cameras around. Continued Good Wishes to you both.
    Posted by emilyegg
    cheers mate....and yes he is a star.... especially taking into concideration I starved him for that week while i was elbows deep in chips on this poker site !!LOL
    Malnutrition did not set in, he did not loose conciousness either, infact he managed  despite my being a neglectful wifey and not feeding him LOL

    all joking to one side tho
    He did do great, gave me the confidence i needed to tackle yesterdays lesson as i did....
    but there again, thats him all over, ALWAYS giving me the strength and confidence I need to get through things  such as driving Uni, exams interviews etc etc  OH NOOOOO I best stop there or you may see a red warning triangle..." debbie getting all soppy" LOL....cough cough....  Let the Leithers down if i do that eh?LOL

    Phew  thank goodness I saved meself there ! pmsl

    anyways, of to do some reading on driving website thingy ( note my technical terminology there?LOL)

    Catch ya later

    have a great day....
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    He seemed to be really good yesterday, however he did take a few phone calls while i was in driver seat
    Posted by smiler271
    While you were driving? I hope not - that's a huge NO NO (Illegal) so would be especially bad from an official instructor. When with a learner driver the passenger is bound by all the same laws as they would as a driver, for example - not using mobile phones or being under the influence of drink or drugs.

    You wanna give him a slap for that! ;-) lol

  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    In Response to Re: any advice?? : Hi Debbie  Just noticed you are taking Manual Test and not Automatic is that correct.?  If you are learning with dual controls check the Instructor is not slowing you down by braking for you. I have a friend that failed because she was driving to fast on her test and afterwards found out the Instructor had his foot on the brakes all the time. If hubby is teaching you in your car you may not have this problem. The Instructor taking calls while you were driving is illegal and unprofessional as he is in charge of the vehicle not you, but a passengers can take mobile calls but drivers have to be hands free. I have button on my steering wheel and just press for incoming calls which comes through the car speakers so I don't have to pick up mobile and hold it to my ear. That would result,  if caught, in three points and fine not the best of starts to you new driving career. At the moment your thinking don't have enough time to take calls to many other things to do but soon you will be switching the CD on and window shopping. Keep posting great to read about your progress so far were all routing for you.  gl Annie x
    Posted by logdon
    THANK YOU, as for my tutor, he was on hands free.... but I was a bit put of when approaching the roundabout thouh lol

    Anyway, its all looking good, i am looking forward to my next lesson, and still practicing with road signs etc... I was HOPING to be up and running by the time i went back to uni, ( october 4th) as my brain will have SO much oher stuf going on once im back, im not sure i will find a slot for my driving instructions as well.... awe well i live in hope....

    He did advice me to leave going out in our own car for at least 2 weeks with my hubby as he dont want me making any errors that cud knock my confidence back to zero.... as for the breaks etc, he only used the clutch on his side once or twice as i still havent learnt how to do it as smooth as i shud be, so to take away any " OOOHHH noooo im sorry" from me, ( I always appologise when i judder a little or make a mistake lol) so I THINK he may of used it for that reason only, never used the break at all, infact he was telling me to use the gas a lot more than i was..... never thought id be abe to drive at 50 mph EVER!!! LOL  but I did... hoooorrraaaayy

    Anyways I best get of here for now, I will pop back later and update this post, didnt get the chance to do my practice theory yesterday, " life got in the way" lol

    But I will do it today for sure.. ill let ya know how it goes

    Thanks for replying
    I will keep posting thanks

    Have a great day

  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    In Response to Re: any advice?? : While you were driving? I hope not - that's a huge NO NO (Illegal) so would be especially bad from an official instructor. When with a learner driver the passenger is bound by all the same laws as they would as a driver, for example - not using mobile phones or being under the influence of drink or drugs. You wanna give him a slap for that! ;-) lol
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    He did have an ear peice in, so are  hands free isnt as bad as taking calls without is it....
    he did do good though, i mean he got me from an industrial estate to a dual carriage way in no more than 30 mins..... thats MASSIVE for me   ( imo anyway lol)

    Thanks for your replies, keep em coming... also feel free to add anything you can think of that will benefit me in my driving lessons, theory OR to pass asap.....

    NOT ALL women are good at multy tasking, so i wanna TRY get it done before the heavy stuff starts at going into my final year, so dissertation will HAVE to take priority over everything else, BUT I am afraid that IF I leave it TO long between essons I wont have the same confidence I had on last lesson ( ooh eck am i making any sence ere?? LOL been in sun a lot today LOL)
    So, I wanna pass quic, i wanna be safe and keep incotrol, i also wanna be able to retain ALL he tells me as well as learn new stuff.... OH nooo thats a lot of wants eh!LOL

    So ANY advice, tips, or tools to use  would be great
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: any advice??:
    my only advice is if you are going to use drugs, don't drive!
    Posted by Mr_Miyagi

    erm..... I answered this post WRONG!!! LOL
    I have ONLY ever done research on here into the drug thing,
    No more said on that topic PLEASE as thats WHY my last research post was pulled, due to the research topic.... so please refrain from that topic  on this post please.....

    Seems i got in "trouble" for doing research for my dissertation...but thats all sorted now.....driving is the topic of choice for my posts now....

    Thank you for your reply

    Have a great week

  • edited September 2010
    I honestly don't think it was the drugs discussion that caused the problem Debbie. I am certain it was the Proclaimers videos we were posting........
  • edited September 2010
    well well..... NOT all good news this eve!!!!

    The theory test ( practice run ONLY)

    I had a LOT right, infact over 75% correct BUT I failed my practice.... all due to me getting a small cluster wrong in one area oppose to a selection wrong in a wide range of areas.... (making any sense?...hope so)

    I got the road signs right, the speed on road section right and some hasard perception stuff right BUT I DID NOT get the stopping distance from vehicle right nor the what to do in some situations such as " when CAN you cross the double white lines in middle of road" OR what to do in case of emergency.... oh well I am going to retake it this eve.....

    Just popping of to cook tea now though, so i will pop back this eve ( or tomorrow) and update you all on the theory thing...

    Thanks to Dragon Naturally speaking" I can get a pass mark in this theory despite dyslexia, gonna hear back from test centre about if i can use such a programme when taking actual test or have a voice over etc... fingers crossed thogh eh!

    OK Cooking tea now

    TATA for now  guys and gals

    have a great eve


  • edited September 2010
    Learner to Qualified tips :-
    1) Always use a qualified instructor - he/she wont teach you bad habits
    2) subsidise with lessons with hubby (try sundays when quiet)
    3) Try for a multi lesson deal normally 10 or 20 lessons are cheaper!
    4) Never accept a lesson in rush hour, its a waste of time if your stuck in traffic for half the lesson.
    5) Don't panic!!! Thats the instructors job lol.
    When you have finally passed, it can be quite scary driving on your own with no passengers so make that first time a Sunday morning really early when there is little traffic, this will help you gain confidence!
    One last point - i cant believe they wiped the drug thread, i thought it was a very good topic to discuss here and there were some very good contributions, the mods are a fickle bunch eh?
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